Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jessica Justice, the Young Justice

Ronan Nakasla

[member="Jessica Justice"], I get the feeling you'd get along well with [member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Gren Reaper"]
[member="Jessica Justice"]
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]

*Looks at daughters... Looks at Gren... Looks at mercenary army and fleet...*

I think we understand each other, don't we lad? ;)
[member="James Justice"]

I don't know... I'm a little confused.

1.) You're asking me to join your military.
2.) You're going to forcefully kindly escort me out of the vicinity.

I pretty sure it's number 2 but you never know.
[member="Gren Reaper"]

I pay well, good benefits, lots of toys, lots of funness... just reccomend you stay way from the female Justices. There's a reason their daddy gives them more guns than anyone else ;)
[member="James Justice"]

I can't say I'd join fully being an agent... but I don't mind making a contract with you. And I won't lay a finger on your young ladies. I'm not too fond of guns :p
[member="Gren Reaper"]

Good boy *tosses bone* :D

We got tons of positions for part time. The business structure includes many openings for job-by-job contract. Come as you like, partake. You get what you put in kinda thing ;)
The Noble Scoundrel said:
[member="Jessica Justice"]

*Looks at title of thread*
*senses a DC comics reference...*
(To keep from breaking immersion with this character, there was not an intentional DC reference, THOUGH, I did laugh hard when I registered it. I'll likely find fun minor ways to work in some references from the series.)

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