Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Joining the Company[Firemane]

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

The space around Kaeshana was certainly a peaceful seeming one. Ice blue eyes stared out at the planet taking up more and more of the view in front of the Gozanti Cruiser. Hecate smiled somewhat looking upon the world the ship was approaching. A world where she would soon be landing and hopefully be finding new direction on. Along with the other Echani women, her friends she supposed, who had left their homeworld of Eshan with her after their service in the planetary militia. None of them could simply stand ending up being used as pawns for other means than to defend their homeworld from direct threats. Instead they watched as others dragged their people into conflicts and slowly handed themselves slowly over to be more controlled by a galactic power. An insane one at that. The existing Galactic Republic was truly filled with chaos in Hecate's opinion, and nothing like previous incarnations in history, that would have been more worthy to serve in. But for the Echani and their world to chafe and be at the beck and call of such did not appeal to Hecate, especially if others of her people were slowly causing it to happen and she could do nothing.

So it was she left when given a decent opportunity to do so, when this small patrol vessel had been decommissioned for more modern designs despite the Gozanti's impressive standard armaments and hull. Though Hecate did agree it was a slower ship. And small! At least when compared to the Eldorai ships Hecate had seen as the Gozanti Cruiser had passed them earlier, without trouble after a brief communication of identity since Hecate and her companions had already made contact ahead of arriving that they would be coming, and boy were the ships Kaeshana employed large. Both definitely had to be near 1000 meters long. At only 41 Meters the former Echani Militia patrol cruiser was definitely tiny. Nonetheless Hecate loved the design of the Gozanti Cruiser she and her fellow Echani were arriving in. It was as well armed as many corvettes three or four times its size and just as durable. And even if it was also robust, it definitely wasn't as. . . . well she'd say her opinion honestly ugly. After everything she had heard, she would have thought an Eldorai ship would be more elegant and graceful than the cumbersome and monstrous designs she had just seen. It made her worried the rest of Kaeshana wouldn't match her expectations. . . .

But she was glad to be wrong once the ship descended into the atmosphere and made its way toward the world's capital. Along the way Hecate couldn't help but be taken aback at the vibrant landscapes that seemed brighter than her world's own, with more sunlight. And things only impressed the young Echani woman more once she caught site of the capital city of Santaissa. Passing over the city towards where Firemane's HQ just some ways outside the Eldorai's pride. Hecate hadn't even noticed she wasn't the only one staring out the viewport anymore as a few other of the ship's crew gazed at the white stone city that had an air of strength, age, elegance, and beauty to it.

It was almost a shame as the hangers of Firemane grew closer and they moved further away from the city, but Hecate was feeling energized like she hadn't been in a while. She felt there was going to be a lot more here she could finally work towards than she had to work with in the last few years.

As the Gozanti cruiser, which though small packed some nice firepower, steered towards the Firemane hangars, where their meeting had been arranged, Siobhan Kerrigan would be awaiting them. Siobhan could agree with Hecate that Kaeshana was a world of beauty and revelled in it. She...liked to surround herself with beauty and savour it after all. Moreover, she had a long history with the space elves, stretching back to her Jedi master and lover at the time, Adril Tythorin.

The former Exarch of the Omega Protectorate - conqueror of most of its territory, thank you very much - was dressed in a blue uniform, long dark brown hair worn shoulder-length and framing a viciously scarred but attractive face. A lightsabre dangled at her side, though she did not expect a fight. But then her most potent weapon was probably her mind, through which she exerted her ridiculously destructive telekinetic mastery. She was not alone though, rather there was an honour guard of sorts composed of Angelii, the force-using praetorian guard of the Star Queen.

Ridiculously beautiful Eldorai warrior women dressed in ornate crimson armour, wielding ceremonial halberds and sarixes, their traditional energy blades, some the bolters Firemane had supplied them with. Strictly speaking from Siobhan's perspective the sentinels were not necessary. For one, as said, she did not expect a fight and if it came to that then she could rip a ship apart with her mind. But on the bright side it should give their prospective new recruits some elves to see and until they landed it gave her something nice to look at. She did have an affinity for the Eldorai after all!

"Sky Patrol reports that the Echani ship has been cleared and is inbound for landing. What is it you know about these Echani, Lady Kerrigan? They are human as well, yes?" One of the Angelii, a tall, strongly built female Host Leader called Kaida Taldir with long blonde hair asked. Host Leader was an Eldorai rank that was roughly equal to lieutenant. Unlike her sisters in battle she had a lightsabre attached to her belt. She had an affinity for freezing things and people.

Well, I downloaded the patch so that Handmaiden could join my Fem!Exile in Knights of the Republic. She...liked to spar in her undies. That Disciple guy was boring, Siobhan thought to herself in what might be considered a breach of the 4th wall, but then this writer loves meta. "Near human. Tough warriors, see battle as an expression of the self and have this whole code of honour. Talented in martial arts and blade combat. Said to have a rivalry with the Mandalorians, not sure on that. Oh, and they like small elite groups and tend to be female-dominated so you'd get on well!"

