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Approved Starship JT-412 "Sovereignty" Heavy Assault Fighter Mk II

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Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd with minimal tech from Lucerne Labs
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Small
Size: Average
In memory of our late CEO

  • TOUGHER THAN A 2 CREDIT NERF STEAK: They may be slow, but the armor on them, the angular designs, they can take a BEATING.
  • BRRRRRRRRRRT: If the "Sovereignty" is "The Hand of the Force", then mounted Rail gun is its middle finger.
  • SLOWER THAN A CONSTIPATED BANTHA: These ships cannot outrun others, they can maneuver, but they are still slow.
  • LIMITED RANGE: They do have a hyperdrive, but these fighters are meant for close ship-air support with limited.
Sovereignty is a simple craft really, easy to learn, easy to fly, tough to kill, a mean as a chit rail gun. The ship is mean as a teething Rancor and meant to be just as tough as one. The weapons systems, the armor, it is designed to do what the old school "Y-Wing" was meant to.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a next-gen maneuverable attack fighter
Canon Link: Maybe an X-wing?
Permissions: Gir Quee, my subs
Primary Source(s):

Lucerne Labs

Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Model: JT-412 "Sovereignty" Class Heavy Attack Fighter
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Ordinance
Modular: Yes
Material: Trimantium , Argentum Matrix Armor plating, Transparisteel
Armaments: Ventral Hull
Forward firing Chin Mounted ROF Rotary Cannon
Hull mounted FGA-43 Starfighter rated Quad Laser turrets
Outside Hull (Under Wings)
4x Morningstar Concussion Missile
Missile racks with 8 Mustafire Cluster Missiles payload (each side)
Aft Ventral Hull
Bomb racks with 3 Proton Bombs each (each side)
Bomb racks with 2 GDAMM Guided bomb (1 each side)
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Low
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/ION: Average

Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: None
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