Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jetii delenda est [ Mandalorian Raid of Ossus vs. SJO ]

Location: Jungle somewhere below thr temple
Allies: [member="Calina Ovmar"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] @Darth Prazitus [member="The Rusted Queen"] [member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Phax"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Enemies: Jedi and Mandos [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
Objective: Still improvising
Gear: In bio

Abyss feet mimicked her stance, as he to was a avid practitioner of from two when it came to lightsaber combat. Other than her salute he allowed the red blade to loosely hand on his side, the tip of the red plasma pointing to the ground. While the core of his movements was makashi, he used a highly personalised version of the form, a version that stood out due to the lack of elegance and the focus on chaos and unpredictability. It was in some ways a simplified version, ignoring the more complex sequences in favor of unorthodox and seemingly random attacks and feints.

Red spit dropped to the ground, as the sith lord removed the blood that had gathered in his mouth. The game plan was fairly simple. As someone who was trained by a master of the second form, he had seen both the strengths and the drawbacks of the form countless times, and he had learned how to expose those drawbacks. The form was at its most dangerous when the user could create a flow of footwork, attacks and defense, so it was key to disrupt any flow she could have right from the start.

The saber rotated once in his right, collecting momentum, while his left pull a invisible weight towards him. Dirt on the ground followed the movement of his right, dancing into the air and in a spilt second the brown dust was send flying towards her face, in a rather simple attempt to blind her. Suddenly and without any further indication he followed up with a wide lunge forward, aiming his blade so the the tip could stab into her stomach should his attack succeed.
D'vok once again drew his blaster. He couldn't just let that jedi die. He might've not been able to kill the sith, but he could at least buy the jedi time. he took several deep breaths, aimed, and fired three times at the sith.
"Hey! Sithy boy! how 'bout you come fight me!" D'vok yelled
"Please work please work pleaseworkpleaseworkpleaseworkpleaseworkpleaseworkpleaseworkpleaseworkpleaseworkpleasework" he thought, grasping for his lightsaber.
Objective: Fite Kaine
Location: No-Man's Land
Allies: [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ijaat Mereel"] | Order of the Silver Jedi
Enemies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | Sith

Thurion barely had time to react when all of a sudden he was thrown out of harm's way. With everything going on he hadn't stopped and realised the man he'd been speaking to was Force sensitive, much less skilled in using it. It also dawned on him that he had saved his life by pushing him out of the way, and that he would have to find some way to repay him. But those were thoughts best kept for another time, when a dreaded Sith Lord was not out to sever one's head from one's body. While airborne, Thurion controlled his fall so that he'd land on both feet just as the horrid visage of Darth Carnifex appeared out of the treeline. Leaving Ijaat to fend for himself was out of the question, especially since he owed his life to the man.

He sent a thought to his wife inside the base, letting her know he was alright and that the shot was not Mandalorian. She too would feel the presence of their nemesis, he who had plagued the Heavenshield family for years. He'd landed dozens of feet away from them, thanks to Ijaat's lifesaving push, and so Thurion leaped back into the fray, summoning his trusty lightsaber to the palm of his hand as his feet left the ground once more. The blade ignited just as he landed beside Ijaat, weapon at the ready.

"You're getting sloppy, my lord. Are you so afraid to face me that you'd rather just shoot me from afar? Tsk, tsk," he addressed the Sith Lord, standing before them in all his dark splendour. "Mr. Mereel, this fight is between me and Kaine. There is no need for you to risk your life." Although something told him no Mandalorian - any Mandalorian - would ever back down from a fight.
Objective: Complete the Evacuation of the Temple and enter the grounds.
Location: Aegis Base.
Allies: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Ijaat Mereel"] | SJO | Allies
Enemies: [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | Sith and Mandalorians


"Evacuation of the Temple almost complete Master Heavenshield, everyone has been moved to safer ground", the Colonel of Aegis based informed her. "Good and it is a good thing we don't have younglings here". Her eyes scanned over all the holodisplay, all movement detected by the sensors pointed on the display, Jedi and enemies alike. Coci watched Thurion move across the grounds headed toward a man sitting and she could only hope that was not a trap. But she will no longer tolerate being shut up inside the base.