"It is always good when offworlders understand the reality of the genders. Much would be better if more possessed this insight," the Angelii declared with total seriousness. "I would like to visit this Eshan and see it with my own eyes one day. Yet they submitted to the Republic? Which was helpless when the Mandalorian brutes dropped a battle fleet in their capital's orbit on a whim to intimidate them. A proud warrior race should not be chained to such weakness."

"I think that's one of the reasons why they're coming here, Kaida. Back when they joined it was to protect themselves against the Sith. It may sound surprising, but they used to be a big power...before they 'retreated into the shadows'. Somehow, Spencer Jacobs became the Echani Queen." the Host Leader gave her a very dubious look, as if anticipating the scathing response Siobhan held up a hand. "Yes, I know. Varanin's First Apprentice. Don't ask, I don't understand it either. That said, you may remember that Kaeshana did join the Protectorate for protection as well, which is also not what it used to be."

"Yes, but we've been absolutely ignoring them since Lady Alcori stepped down as Protector. I am not sure whether we still send soldiers. Besides, it is all part of our genius plan to assume direct control over the Galaxy and place it under the loving heel of its rightful mistresses. We live long lives and all the tech you are providing us with will serve us well on this righteous crusade. High Queen Anya shall ascend. Rest assured, we will remember your wife's and your contribution, my Lady," the Host Leader said with a completely straight face.

In response to that Siobhan simply burst out into laughter. "Of course, girl! How could I forget? You better include me in the Eldorai Pantheon as a reward! For I am clearly a divine being given flesh by the will of Ashira to lead you to victory. I am your new battle goddess." Siobhan said with a completely straight face and a deadpan tone as if she were serious.

Some of the Angelii gave her...very disapproving looks, but Taldir had...spent more time among humans, even served in the Pyre after being exiled for a while, so she was more used to the Firemane vice president being a bit...weird. "Such blasphemy will be reported to the High Priestess of Ardarvia. She will demand repentance for your sins," she said just as deadpan. "Regardless, we shall welcome the Echani into our ranks."

"I shall go see her at the celebrations for the Goddess and confess my sins," Siobhan promised solemnly. Well...she did visit the High Priestess rather frequently. "Do be welcoming, but don't start trying to convert them to the gospel right away." Presumably by now the ship was coming in to land and she made a gesture towards the Angelii. "Right, look sharp girls!"
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

While not normally a fan of meta or breaking the fourth wall, outside a character that is not Hecate, the writer is making the exception to comment how exceptionally excited she is hearing someone else also downloaded that mod for Kotor 2. She also agrees the Disciple is super boring!
The silence that had been persisting as the view of Santaissa was drank in by Hecate and her fellow Echani as they passed over the capital of Kaeshana was finally broken as the city left the view of the viewports in exchange for the upcoming hanger for Firemane's headquarters that was actually positioned to give a beautiful of the Eldorai city actually Hecate would think. From behind Hecate a voice rose up to ask her a question.

"So what are the people like again we're going to be hoping to work with again?" Hecate sighed as she turned to look at the smaller Echani woman. The other girl had straight hair unlike Hecate's fluctuated braided style, and was a good solid inches and cup sizes smaller than the older female. Yet, just like Hecate, Allana had also served in their homeworld's militia, just for a much shorter time. It was actually a slight surprise when Hecate had learned the other girl had followed along, having only met her briefly a few times. Until a pair of reasons were revealed that explained Allana's presence. One being the young girl's older sister, who was standing beside Hecate as they were and enjoying the view before Allana spoke and was actually perhaps Hecate's closest friend during her time in service. The other. . . .

"They are a near human species called the Eldorai if you remember that much. Their culture is very similar to our own and the Hapans, though they are more religious and we are no longer as committed to the traditions and more sensible ways of our culture as we used to be. They value talent and have a women centered culture and supporting monarchy under their Star Queen." Hecate spoke trying to simplify matters for the younger Echani who already was supposed to know everything. Likely did and was merely fuzzy and too lazy to try and remember herself. Or use the chance to mouth off and poke fun in the casual setting.

"Ah! No wonder you and Abigail put together this plan to head out here. Come on, its obvious to see whenever you both spar with another woman you're into them." The sigh that escaped was doubled this time around as Abigail joined Hecate in feeling exasperated with the younger girl obviously trying to poke fun at her sister and superior officer. "Oh? But isn't one of the reasons you came along was because you didn't want to part with Lanora? Admittedly the two of you are very cute when you fight. Enough of this though, we need to get going." A slight smirk could be seen on Abigail's face as that was said. It was true, to the Echani one's emotions, especially other Echani's, were easily read when fighting. As it was also true it was clear that many of the women on board had certain similar ideas on the attractiveness of their own sex.

