@[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Leori Sheltrak"] @[member="Knight"]
"The birds and....is that what mammals use to explain....no wonder you're all a little flitty." He said at Kira as he reached to protect his hat. "Its the flowers and trees that worry me."
Talon turned to Master Leori.
"Thank you I would appreciate that. Since Kira keeps trying to touch me!" Good greif he sounded like a seedling!
'Get it together Talon. Don't let her little bird self bug you.'
"The birds and....is that what mammals use to explain....no wonder you're all a little flitty." He said at Kira as he reached to protect his hat. "Its the flowers and trees that worry me."
Talon turned to Master Leori.
"Thank you I would appreciate that. Since Kira keeps trying to touch me!" Good greif he sounded like a seedling!
'Get it together Talon. Don't let her little bird self bug you.'