Coci pinned her shoulders back as she stood up from leaning over the controls just as the image of Thurion flew across the ground and for a moment her heart stopped. His 'message' to her came quickly, their force bond pulsing with energy and as strong as ever informed her he was alright. But in that instant she felt the presence of someone very familiar to them both. Kaine. Her lips curled in a snarl.

A lone figure stood atop on of the plateau's in the distance from the Temple, she did not need the results of the scanners to know who it was, the force telling her better then any sensors could, [member="Connor Harrison"], her old friend and fellow Shadow. "Open the doors Colonel and close them behind me", she said walking toward the exit of the control room and the Colonel knew better then to argue with the woman. Out of ears ranges of anyone on base, Coci opened up a link to Connor. "Watch our backs Connor, I have no doubt they are going to go for the shield generator, Sith or Mandalorian".

The doors opened, the light of day caused her to narrow her eyes for a moment, before her head turned toward Thurion and those around him. There was a second presence, one unknown to her, but not far from Kaine. Sith .. a strong one, the darkness rank within the person and she was is in mood to hit something.​
LOCATION: Jungle around 1-2km west of Aegis Base
[member="Darth Abyss"] [member="D'vok Windroamer"]

Darth Abyss said:
The saber rotated once in his right, collecting momentum, while his left pull a invisible weight towards him. Dirt on the ground followed the movement of his right, dancing into the air and in a spilt second the brown dust was send flying towards her face, in a rather simple attempt to blind her. Suddenly and without any further indication he followed up with a wide lunge forward, aiming his blade so the the tip could stab into her stomach should his attack succeed.

D'vok Windroamer said:
D'vok once again drew his blaster. He couldn't just let that jedi die. He might've not been able to kill the sith, but he could at least buy the jedi time. he took several deep breaths, aimed, and fired three times at the sith. "Hey! Sithy boy! how 'bout you come fight me!" D'vok yelled
The gesture telegraphed a telekinetic effort. As quickly as he gathered and threw the dirt, Mara flicked her blade down and bounced it up again, as if swatting a fly. She had few true offensive Force abilities, as such things were reckoned, but Warden of the Sky projected fighting had been one of them since a very early age. At her blade's motion, the cloud of dirt flattened, slowed, and split. It spattered over her body and lower face harmlessly. Her blade flicked down again, counterclockwise as her near-straight elbow rose a little. The parry guided his wide, committed lunge off to her right, where it seared a black line across her ultra-durable coat.

And while his weight was committed to his front foot, she whipped her blade up again with another simple motion of the wrist. Her sabre slid up his, aiming to rake across his blade emitter, take off his knuckles, and sear its way up the outside of his forearm. She flinched, though, as blasterfire came snapping in through the jungle.
Location: Space - Ossus
Allies: Sith [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="The Rusted Queen"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Kevros Kovani"] [member="Phax"] [member="Calina Ovmar"]
Enemies: Jedi & Mandalorians [member="Causstik Rahn"]
Objective: Bust a Blockade

"Sir, we just received word that there's a blockade being put in place. Our assistance is being requested in busting it."

"Good. All ships, jump. Captain, when we come out, position us slightly above the Respite and have our long range guns brought to bear on the first enemy vessel."

"Yes, sir."

With his order, the various ships of his small fleet made the short jump to hyperspace. Being a micro-jump away, it felt like mere seconds before they were pulling out of hyperspace. The red alert went up throughout all of the vessels, shields came back online, and weapons systems powered up. Per his previously described orders, the Respite took the front with the two Ignis II's flanking it, and the Deimos' sandwiched in between to provide anti-starfighter support. The captain of the Mirial Accord had begun the ships positioning prior to the jump to hyperspace, and now a short rise brought them into a firing line with the enemy, while keeping the bulky bruiser of the Respite in front of them.

"We count three ships and a cadre of fighters. We're deploying our fighters and gunships now."

"What type of ships?"

The Captain looked over at the scanner team, waiting for a moment.

"One unknown, two MC40's," the lieutenant said. "I'll continue scans of the unknown."

"Captain we're still outside their range unless they've retrofitted the MC40's with long range guns. Keep the fighters with the ships, preferably behind them, and open fire with our long range guns on the first MC40. Let's break her shields."