Although those weren't major factors for why any of them had come out here. They were landing in Firemane's hanger bay now because they were looking for a pure purpose to serve and support. Kaeshana was a world attempting to be reliant upon itself and free of the influence of the demands of the rest of the galaxy. A simple wish, and one that seemed decent enough. So when the Gozanti Cruiser finally settled in the hanger and lowered its ramp, Hecate moved to depart the vessel with three of her fellow Echani right behind her, hoping who they would meet with could shed some more light to help them make a decision.

One thing was for certain though, Hecate hadn't been expecting the party meeting them to consist solely of women as well despite the bits she had heard about the Eldorai people. Allana could be heard even taking a quick breathe, not that Hecate blamed her. All the women ahead of them had beautiful faces and features. Their armor was quite elegant too, but to the Echani it still seemed too much and too bulky for those who wished to fight as little encumbered as possible. All the same Hecate admitted they were well crafted and good looking pieces all the same. Though more so the Eldorai women wearing the armor looked even better, Radiant perhaps? Not that Hecate let her opinion show, though her surprise at the party likely broke through at first. Once only a few steps away from Firemane's welcoming group Hecate came to a halt and smiled as she presented herself and her Echani comrades with a slight bow. "Hello, you must be Siobhan. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Hecate Ferrum, I was the one who spoke with you before about our upcoming arrival."

"Yes, Siobhan Kerrigan, Vice President of Firemane Industries." Also a Chaos Goddess if the remnants of Bando Gora cultists were to be believed. See, she had wiped their cult out, who had been a savage menace the Protectorate had fought for many years, and killed plenty of their gods, so their survivors decided that it would be a good idea to include her in their pantheon. As she found out when she helped wipe out a splinter group. Since the Bando Gora did nasty things like eat people, perform human sacrifices, create the Reavers and other monstrosities her being terribly eager to kill them and not that thrilled about the fan club was understandable!

Hecate and her group of Echani would be greeted by Host Leader Taldir with the traditional Angelii salute, right hand over the heart. As for the armour, Siobhan would agree with Hecate's professional assessment about it, though this one was mainly ceremonial, hence why it was so ornate. When in actual combat the Angelii were in clad in more practical gear. In many ways the Eldorai army was in the process of adapting to the greater Galaxy, hence why part of Firemane's mission was to help them modernise and catch-up technologically, as part of the self-strengthening movement initiated by the Queen. While nominally part of the Protectorate they guarded their independence fiercely and did not want to be dependent on it for a number of reasons.

"Likewise a pleasure. On behalf of Star Queen Tirathana VII and CEO Tegaea Alcori let me welcome you to Kaeshana. I trust your flight here was without complications. Firemane's eager to acquire new talent and I'm sure we can come to an arrangement to integrate you into our force. We've heard promising things about the Echani," she said formally but warmly, saluting with military efficiency. Hecate and the other Echani might not be serving military anymore, but they had been and hopefully soon would again, so it seemed proper.

As for beauty, she was certainly, ahem, appreciating the Echani warrior women. Particularly Hecate, but then she was...well endowed in the chest region. Presumably Siobhan's appreciation did not go unnoticed by, well, anyone since she was not the subtle type in anything she did, but then she got back to business.

"If you'd follow me, Ms Ferrum, we can discuss things in my office and brief you on Firemane operations. Your comrades are free to use the rec room. My people will show them around here," she continued. She would then turn away to lead them out of the hangar. Siobhan walked with a slight limp and was leaning more strongly on one leg, which happened to be her bionic one, though its artificial nature would be barely noticeable unless one knew what one was looking for. The Firemane hangars were rather extensive, harbouring a variety of vessels, such as gunships and transports, with Firemane personnel going about their business. One would spot Firemane guards, many of them human, though a variety of aliens were in their ranks as well, most wielding the deadly boltgun. A turbolift should take the party up into the actual building.
Siobhan Kerrigan

Hecate took careful note when her and her sister Echani's bows were first returned with varying responses. As well as what greeting came from who. The Eldorai women's hand passing over their heart could be a number of things, such as merely being their people's common form of greeting as bowing or handshakes were for others. However, the young Echani woman suspected it was a form of military salute. Seeing how the human Siobhan was clearly presenting them with a standard one. So it was that Hecate responded by offering a salute in kind, soon followed by her comrades behind her.

Also not lost on Hecate was the fact Siobhan was clearly staring at her chest. Oh, so maybe we aren't the only ones with an appreciation for the fairer sex. Part of the Echani woman wanted to grin, but she had better control than that. Knowing a certain young girl who didn't though, Hecate folded her hands behind her back, making a curt signal at Allana to warn the girl from snickering, as she straightened and let her chest rise a little letting their shape become more distinct in her uniform. She knew she was certainly well endowed in certain areas. She often heard from others how she had a rack and butt to die for. Though they did weigh on her as compensation she supposed. She definitely wasn't against using them to undermine an opponent's attention though. . . . . or to be admired from time to time. Especially by another lovely lady such as the ones before the Echani.

