Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jethro Longmire

NAME: Jethro Longmire
FACTION: A faction helps a character get into the galactic scene and grow in strength. Feel free to join any that suit the character.
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Cathar/ Togorian mix.
AGE: 28 (human years.
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 8’ 8”
WEIGHT: 580.
EYES: Brown.
HAIR: Tan fur
SKIN: Pink, when his fur is shaved. With his fur he has been described as having tan fur


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Expert marksman, Expert hand- to - hand combatant, Expert Swordsman, Expert survivalist, Expert Tracker, Heightened Senses. Due to his time as a slave Jethro acquired and developed many skills involving combat.
Force Rage: Though activates only under extreme amounts of stress or anger. Memories of his dead wife, are currently capable of breaking the episode, and bring him out of it’s hold.

Weakness: PTSD: Due to his life as a slave, Jethro lives with an extreme version of PTSD that has led to other mental illnesses.
Audio Hallucination, VIsual Hallucination: Again from his life as a slave Jethro will hear or see people from his past that are not there, typically Jethro would begin to see and hear people from his past. Example, he’ll see his deceased wife, or mother, or another person that played a role in his life. Either inspiring hope, or trying to plant despair in him.
Extreme Racism: Due to the fact that random Mandalorian Raiders were the ones that initially attacked his home village, and sold him to slavery in the first place. Jethro upon finding a Mandalorian will fly into frenzy rage an attack him/her until their death.

Like many male Cathar Jethro contains feline features, though he’s only half Cathar he still retains the ability to grow out his mane if he feels like so. However due to his Togorian half, he’s has grown over eight feet tall. Additionally due to his life as a slave he has a muscular frame, since as a slave he was first used as manual labor helping form his muscular frame. His fur is of rusty color, additionally he has stripes throughout his body

Jethro would have grown up a normal child, had not he been sold into slavery. Jethro was born to a Cathar mother and a Togorian father. His five years of life was filled with the happiness other five year olds would know, he had his mother, his litter, and the village he lived at. Until the fateful day Mandalorian raiders had come, and in an instant had come to screeching halt. Jethro doesn’t recall how fast it took from the point the raider had come to the point that he was captured. What he does remember is seeing his mother die attempting to protect her litter , and the fear he felt as a child as he was stuffed in with the cargo of the survivors as they were being transported to what would end up being the auction bay to be sold. His fear grew as he saw his remaining brothers and sisters being sold to slavery one by one, until even he himself was sold into the life of servitude itself. His life as a slave was harsh, he first was used for manual labor with his first master, He doesn’t fully recount what had happened, but he does remember gaining a new master. With his new master he was introduced to the life of a gladiator, through it

His new master had too strong of a thirst for death, and given Jethro’s genetics. He made a perfect warrior, and a great one at that. For a time his anger, fear, and his waking blood lust were saturated. It awoke a beast long birthed, now grown inside the deepest part of his soul. That was until he met the woman that would be his wife. She wasn’t the first woman he had, but she was the one that made it seem as if time itself stood still. She also did something no one thought possible, she sparked the light inside his heart again. For at the time of their meeting Jethro was mostly devoted to the art of combat itself, but with her the other possibility of life itself, became reality. Yet it was not forever, as his master, who was a female and who had cast longing eyes towards Jethro. Soon became she became jealous, and plotted a way to gain back her most prized possession.

Like a true tactician she waited her time to strike, she waited, gut wrenchingly as she witnessed Jethro blood lust wane. Her fear growing that he was leaving the darkness due to this woman that Jethro had come to know as his wife. So when the time came to strike it came swiftly. She had Jethro detained and watch as his wife was tortured and killed, but what was suppose to bring the blood thirsty beast back. Instead, brought on a rage, induced by the Force itself, and with it Jethro made his escape.

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