Jia Darkhold
Heiress of Madness
NAME: Jiaasjen Darkhold
RANK: Journeyman
SPECIES: human/kiffar
AGE: physically: 18 chronologically: 9
SEX: female
WEIGHT: 105 pounds
EYES: dark blue that also can glow
HAIR: light brown
descended from two families powerful in the force, Jia has a natural affinity
Raised within a force Nexus has enabled her a greater connection to the Force
Trained as an assassin she is well versed with weapons, martial arts, and dark arts
she has no social skills
She was raised to believe the sorcerers of Tund were righteous and that all others were beneath her. As she entered the Galaxy she comes with several misconceptions that affect her interactions
Unsure of her place in the Galaxy
Does not like attention and finds it uncomfortable
Jia is small. It allows her greater flexibility and speed at the cost of brute strength. Upon her back are a myriad of scars. Her eyes are naturally a dark blue, but when she uses the Force or her emotions are overwhelming her, they glow a bright blue.
Nearly a decade previously a new group of apprentices joined the Sith Order. While many failed and were never heard from again, two were promising students that rose above the knights and even several Masters with their ambition, strength, cunning, and determination. Against all odds the two Sith formed an unbreakable bond of friendship and shared a unique force bond rarely heard of.
From the shadows a Sith Master, and Sorcerer of Tund Quasi, collected the DNA from both apprentices and retreated to the fortress Qaer, within the mountains upon Tund. There he combined the genes into a single being he named Jiaasjen Darkhold.
When the child emerged from the birthing matrix at roughly nine years of age the Master began indoctrinating the child, training her to be his shadow and assassin. The girl was raised on the tales of her 'grandfather' Master Garith Darkhold as well as the smaller exploits of her 'parents' Muad Dib and Arabella Darkhold.
But the girl's questioning nature and stubbornness led to many scenes of beatings and torment. Yet despite the torture the child remained inquisitive.
As the years continued and her training evolved the personality of the old Master Quasi became more erratic. Now teaching that only the sorcerers were the true heirs of the force and all others were pretenders masquerading the young teenager began to question her world even more.
Yet despite her feelings she continued and thrived under the tutelage of the ancient Master.
Until such a time her chains could be broken and the teenager would be free to make her own decisions about the Galaxy and just who exactly she was.
Finally, guided by the Force, Arabella Darkhold and Muad Dib landed on Tund. Killing Quasi and eradicating the order the two new parents liberated Jiaasjen, freeing her from the life she had only known. Now she learns that her fate, her destiny, is truly hers to make.
RANK: Journeyman
SPECIES: human/kiffar
AGE: physically: 18 chronologically: 9
SEX: female
WEIGHT: 105 pounds
EYES: dark blue that also can glow
HAIR: light brown
descended from two families powerful in the force, Jia has a natural affinity
Raised within a force Nexus has enabled her a greater connection to the Force
Trained as an assassin she is well versed with weapons, martial arts, and dark arts
she has no social skills
She was raised to believe the sorcerers of Tund were righteous and that all others were beneath her. As she entered the Galaxy she comes with several misconceptions that affect her interactions
Unsure of her place in the Galaxy
Does not like attention and finds it uncomfortable
Jia is small. It allows her greater flexibility and speed at the cost of brute strength. Upon her back are a myriad of scars. Her eyes are naturally a dark blue, but when she uses the Force or her emotions are overwhelming her, they glow a bright blue.

Nearly a decade previously a new group of apprentices joined the Sith Order. While many failed and were never heard from again, two were promising students that rose above the knights and even several Masters with their ambition, strength, cunning, and determination. Against all odds the two Sith formed an unbreakable bond of friendship and shared a unique force bond rarely heard of.
From the shadows a Sith Master, and Sorcerer of Tund Quasi, collected the DNA from both apprentices and retreated to the fortress Qaer, within the mountains upon Tund. There he combined the genes into a single being he named Jiaasjen Darkhold.
When the child emerged from the birthing matrix at roughly nine years of age the Master began indoctrinating the child, training her to be his shadow and assassin. The girl was raised on the tales of her 'grandfather' Master Garith Darkhold as well as the smaller exploits of her 'parents' Muad Dib and Arabella Darkhold.
But the girl's questioning nature and stubbornness led to many scenes of beatings and torment. Yet despite the torture the child remained inquisitive.
As the years continued and her training evolved the personality of the old Master Quasi became more erratic. Now teaching that only the sorcerers were the true heirs of the force and all others were pretenders masquerading the young teenager began to question her world even more.
Yet despite her feelings she continued and thrived under the tutelage of the ancient Master.
Until such a time her chains could be broken and the teenager would be free to make her own decisions about the Galaxy and just who exactly she was.
Finally, guided by the Force, Arabella Darkhold and Muad Dib landed on Tund. Killing Quasi and eradicating the order the two new parents liberated Jiaasjen, freeing her from the life she had only known. Now she learns that her fate, her destiny, is truly hers to make.