"Of course Ms. Kerrigan. Lead the way, Abigail tell the others on the ship to hang on in there for just a bit. We'll conclude our business soon and they can explore with everyone then. In the meantime why not see what the rec room has to offer as Ms. Kerrigan indicated." With a nod and dismissal of her comrades, Hecate turned and followed after Siobhan with only a brief glance to the other woman's leg as she limped and led the way. The Echani also saw along the way how there were no other Eldorai aside from those that had greeted them before. It was a bit of a disappointment, considering how beautiful and lethal they had looked. The return of normal scenery of the usual mix of people brought a slight frown to tug at Hecate's face, though she wiped it away as she turned back to the woman beside her to begin conversation as well as perhaps playfully imitate Allana's attempts to poke fun earlier with more tact and success. Adding a little bounce to her step, that provided some bouncing elsewhere, as she spoke. "Ah I apologize Ms. kerrigan. I actually didn't answer your question before and got wrapped up making sure my comrades were alright. The trip here was quite peaceful, though I admit I was quite anxious the entire way being coped up and wishing to see a new world such as this. I am happy to say it did not disappoint. The view of the city Santaissa was breathtaking. . . . though not as much as the Eldorai, or yourself for that matter. I noticed you might have been enjoying the view yourself."

Hecate would hopefully be suitably consoled since once they left the turbolift and Siobhan led the Echani woman to her office she would indeed behold more Eldorai. Some of them were soldiers as well, others secretaries, government reps, businesswomen, all engaged in the usual frenzy of activity that was part and parcel of being a corporation. While by no means galactic level tier - in many ways it was still rather local though after having run a galactic empire the couple in charge of it might appreciate something smaller - Firemane was an upcoming company and with it came a great deal of activity. Since the Eldorai Matriarchy and Firemane Industries were closely wedded, an Eldorai presence was expected, though the company did not discriminate.

"Why, thank you," Siobhan said with a bright smile. She was by no means unblemished, a lifetime of fighting had left deep scars that were etched deep into her features, but nonetheless very particular about her looks. Especially since she was pretty much a member of the Eldorai aristocracy now along with her wife, though they lacked the title. So...she liked being appreciated. Especially since she had a bit of a one-track mind. She also did have a rather...considerable bust. As for the, ahem, bounce in Hecate's step...well, she noticed that as well.

"You're very beautiful yourself. You and your comrades. I guess the stories about Echani women were not exaggerations," with these friendly words she led Hecate into her office. Did Firemane have regulations about fraternisation? Given that Siobhan was married to Tegaea, its boss, and had walked down the aisle with her back when she had been a Colonel and her long time lover an Exarch of the Protectorate, probably not. With a casual mental gesture she pulled up a chair for Hecate and sat down herself behind her desk, crossing her legs.

"You're right about Kaeshana. It's a beautiful planet. My wife and I have long and enduring ties to the Queen. After my wife...stepped down as Lady Protector of OP we came over here to found Firemane." The exact circumstances that led to Tegaea's resignation she left out. If Hecate had watched the holonews regarding the Protectorate from almost a year ago she would presumably have heard that Tegaea had suffered serious injuries due to an attempt on her life by a Sith Assassin, who had then been killed by Siobhan. That was what the public had been told and correct in substance, but heavily edited. The full truth was...far more painful for the couple.

"Firemane's a weapons manufacturer, but we're also engaged in mining and provide military contracting services to nations and businesses. Strictly legal. We don't do slavery, assassination or work with Sith. Likewise we have a mandate to help the Eldorai improve their military infrastructure, provide training for their army and the like. Support them against threats that may may have heard about the civil war that was recently fought when the Dashdae Eldorai - Dark Eldorai, religious fanatics with darkside forcers in their ranks - rebelled and murdered Queen Silaqui, the present Queen's sister. The Eldorai are a very proud people, they have been isolated from the Galaxy for ages until recently and most foreigners only came to murder and try to steal their people as slaves. So we're about the only foreigners they trust," she said. The Eldorai Matriarchy had a...darker side, one she was more familiar with than most, having been party to uncovering many a dark secret of them, but nonetheless she was genuinely fond of their people.

A pretty Eldorai secretary would come in to bring refreshments, giving Hecate the chance to get a drink if she wanted one. "So you previously served in the Echani militia you said during our chat? Seen active military service on the frontlines?"
Siobhan Kerrigan

The Echani woman was more than happy to be wrong with some expectations. Exiting the turbolift with Siobhan and seeing that were indeed many more Eldorai at Firemane's base of operations was certainly not something Hecate would find herself disappointed over at all. Some might called the company's headquarters small, but Hecate honestly could compare it so far to some military installations she had been stationed at on planet back on Eshan during her time in the militia. Although there appeared to be a lot more going on around the facility than simply military related activities. The business and political looking individuals walking around gave the Echani a decent idea of what sort of other reaches Firemane had. . . . as well as giving her a view of the lovely Eldorai women in various attractive attire.