"Yes, sir."

The Sadow-class rocked as its four dual long-range cannons were brought to bear and began firing on the first MC40. Leos was content not to push too quickly into the battle, but to use his slight advantage prior to driving the force in. If they could whittle down the enemy ships shields prior to engaging in a full scrum, they could effectively neutralize it as soon as the Respite was in range with her firepower. That would leave them against two ships, which were odds he was heavily in favor of. It was a shame his personal Reformation-class wasn't ready or he'd have the enemy scared out of its mind at the moment. Though he supposed with the fleet bearing down on them, they were probably antsy.

He would have been if he saw a Sadow-class bearing down on him and he wasn't in one.

Ignus Black Corporate Fleet
1 Sadow-class Star Destroyer Mirial Accord
1 Dalek-class Frigate Respite
2 Ignis II-class Frigates
2 Deimos-class Gunships
48 Guardian-class Starfighters (deployed from the Sadow and Dalek)
16 Acturus Imperial Gunboats (deployed from the Ignis II's)
Location: Jungle somewhere below thr temple
Allies: [member="Calina Ovmar"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] @Darth Prazitus [member="The Rusted Queen"] [member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Phax"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Enemies: Jedi and Mandos [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] @D'vok Windroamer
Objective: Improvising. like a lot of improvising.
Gear: In bio

In second his attack turned at him, pushing him into quite possibly the worst position imaginable, his balance brittle at best, and without a good angle to retaliate her counter in any meaningful way. If that wasn't bad enough already, he could hear the blasterbolts being fired, and the strange sensation of the force told him that they were coming his way. He only saw one way out, one that seemed stupid or even crazy at first, but luckily Abyss was far from a strange when it came to the unorthodox.

Falling on the ground again while deactivating his saber to evade the her counter strike wouldn't bring him in a good position, but it was still better than getting his arm cut of, and blasterbolts in his back. Maybe he could use all this to his advantage. Somehow.

Instead of losing his balance instantly, he allowed one of the bolts to graze his back, making the motion that followed look a lot less deliberate than it was. Another burning wound didn't really mattered anyway, his body had already suffered through a lot today. His hand with the deactivated saber pushed forward, like he was trying to somehow keep his balance, bringing the normally harmless downside of the weapons hilt close to her left knee.

He had only the blink of an eye to make his move before he would hit the ground, but Abyss was ready. The most hidden of all his hidden weapons, a gimmick so borderline useless that no one ever guessed it was there. He hoped that even she had missed the small spring loaded blade that had been build into the downside of the hilt. As his body fell, his hand passed her knee, and with a quick move of his fingers the 15 centimeter long blade sprang out of the hilt in an attempt to cripple her movement.
[member="Darth Ignus"]

Crossk sat pacing the bridge nervously. An unknown enemy fleet had jumped from hyperspace and was engaging. The MC40a light cruisers were not equipped to duke it out at such ranges but, the scorekeeper was."Fire the MAC cannons. Focus on that Star destroyer!" He put a hand to his chin and hissed pleasingly "Reroute power from the particle shields to the Fusion accelerator cannons!" These cannons were the most powerful weapons available. They had been known to blast old Imperial star destroyers in half with a single shot. Their were 6 of these cannons aboard the scorekeeper. "Make sure the guns are ready when they come into range,"

In the generator room the slaves were hustled from one turine to the next. They were exhausted and tired, but beaters wandered the halls to ensure they continued. The hide drums began again as the slaves took position. The turbines trundled along under the pressure of hundreds of slaves. Slowly the Fusion cannons powered online...

The MC40a withstood the barrage. They had powerful shielding and would be able to hold out. If only for a time. The shield aboard one of the frigates was already depleted to half. The barrage had begun to take its toll.

These ships were not Jedi. Perhaps they could be reasoned with. Crossk hissed to his comm officer "Hail them on a open frequency," It took a moment as the Trandoshan cadet prepared an open line for his war-chief "You are not Jedi. Judging by the looks of your craft you are Sith. Therefore I assume you are here for the same reason as us. I implore you to take part in this blockade before the Jedi amass a fleet to throw our way. When the shields fall we will bomb the planet to dust!"

