Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Jedi Paddy Basics Course with Master Rhen - Control Aspect

I'll post a Jedi Paddy Basics course with my Jedi Master Rhen after the invasion. We will be going over such things regarding the "Control" aspect - abilities centered on the Initiate's own body and self - like curato salva, altus sopar, and tutaminis. If these work out, I will continue with a series on breathing control, tapas, remaining conscious, and the like before we continue onto "Alter" basics.

I realize most people may not be interested in learning the basics, but if you want to, please feel free to join!

Feel free to sign up below so I can tag you , or join up when the faction thread comes up.

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