Hecate was also enjoying her bit of banter and conversation with her potential employer. The Echani had heard a few stories about lady Siobhan in rumor, and a few facts from the media that hopefully weren't skewed. None of the pictures ever shown though gave the woman justice however. Firemane's vice president was nearly as big as she was, and had a gorgeous figure and face to go with it though scarred here and there. The former Echani militia officer smiled herself as well after seeing how Siobhan did take notice of the effects from the bounce in her step. Plus the compliment certainly didn't hurt. "Oh, thank you Lady Siobhan. You flatter me greatly."

Soon reaching the other woman's office and being led inside, Hecate grinned as she watched her host use the force to pull a chair forward for her. That she gratefully accepted and sat in, crossing her own legs as Siobhan continued speaking. Ah yes, so perhaps those stories were true. You can never really trust news on the holonet all the time, and rumors are no better secondhand. Nonetheless, the Echani woman figured it was safe to assume the more impressive stories were true as of now. As well as figuring it was probably time to cut down on her flirting manner a little, it was all fun and games until one was reminded someone was married. If I recall Lady Alcori is quite the beauty as well?

The following description of the company and its purpose Hecate certainly found to her liking. A lot of what was being said appealed to her. She was a fan of being free, to do what she wanted. She liked being forward in battle rather than coldly murder from the shadows. And she hated Sith, it all seemed to work out to her she thought with a grin. The information on the civil war was actually news to the Echani though. She hadn't heard anything about it before now, but it definitely interested her. Needless to say though she was highly disappointed she wasn't around to participate in the conflict. I might have been able to prove some usefulness. Slightly frowning, Hecate accepted a tea from the secretary that entered the office while she was thinking things over she was being told, though she allowed herself to loosen up a little as she took a sip and smiled at the Eldorai woman before she departed.

"Yes, I served in the planetary militia. I fought in several skirmishes along the border against the Sith as well as pirate raiders lingering around that region of space. I was a Lieutenant before me and my fellow dissatisfied Echani sisters departed to meet your company. Sadly not nearly as impressive a record as your own."

Siobhan had a number of good qualities but at the same time she was rather susceptible to flattery. Either when it came to her looks, for she was rather vain when it came to those, especially since beginning to live the high life, or her combat prowess, of which she likewise had a tremendously high opinion. Of course, war was not glamorous, this she knew. War was hell, and oftentimes the only way to prevail for her had been by being as vicious as her enemy, sometimes even more so. True, when in battle she felt indomitable and through her mastery of the Force experienced what could only be described as a rush, better than anything spice had to offer. But at the same time there had been sacrifices along the way. From herself and from what she had demanded of her own troops. Roche, the Harbingers operation, Gehenna - Butcher Kerrigan was most certainly no hero, but at least aware of it.

As for her marriage with Tegaea, to whom Siobhan was devoted to, Hecate would be interested to learn that things were a and unconventional. "But on the plus side you got out of it without any maimings. Experienced plenty of those - repeatedly. It's not pleasant! I think there's a wing named after me in the Firemane hospital." she joked. Well, maybe it was true! She was not sure whether the nurses were just trolling her though. By now Siobhan was essentially half-machine, with an eye, a hand and a leg having been lost and replaced by bionics.

"I figure you saw action during the last war then. The defeated and 'retreated into the shadows' really easily, makes one think they just lost motivation and gave up." More like they decided to give up their empire and retreat into the one day rebuild it. Such profound strategic mastery is beyond this humble's writer ability to understand.

"Well, a new group of Sith warlords is forming up in the east. Thrashed their dark lord once." Realising that she was digressing she turned her mind back to the matter at hand. "Why'd you leave Eshan and the Republic? No need to answer if it's something too personal, just curious. From what I hear the Republic and the Mandalorians are on the brink of war...once people finally make up their minds." Siobhan had a few ideas of her own why they might have left. She certainly knew why she would have, but still wanted to hear it from her.
Siobhan Kerrigan

As much as the other woman was joking, Hecate couldn't help but feel a frown tug at her face as she took Siobhan's words to heart. She had been extraordinarily lucky during her service in the militia. The young Echani woman had never faced a true battle, never been in the midst of the chaos of a battlefield filled with large numbers of soldiers. She even highly doubted she had faced many experienced or veteran soldiers during the few skirmishes she had been in. Definitely no true Sith wielding the force and lightsabers that could disregard all her training with the mere flick of their finger. Yes, Hecate knew she had been fortunate in that regard, though she wished she actually could have been of more use by participating in such battles at some point. It made her more aware of how much more others had done, others like her potential employer in front of her and the woman's wife.