2 MC40 a Light Cruisers
18 Havoc starfighters
Allies: [member="Calina Ovmar"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="The Rusted Queen"] [member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Phax"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Enemies: Jedi [member="jamie pyne"] [member="aela talith"]
Neutral: Mandos
Objective: Obfuscate, misdirect, and infiltrate

Waide took deep breaths in and out as he merged into the group of soldiers. More were quick timing it in the same direction, which strengthened his belief that they were going to an armory of some sort. After a few turns, Waide joined a queue of soldiers moving through a heavy steel door. A gnarly master sergeant was overseeing them, making sure everything kept moving smoothly.

'So many people...' He thought to himself as the line moved swiftly. 'I need to trust that my disguise will see me through.'

Soon, he was through the door and passed the NCO. He moved into the armory, grabbed the next rifle in line, then a bandolier of ammo back and grenade, precisely the items he wanted. Moving out the other door, past another NCO, he followed the group of soldiers down the corridor and around a corner. Once they returned to the Fort proper, he turned away from the ramps many of the others were going, slipping the bandolier over his head and holding the unfamiliar rifle in his best facsimile of how the other soldiers were. He merged between several groups of soldiers, moving from one to the other as he made his way towards the shield generator.
((on mobile so I aplogize for inconsistencies))
"Haha! Get some!"
D'vok ran over to the battle, watching as the sith was shot in the back. Something told D'vok it didn't seem right, but he ignored it. He aimed his blaster at the sith
"Don't mo-"
He noticed the sith still holding something in his hand. It extended into what looked like a textbook shank.
"Hey watch out!"
D'vok dove at the jedi, in an attempt to knock her over so that the shank would miss.
Location: ​Forests
Objective: ​Fight.
Allies: ​[member="Darth Carnifex"] | @Sith Order
Enemies: ​[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Ijaat Mereel"] ?

​Through the thick forests the two Sith Lords carefully stalked, a small group of contemporaries following behind them while the two titans hunted their quarry. Braxus could feel the radiating presence of the Heavenshields light the refined force senses of a master virtually painting them a map on which direction to go. They could attempt at shrinking their presence if they so desired to try and hide from him and his nephew, and they might even succeed in one way. Unlike his nephew he was part Anzati a natural born hunter who preyed especially on those gifted in the force. Their very biology was tailored to this purpose enhanced strength, speed, heightened reflexes, but above all their senses. The ability to sense the very life essence of other living beings and to pick out those who were stronger and weaker was one of his gifts. It was childs play to sort the non sensitive cattle from the powerful Jedi and masters that moved about.

There were multiple presences in the area and one he and Kaine visually identified to be the Thane himself. While Kaine slid into a tree to find his sniping vantage point Braxus looked out towards the group the built in electro binoculars of his helmet zooming in to clearly display the meeting before them. Before Thurion stood one of the mandalorians, and the other presence he felt. But the other powerful presence wasn't in view, it was closer to the base and away from the gathering. Braxus stalked away from Kaine and his position concealing himself in the thick forests as his shot rang out behind him. The fact that the Thane of Midvinter was married was well known to them, his nephew crossing paths with the Heavenshield family several times before. He expected that she was the third presence moving from Aegis Base and towards them, towards him.

​There were few better experiences than having your prey walk right into the web you've laid out for them, the hunt was coming to him. Braxus drew his silenced ACS-205 Dual Weapon System the rifle already set as a slugthrower. He moved near a hill concealed in the trees giving him an good view of the area, while the presence of who he expected as Coci moved. If she emerged into the open and continued towards him he would aim in the MFTAS, MSTA, Combat sensor software providing him with an array of tactical information and aid in his aim while the lifeform scanner an extra overlay in the event the target was concealed in a conventional way. When a shot presented itself he would open fire, double tapping the trigger. Most never expected such a large man to be so subtle and hard to find, especially at a distance. But the reflec coating his armor was mildly photoreactive covering its normal dark sheen to blend in with the surrounding forest terrain, and making him scanner proof while he wasn't moving.
Location: jungle, around 1-2km west of Aegis Base
[member="Darth Abyss"]
[member="D'vok Windroamer"]

