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Jisela Kwyvn


NAME: Jisela Kwyvn
RANK: Queen of Vectoria
SPECIES: Force Creation with appearance of a Human
AGE: 24
SEX: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Languages: Galactic Basic, Huttese, Binary
Residence: Vectorian High Palace
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but has no training at all.


HEIGHT: 5 ft 2 in (157 cm)
WEIGHT: 122 Lbs (54.31 Kg)
EYES: Green
HAIR: Light Blonde, long.
SKIN: Fair skinned.
Jisela, since birth has always been commented on for being beautiful, appearance wise she has alot going for her as her. Along with the natural beauty she holds a somewhat curvaceous body. She also has green eyes which is very strange for females from her world which puts her out of the crowd, though the reason for her Green eyes is her being a force creation, she is naturally attuned to the light even though she was created by a sith.

+Stubborn:Jisela being the Queen of Vectoria it leads her to being very stubborn in her actions, and thinking her ideas are far more effective then any others ideas.
+Young/Inexperienced:With her young age, comes a lack of experience in the governmental field, her father who was the past monarch was killed and it left her into the position of being the new ruler without years of pre-training leading to a very inexperienced leader.
+Force Controlled:Being a force creation it means she is somewhat a tool of the force. This leads to any very trained force user being easily able to control her through thoughts all the way to full body control
+Easily Angered:Being something she inherited from her father is a small anger issues quality in which if someone does something wrong to her or annoys her Jisela can easily pop off with no thought of it.
+Great Melee Fighter: From a young age Jisela was trained in the art of melee fighting by her father and the Royal trainer which led to one thing she has years of experience in.
+Great Shot: Jisela ever since she was first taught how to fire a gun she was a very adapt fire and have great accuracy and skill.
+Charming: Being a queen comes with the fact you need to hold the ability to be diplomatic and one of the only training Jisela went through was a charisma class. This led to Jisela learning how to be naturally charming to people.
+Attractive:If times get rough Jisela can use her natural beauty to charm over any other person to her side.

Jisela was created on Vectoria inside of cave on the great mountain known as Mount Goliath by a very powerful Sith. Using Sith alchemy to create life Jisela was born, though strangely the dark side inside of her was balanced out by the natural light side presence on the planet. After feeling the balance inside of her instead of a strong dark side presence the Sith gave up on the project and gave her away to adoption in the main capital city of Vectoria. This led to a guard of the royal family finding the young child and in term bringing her to the family who recently had lost their second born child, and also learned the fact of the queen being in-fertile.

From then Jisela was adopted, by the royal family as they realized having any actual children would be impossible for them.
Jisela's childhood life was one of protection and spoiling, with her two other siblings dying Jisela's parents for a long time went out of their way to make sure Jisela's younger life was everything she wanted, in the fear of losing Jisela. This ended once Jisela hit the age of 18 as her mother died the previous year and her father went into a state of depression, locking himself away from his world and his daughter. Around the time Jisela's 22nd birthday hit her father became far more happy in life, spending time with Jisela and fixing the planet from what had happened while he had been gone, sadly this only lasted for a year as an accident took the life of Jisela's father. This led to the coronation of Jisela and her rise to power. Though being so young, her rise to power led to some rivals as the people saw her as incompetent, this in term leads to her being the ruler of a planet in which is starting to disprove on her monarchy.

A Simple Nubian Royal Yacht




None Currently, New Character.

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