Truthfully the Echani was more thankful she was asked why she had left her homeworld. Rather than feel inadequate over her service with comparisons, she felt more irritated over the subject. Though she kept most of her displeasure thinking about her reasons off her face as best she could. "No it's alright. I don't mind at all, though perhaps a few of the others feel more strongly than I. I and the others with me do not feel any loyalty to the current regime of Eshan. We do not appreciate being little more than extra fodder for the Republic, made worse as our leaders involve themselves little in our own affairs and integrate themselves instead in the Republic's standings. I suppose I forgot the fact you were once a Jedi, but then that maybe let's you understand what I mean when I say the Republic isn't exactly a place to be or an entity worth supporting. It's weak and chaotic to the point of concern. I do not believe they will do well in the coming war. Whether that is good or bad for Eshan remains to be seen. I wish I could be of more help to my homeworld in the way I wish to, but in its current form I do not feel encouraged to do so. Many older traditions have been abolished, the council is no longer the pure government it once was either. Hearing of Kaeshana's desire to minimize exterior influence and maintain cultural traditions that were similar to my world's own made wish to help see the Eldorai succeed in this goal."

"I see. Thank you for openness. Kaeshana's trying to balance opening up with keeping its independence. In some ways the old has held the Eldorai back, change is painful, but even though they're with the Protectorate they don't want to compromise their independence and become solely reliant on it. Especially since it's not the great nation it used to be. I'm happy to see the Republic defeated the Empire and sent it to the dustbin, however unimpressive that war was, but they've become weak since O'reen. Even the Jedi who seem hold much sway over it cannot seem to decide who their leader is. Or whether they're 'darksider hunting templars' or 'monks'. Well, either way people complain about them. I'd respect it more if they showed more vigour, but then it seems the Mandalorians could drop a fleet in Coruscant's orbit. Firemane does, of course, do business with Republic clients if called on and paid appropriately. Likewise we would with the Mandalorians," Siobhan shrugged.

"Well, the Republic's loss is our gain. I'm certainly not going to complain about getting new recruits. Especially if they look as good in the uniform as you do," at that her lips curved into a smile and there was a twinkle in her one flesh eye. Obviously hitting on a potential subordinate during a job interview was the opposite of professionalism, but Siobhan was an unrepentant flirt and based on her earlier comments it seemed that Hecate did not mind, so it did not seem like a problem to her.

"I saw your ship before. Not sure whether I've seen the model before. What capabilities, armaments does it have?
Siobhan Kerrigan

Hecate could agree with most, if not all, of Siobhan's evaluation of the Republic. As well as understand Firemane's open business ethic. It made sense, selling to either side as a neutral organization. As did finding a balance for Kaeshana in advancing its position and identity in the galaxy while maintaining independent. Though perhaps Hecate felt that, unless necessary, no world or people should surrender themselves and what made their world theirs and theirs alone merely to get along with everyone else. One could always get along while being different in her opinion. People merely had to be open.

And Lady Siobhan appeared to be just that, bringing a grin to the Echani woman's face as Fireman'e vice president complimented her looks once again. Smiling pleasantly, Hecate ran a hand over her chest and down her uniform as she replied, switching her legs around as she uncrossed and crossed them again to be more comfortable. "Thank you, your Eldorai soldiers look lovely in their armor as well. Though it does appear to be more cumbersome and burdening to me. Then again it like offers sufficient protection, but all the same. . . . it is an Echani thing you could say. I have to say though I am glad I pull off the uniform so well. While it is meant for some protection, I definitely don't mind hearing I look good in it either."

Ice blue eyes lit up a little at the question of her ship. While it was nothing too special, Hecate was proud of it and figured the design was efficient. "Ah! It's a rarity nowadays. Some would say an obsolete model, but I consider it a brilliant design. It's a standard Gozanti Cruiser, unmodified. Most would consider it a freighter at its size, only 41.8 meters in length. However, its armed almost as well as most military corvettes. While not carrying any capital weaponry on board, the standard Gozanti Cruiser is armed with two batteries of four quad laser cannons and an additional two quad laser cannon turrets spaced around the hull of the ship as well as a proton torpedo launcher mounted on the front. Along with its thick hull plating I believe the Gozanti is a more efficient corvette than most standard ones even if its smaller and holds no fighters, although if I recall from looking up its history when I talked my comrades into acquiring it for ourselves when it was decommissioned I believe some variants existed that could carry two starfighters with it. The only other thing that could use modification is its speed. It does have a slightly slower hyperdrive than most ships its size, but with how durable and powerful it is I consider it a decent trade-off. Just a shame there aren't as many in the galaxy as there likely once was. The Militia only had a few and were hoping to phase them out for larger corvette class vessel. Honestly I just think they should have begun producing more of these themselves. I hope you don't take much offense when I say I was slightly disappointed the Eldorai's own ships were not as lovely or elegant as their cities and species. Not that the Gozanti is a graceful looking ship, but from what I saw the Eldorai ships were quite bulky and cumbersome."