She caught a split-second glimpse of a blaster wound on the falling Sith's back as he fell toward her. She stepped back, quick as she could, but her legs had taken their share of damage and were slow to respond. A blade kissed the side of her knee-

And a man smashed into her. She fell hard, tumbling along a stretch of jungle trail. In normal circumstances she'd have rolled to her feet; this time, she took a moment too long to pull herself upright. With a grimace, she checked that her mare's leg light-duty scattergun was still strapped to her back, where it had left a bruise when she fell the first time. She took in the situation: fethed if her rescuer hadn't just put himself in melee range of a Sith Lord. Not a healthy place to be.

Three options presented themselves. Leap to help him, focus on suppressing or severing the Darksider's connection to the Force, or heal up. None of them were great options, all had their opportunity costs. For the moment, she opted to press the Ankarres Sapphire, still dangling by her sabre's pommel, against the wounds on her left leg -- the bite and the new cut, primarily. Human bites were nasty things, and the blade might have been poisoned. The Sapphire wouldn't erase the injuries magically, not without more time and power and focus than she could afford, but the difference was significant.

Now she just hoped the spacer could keep the Sith occupied for a moment and not get himself killed.
D'vok nodded for a moment at the woman before holstering his blaster and grabbing his lihhtsaber.
"Alright buddy, you look... Menacing."
D'vok activated his lightsaber.
"Just do me a favor. I've had a pretty kriffing bad day. Make this easy and don't get up? That'd be greaaat."
D'vok turned to the direction of the woman.
"You alright?"
Location: Temple Grounds
Allies: [member="Rapax"], Silver Jedi and friends
Enemies: Mandos, Sith and their respective allies
Objective: Score a date with [member="Ronan Vizsla"]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Yet you have to know, as much as pink as you are, you've got Mandalorian blood within you."[/SIZE]

There was no glory in war. Maybe she would be more apt to believe that romanticized view as a younger woman, but not now. Individual battles held their own personal thrill, but war was only a means to an end where the Sith were concerned. But the Mandalorians? There were a thousand reasons that could have provoked this attack on the Silvers, and she didn’t like any of them. Glory, honor, a feud, whatever. Despite her blood and—ahem—matrimonial ties to the invaders of Ossus, Joza was quick to grit her teeth, sigh, and head into battle against them.

“Here,” She tossed Rapax a pen of CruciStim without bothering to give him so much as a sideways glance while struggling to suit herself up. “It takes a bit to kick in, but it’ll help in the fight.” The pair had come to the Jedi Temple on Ossus to better immerse themselves in the ways of the Light given the planet’s history. The former Sith was doing well in his transition to the Silver Jedi, and Joza found herself with a new reason to build a less haywire life. Said reason was currently in the care of [member="Elpsis Elaris"], the pretty redheaded pyromancer she’d met on Atrisia. Poor Elpsis had been subject to nearly an hour long talk of Joza going over the baby’s extensive schedule.

“Ivan, I need you to get in contact with our friends at Melford for reinforcements.” Joza couldn’t fly worth poodoo, hence her need for a personal pilot to shuttle her around. Luckily, she lived just a short jump away on Lianna. “What do you need?” Came the reply in her ear, devoid of almost all of Ivan’s natural grump. “Whatever you can manage on such short notice. A cruiser and a couple frigates, you know.” Tapping her com earpiece as if it would allow for better reception, she sighed. “We’ll be heading into the fray soon.” She paused, glancing over towards Rapax. “Welcome to your first fight for the Silvers, Naga.”
Allies: [member="Calina Ovmar"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] @Darth Prazitus [member="The Rusted Queen"] [member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Phax"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Enemies: Jedi and Mandos [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="D'vok Windroamer"]
Objective: Human shield
Gear: In bio

Darth Abyss rose to his feet, his already tattered robe burned in several places, blood tripping down from his face and from small wounds all over his body. His face was a grimace, the hate letting his eyes burn with unseen intensity. With disdain he looked over his new "opponent". The man was nothing, to weak to be more than a nuisance to him, and he made a grave mistake. One that could easily cost his live. Mercy was a emotion Abyss didn't possessed anymore.

