Location Name:
The Jedi Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple was designed with immersion in mind, body, spirit and environment. The technology that encompasses the inner workings of the Enclave is state of the art, the outter Enclave is made of architecture that melds with the natural topography of the planet with natural colors and markings. Natural structures and artistry adourn the grounds, springs, waterfalls and glowing pools bring a beauty to the outside. This a sharp contrast to the inside which is very "functional" with cool colors, still matching the outter topography and environment, calm flowing lines, relaxed features, and a natural serenity. The difference on the inside is there is a level of technology that allows, operates, encourages and maintains the operations of learning, training and preparation, Overall, the facility is a natural wonder, but there is more than meets the eye, which is a loose interpretation of the Jedi themselves.
The Shadow Temple "hides in plain sight" in and around the great city of Kachirho. The outside of the Enclave acts as much of a tourist attraction in a manner of speaking, resort like features and ammenities adorn the outter buildings.
This is to encourage activity and visits, bringing not only a rise in the local economyt, but to decrease any potential suspicion of what the eye might be tricking you into believing. The inside of the facility is where the Enclave is home, which is accessible through various winding and interconnecting pathways, access halls and tunnels, technically the majority of the facility is inside the two massive trees and thus much of the outside matches the remainder of the city. These tunnels and accessways are only made available through either specially grooved Wookiee claws (for the tribal elders aware of the Temple's location) and reaching out through the Force with the proper wording.
Natural camouflage and architecture, as well as Force Sensitive cloacking techniques make up the majority of the concealment, the rest is early warning detection and shield generators. This combined with the
"Shyyyo's Heart" tribe (referring to the
Shyyyo bird of Kashyykk) members being the only ones outside of Jedi who know of the Enclave's existence make it an almost impossible find. If for some reason one is able to get past these points, Temple Guard (trained personally by Master Vanagor) and droids make up the checkpoints, everyone who enters is "checked in" so there is a constant awareness of who is there and who is not (or shouldn't be).
Key Characters or Contacts:
Llafyks (NPC) - Shyyyo's Heart Elder.
Caltin Vanagor
- Facility Overseer
Jenara Starborn
- Master Consular/Seer, instructor and public Liaison
Aric Siasides
- Master Sentinel/Shadow, head of Temple Guard
Rules and Notes:
Advanced Training: What separates the Shadow Temple from others is that while this does "Specialize", it does so in the manner of offering advanced path Training. A Sentinel could learn to be an Investigator, a Consular learning to be a Healer, a Guardian to be a Jedi Ace, to name a few examples. The Temple does not turn away Padawans, but there is little to offer them at the moment except on a case by case basis because of the size and the focused training they receive here.
Relaxed Atmosphere: This Facility teaches intently on the future and that in itself is difficult enough, Jedi should be allowed downtime and that is where the Shadow Temple thrives. Security measures in place allow for the realization that they are not easily going to be attacked here.
Training for the future: Times change and so must the Jedi. There are always going to need to be new methods and approaches to learning that will shape the Jedi of the future.
[Specify any rules or unique details about the location that students or visitors should be aware of.]
Additional Features (Optional):
The Common Area is where Jedi in the middle of training, or simply relaxing, can walk among and around the locals should they wish to. The natural contructions and lush view allow for easy "conversation starters".
The Shadow Temple does discriminate, but not for any illegitimate reason. The use of these facilities and lands are under strict agreement with the
"Shyyyo's Heart" tribe and require a natural security
from the Jedi, not just
for them, but for the natural serenity of the planet itself. Much of the physical training a Jedi who attends will be conducted outside in, around and among the flora and fauna of the planet.
The Jedi who attend the Shadow Temple are not here simply for a physical education. There is the mental side as well, Investigation is a heavy part of the
Jedi who relied on their intuition and connection to
the Force to perform
detective work and prevent crimes, an extension of the
Jedi Order's traditional role as guardians and peacekeepers. This while those following the path of the Shadow learn about stealth and infiltration (theory before practice)to work for the Council of First Knowledge.(these are only a few of the examples)
When most Learners think about the words "Study Hall" they think about booked and structured time in the
Jedi Archives, or sitting on their own in some dank hall unable to converse with others as it breaks some sort of rule. The purpose behind this is to strengthen individual resourcefulness, self reliance and resolve, as well as decrease and elminate distractions. This method is prudent and effective and has been for thousands of years.
The Shadow Temple was built with training at the forefront, so it may make one wonder why an actual
Starport was buiilt. That being said, the combination of being underground and built within the nearby
Wroshyr Tree proves to be an effective design. The landing bays and berths closer to the Temple are technically on the grounds of the
Kachirho starport making it a good hiding place and reserved for those Jedi with their own ships. Ground crews work to maintain and secure the ships when not in use.
Like the
armory that existed within the
Jedi Temple on the
Galactic Republic capital planet of
Coruscant in the waning years of the
Old Jedi Order, the Shadow Temple has continued this. Within the armory is the
Black Vault, where the storage for
Sith weapons and artifacts will be kept. The outter section of the armory will be staffed with training and protocol droids as well as parts and accessories for weapons such as
Light Whips,
Light Shotos,
Double-Bladed Lightsabers, Lightsaber Pikes, Flails,
San-Ni staffs,
Long-Handle LIghtsabers, and
Blasters. The purpose of all of these parts and pieces to levels that one might wonder to be a bit "excessive" is that it is better to have and "not need" than need and "not have" true that it is a part of a Padawan Learner's path to obtain their own pieces and parts, but this is not an average Temple.
The Gathering Foyer is not to be confused with
The Gathering which is a rite of passage of the
Jedi Order meant as a lesson to teach
Jedi Initiates how to overcome their personal fears or failings and to find a
kyber crystal attuned to their
Force presence in the
Crystal Caves of
Ilum(or a planet conducive to teaching this). Upon retrieving the
crystal, the
youngling can begin the process of constructing his or her
lightsaber, under the guidance of
Professor Huyang. Huyang is of course no lonbger available, but there are several qualified individuals in replacement.
Room of a Thousand Fountains was a large greenhouse located in the
First Knowledge Quarter at the base of the
Jedi Temple on
Coruscant. Containing waterfalls and huge amounts of flora, meditative areas, pottery, and stone walkways, the chamber served as a meditative retreat for the members of the
Jedi Order while staying in the Temple. Though it was destroyed in
19 BBY, the chamber was rebuilt in the
new Jedi Temple circa
35 ABY and is often a mainstay to this very day of newer temples. The Shadow Temple is no different, housing one that is just outside of the Gathering Foyer where Jedi can sit, meditate and just enjoy their surroundings in rare moments of calm.