"Good, then I'm sure you'll hear it quite often. Of course...some ladies might do...more than just say you look good," Siobhan said brightly. Could she possibly be any more obvious? Well, at least she still knew where Hecate's eyes were. She listened attentively when the Echani described the ship with evident enthusiasm, making some notes on a piece of paper in her usual, rather poor handwriting. To be fair it had improved...somewhat! The notes were made in Eldarai, a language Siobhan could speak passably, though she often mangled words and had a heavy accent, and write to a degree. She figured writing in it more frequently would help her get better.

"I see. Interesting design. Nice piece of firepower they managed to get into a small frame. It's something I could see the Eldorai perhaps being interested in for copying and adapting the design for their own fleet. Perhaps with some modifications, but nonetheless. They are looking towards expanding their fleet after all. If it performs well in action I can bring it up with the Queen. As for the Eldorai battleships, frankly they're happy that they have them and they're designed for practicality. It's the start of what they hope to be a space fleet that can defend their planet and they're proud of that. They're designed to deliver a good punch and the Ashira's Wrath should be able to take on anything short of a Star Destroyer based on armaments. Crew just needs experience."

At a casual gesture of her hand a drawer would open and a file would be levitated onto the table, containing the contract. She would pass it over the table towards Hecate. Her hand, completely accidentally of course, brushed against Hecate's, lingering perhaps for just a moment before she withdrew it. "Well, here's the contract. Do take time to read it through. Firemane can provide suitable accomodation for its personnel. Most of our employees tend to frequent the Foreign Quarter of Santaissa since most expats live there, but that's not required. I figure we can transfer your rank as Lieutenant with platoon command, in our quick reaction force." As was common a more experienced NCO would be there to assist a platoon leader. Since Firemane saw quite a bit of action, Hecate should probably gather more experience pretty soon.
Siobhan Kerrigan

The smile already on the Echani woman's face merely beamed more at the remark made by the other female. ​Part of me is saying to be cautious, but the rest says to see how far it goes. Deciding she was more tempted to play along and see where things took her, Hecate spoke up while she noticed Siobhan was making some quick notes. "Oh, I wouldn't mind at all. In fact I'm rather hoping they do Lady Siobhan. You could say I'd rather enjoy it, they'd just have to let me know." Giving the woman across from her a look saying she knew exactly where her eyes had wandered, Hecate smiled once more as Siobhan also began to compliment her ship.

Siobhan's points about the Eldorai's own fleet were sensible as well. Still, Hecate dearly hoped they would soon begin developing effective designs that also held some elegance to their frames. It was just such a disappointing contrast from the world and city below, and especially the people who would likely be crewing those vessels. The Echani wouldn't make such statements though, she knew practicality was what truly mattered, and she had more important things to keep her mind on as Siobhan handed her the contract, with a touch of the other woman's own that lingered longer than necessary. Which tugged a small grin onto Hecate's face as she began to sign it and listen to her new employer's advice for housing.

"I'll likely live with my comrades for the time being, so it will depend on the group's consensus. The longer we stay though, the more likely we'll seek out our own residences perhaps. . . . especially if we begin begin to enjoy the locale more." With a short chuckle at that, Hecate looked over the contract one last time to satisfy herself before leaning towards Siobhan's desk and reaching over to hand back the signed document, her hand imitating the touch the other woman had done a moment before. "By the way, was this hand all you wanted to touch?"

Siobhan looked surprised and a bit flustered at the contact, as strange as that might seem considering she had been hitting on Hecate since she walked down the landing ramp of her ship. At first she actually withdrew her hand, feeling a bit suspicious. After all, she remembered a certain 'Sonae Kur', who had appeared very willing...but who had just been playing on her lust in order to get her to let down her guard...and the result had been that Tegaea suffered. Then she pushed that suspicion aside.

"Well, I was planning on showing you my weapons first...the ones that make things go bang," she said, flushing slightly, then arose from her chair and walked over to the Echani woman. Gently but insistently she pulled her up from her chair. Her grip was loose enough that getting out of it would be easy as she was positioned before the desk. Siobhan's hand travelled down Hecate's back, gently stroking it as it found its way down towards her glorious butt, trailing over it to give it a good squeeze.