"Step aside."

It wasn't simply words coming from his mouth, but a command, enforced by the might of dark side. Like the jedi before the man had to stand against Abyss mental attacks, a million daggers composed out of fear, of hate, of sadness, and any other emotion that could break him, hammering against his mental barriers all at once. Would he break through, the man would no longer see him as who he was, but as a demon, with eyes of fire, and a all devouring darkness. And once fear had consumed him he would rip out what was left of his mind, until he was a slave to his will.

He had no doubt that the man couldn't stand against his power, not after he had proven that he could break the mind of a jedi, or eat the thoughts of the weak. Many skills belonged in his repertoire, but nothing came close to the strength of his mind, and the chaos it could create.

Keeping his mental attacks up, his eyes turned to the jedi on the ground, the man to unworthy to spend his time with. With a cruel grin he slowly moved forward towards the man, only few steps departing the two.

"Now jedi, witnesses as those who fight for you die, because you are to weak to break me. Innocent blood on your hands, if you do not find the strength to stop me. Somewhere inside of you there is power. Use it. Strike me down, save those that deserve it. Allow your fear, your hate, your passion to bring justice to this galaxy."

He made another step towards the man, his mental focus not shifted for one second. In his right the crimson blade ignited another time.
D'vok clenched his lightsaber, the golden blade seemed to be the only light illuminating him from the darkness. He tried his best to hide the fear. He knew that the sith could sense it. His best bet was to try and lure him into a false sense of security.
"Oh, oh okay... You think you're the first sith I've fought? You guys are all the same! So full of yourselves. I bet you think... Think you got me now..." D'vok's voice trailed off. He watched as the sith's face morphed, changed, disfigured, until it was something akin to a nightmare. He struck a sloppy defensive stance, and anticipated the beast's next move.

Connor Harrison

Location: The Temple Perimeter
Allies: Those with him
Enemies: Those against him

Kneeling down, resting an arm on bended knee, Connor squinted to temple as [member="Coci Heavenshield"] came through his ear-piece. Pushing it closer, he listened.

Another demand on him. Another order. Like he was a robot; never mind what he had recently discovered or been through, or his absence, just another demand from the Master of the Order. He looked away from where she was, clad in black, moving outwards from the temple.

"Will do," he said into the wrist com he wore, responding to her communicae.

Dropping his hand and rubbing his chin in thought, he looked across the battlefield and noted the massing Mando brutes, and noticed the Sith emblem on fighters. It was real mess of a battle, enemies going after enemies siding with their enemies who would turn on them or anyone in an instant. The lines had never been more blurred.

He brought his wrist up and went back to Coci as he looked out.

"Whatever happens today, I am sorry. Truly."

Cutting out, he stood and made his move up and over the plateau, heading down towards the side of the temple where he would be in moments, crimson cowl billowing behind him as he navigated his way down the side of the small cliff-face.
Location: heading to the temple
objective: be loud obnoxious and blow Poodoo up.
gear: all pointy.
the pony music that will get her laughed at:

Kami looked at the gurgling corpse. it was finny she had ti admit she felt nothing. damm maybe Lyth was right with that autism thing.
still in went the bucket and away went the Chakrams and out came the Ksurigama.
she slowed her breathing and broke in to her run.
it was like being another universe when she ran. the cancer was gone blaster bolts semed to slow to a crawl.
and momentum was god.
she lept over speeders with soldiers looking perplexed as her armor looked alot heavier than it was,
still the grenades she dropped pushed her forward as they dettonated.
Trees towered overhead and all around, diffusing the light. They loomed from the mist, their gnarled and twisted branches seemingly clawing in all directions. The rain persisted; a steady, weak drizzle that slowly soaked the world below and gave a miserable, darkened cast to the forest. He paused for moment, a gloved hand outstretched to a long dead tree. It's bark was old, brittle; Overgrown with moss and lichen. Fingertips dragged lightly across the bark, light marks left behind as the hand moved across the wood.

The figure withdrew the hand slightly, almost reverently. His head looked upward, gazing at the misty, bleak sky as the rain pattered silently off the blank faceplate. Silently he stood, his gaze never moving. His head never turning. Beneath the helmet, silent eyes looked on, their expression neither blank, nor alive. Slowly, as if time crawled to a standstill, the eyelids shut and the gaze turned inward. The minutes dragged on and, to the figure, it felt like hours had passed.

The head didn't move, but the hand did. Slowly, he reached out and touched the surface of the dead oak. Fingertips brushed against the bark, but only for a moment. Light traces turned dark and, from underneath the gloved fingers, a faint, darkened vapor began to seep. The head turned downward, gazing at the hand upon the tree. Slowly, he pushed his hand fully to the tree, palm to bark. The vapor grew in intensity, the trickle turned into stream that was slowly pulled away into the mist.

The woods were silent, as they had been since the figure had arrived. Only a sibilant hissing, felt rather than heard, was perceptible. As if a silent voice was carried on a distant wind, it flickered over the consciousness and played at the edge of reality. The figure was silent as it had always been, his hand, smoking, pressed against the tree. He never spoke, never removed the helmet, never uttered a single sound, but the whispers continued; chattered. The silent hissing became more insistent, more forceful as it reached a quiet crescendo. From around the hand, the smoke flowed more freely and the tiny flicker of flames could be seen, though the figure remained unharmed; unburned.

Suddenly, as quickly as they had come, the whispers stopped. The sibilant hissing ceased entirely. The forest was as muted as before, though perhaps more oppressively so. The smoke stopped, the flames disappeared, and the figure withdrew the hand from the wood. A clean, distinct handprint remained, burned into the wood. It was blackened, but untouched by fire. Burned, but no heat had scorched the wood. It simply came into being, placed there by the figure. A dead tree with the hand of a dead man etched into the surface of the oak itself.

Silently, the figure turned and moved on. The specter vanished into the mists, the outline broken up by rain and muted light; hidden by the trees that stood silent guard all around. Sound never returned, the trees remained silent. The rain continued, though perhaps in growing strength than before, as if it sought to clean the blackened wood of the handprint that marred it.

The figure was gone, the man had left, but the handprint remained. Slowly - ever so slowly - the wood began to fracture in places, minute cracks opening up around the mark left upon it. Faint, black steam wafted from the tiny splits in the wood and, as the cracks spread millimeter by millimeter...

So, too, did the mark left upon the tree.
ALLIES: [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Grim Vizsla"] | [member="Kalad Shysa"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Verz Horak"]
ENEMIES: Silver Jedi Order
OBJECTIVES: Do something stupid.

Oh, older brother had jokes.

It wasn’t the moment to harass him back though. The plan was suicidal enough as it was - they didn’t need to add time for someone to figure out the idiot move they were trying.

Despite it all however, Kesh forgot the inclination to prod and instead gave in to the obsession with flying. There were many distinct pleasures in life, and they all seemed to start with an ‘F’ - food, fighting, one he couldn’t say without getting slapped by some mysterious overlords, and...flying. As the Orar'uliik'e lifted from the ground under his direction he became someone else: focused, void of any propensity to poke holes in someone else, giving in to a joy that never diminished despite any other choices he made.

Swinging the craft around, he let out a low whistle at its maneuverability, getting reacquainted as they picked up their headlong hurtle towards the shield.

“Alright, here goes nothin’...” he growled over comms, eyes forward on the prize despite knowing his brothers sped alongside him. Turf ripped up under the blast of the repulsors, smattering the hull of the ship like flies as it skirted pell-mell towards the thin band of clear air where they might beat the shields to get towards the temple. The ship shook with his tight control, desperate to spin towards higher altitude as he coaxed it to stay low and hug the ground. His heart was pounding behind his ribcage, responsibility for his life and his brother’s twisting his fingers around the yoke. Chatter from the Mandalorians to either side flew through his ears.

Almost there.

He let out a yell as they dodged until the shield, his hair seeming to stand on end though it was probably all in his mind. Orange and red bloomed along the right side of the viewport as the craft to their side wasn’t so lucky, going up in flames as the shield caught their suicidal attempt as it was meant to. There was the briefest moment of silence on the line before the chatter of the surviving remained.

No rest for the wicked. Time to find somewhere to land.

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