"You should really come by to Tegs' and my place. We can show you a lot...about the Eldorai and...other things," she said, flashing the lieutenant a smile, voice like a caress against her ear. Then she kissed her deeply. There was tongue involved...and Siobhan was an, ahem, good kisser. She kissed the way she fought, nothing held back, pure passion and ferocity. Rest assured should anything non-PG-13 happen in this thread a black curtain shall descend upon the scene and obscure it from the eyes of kiddies. This writer respects family-friendliness.
Siobhan Kerrigan

Watching her new employer's hand recoil at her touch caused the smile that had been on the Echani's face to lessen as the disappointment and slight feeling of shame set in. Well, it wasn't like I wasn't expecting this. Suppose I shouldn't be surprised there was a point that was going too far. Oh well, not like it was exactly the most sound idea either. So smiling apologetically to avoid being rude or cause more harm, Hecate was surprised when Siobhan instead began to again talk again indicating perhaps things weren't quite as bad as they seemed. "Oh, sounds like an impressive weapon. . . . maybe you can make something else go bang instead though?"

Following Siobhan's movements as the woman's face flushed and she got up and began walking towards her, Hecate smiled happily as arms moved around her to pull her up and out of the chair and soon even held her over the desk, giving no resistance at being in the embrace of the other female. Her own hands wrapped around Siobhan's waist as the other woman's hand ran down her back and grabbed onto the shapely butt the Echani was quite proud of. "That sounds wonderful. Just give me anytime and tell me how to get there and I'd be more than happy to see what all you and your wife have to show."

After the words were exchange, Hecate watched as Siobhan drew closer and offered herself freely to the woman. The woman's tongue entered her mouth and was greeted by her own. It was certainly as was said, Siobhan was indeed a good kisser and held nothing back. So the Echani held nothing away, giving everything into the kiss as she was held and held in turn.

That's all folks! *Cue looney toon outro and porky pig sign-off*

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Before the interview could become an 'interview' and warp the minds of the innocent, Tegaea herself entered. She had heard that an Echani ship was coming in, but had been prevented from going there herself by other commitments. However, she arrived at the best possible moment for comedy purposes.

Moving silently, she entered the office. Fortunately, her relationship with Siobhan was pretty open, and so instead of the feared stereotypical melodrama, she instead took a deep breath.
"Ah, the interview's going well I see," she said, stepping in and closing the door. "I'm Tegaea Alcori, head of Firemane. I see you've already met my wife, but what is your name, dear?" she asked with perfect innocence,
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Hecate"]

Presumably in most cases someone walking in on their wife clearly having an intimate moment with another woman would provoke...a great deal of melodrama. Accompanied by plenty of yelling. Perhaps some of the datapads stacked on the desk would be thrown around and broken. There might be a mess divorce case that would undoubtedly make a lawyer happy due to the remuneration and the fact that both spouses were quite famous.

However, things were...a bit different here. Siobhan and Tegaea had an understanding that liaisons with women other than each other were permitted as long as it was for purely physical as opposed to emotional pleasure. Of course, it was not perfect and one might recall a certain Sonae Kur, but by and large it worked. At least both were honest and upfront about being a tad obsessed with sex!

So instead of hastily trying to come up with a thoroughly implausible 'explanation', Siobhan gave her wife a smile as she entered. "Very well. Hi, love. You have...good timing." Or bad, depending on perspective, but the more the merrier, though she felt a bit sulky about not yet getting to the...warp innocent minds part. "This is Hecate Ferrum, former lieutenant in the Echani militia. Hecate, that's my wife. The former Lady Protector of the Protectorate." Siobhan spoke the last words with particular emphasis. Far as she was concerned Tegaea did not receive nearly enough credit for all the work she had done as second in command and then leader. Of course, she was a bit biased, but nonetheless.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

While both of the other women were more at ease with the situation, Hecate couldn't help but wince as she chuckled nervously. Under usual circumstances she would be much more concerned and would have been worried she had just cost herself and her fellow Echani who were seeking to join the company their new jobs. She realized perhaps she should have thought things through more before since such things could have been on the line, but at least in this situation things didn't seem so dire. Not when current company appeared to be taking the scene in stride and even seemed casual about it. Which, while strange, Hecate was quite thankful for.

All the same, the young Echani smiled apologetically at Firemane's leader and wife of the woman she had been kissing. Followed by a bow of introduction from the woman when Siobhan gave her name for her, and also extended Tegaea's introduction. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lady Alcori. As your wife said I am Hecate Ferrum, I only arrived with several of my sister Echani a short while ago. Your wife was actually commenting on your vast knowledge a moment ago." Hecate hoped she was reading the situation correctly. Both Tegaea and Siobhan seemed highly relaxed under the circumstances, and not a minute ago Siobhan had invited her to perhaps visit the couple's home while using plural pronouns regarding the topic. Still, part of her wanted to apologize all the same in case her recent actions might have gone over as well as others were letting on.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Hecate"]

Tegaea smiled, appreciating Siobhan's little bit of remembrance, even if it was mostly flattery. Hecate looked adorably embarrassed by the whole situation, so Siobhan crossed and smiled reassuringly at her.
"Oh was she now?" she asked curiously. "My wife does like to say the most fun things." Something in her tone suggested that this might be brought up at the club.

"I hope that she had time to interview you and make a decision as to whether to hire you or not."

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