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Approved NPC Jubei Sena

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Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō


  • Age: 37
  • Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive
  • Species: Human (Atrisian)
  • Appearance: Tall by atrisian standards with lightly brown skin and taut muscles from working with her blades. Her hair is usually medium length and tied out of the way of her face with black brown hair. Deep chocolate brown eyes and light scars along her left wrist.

  • Jar'Kai Combat Training:

[*]Personality: Loyal and violent, Jubei deeply loyal almost to the point of obsession with her charges and what could be considered her friends. Her loyalty is tied to her sense of love or romantic convictions showing itself almost as a self consuming obsession. Her thirst for violence is counter to most yovshin who fight to defend. She fights because she can and will throw herself into life and death struggles more often just to work out issues. Her fights to her are often therapeutic as she rarely thinks about who she is fighting and more just leaves behind a line of opponents.
  • Weapon of Choice: Jar'kai Dueling Swords
  • Combat Function: Trained in Jar'kai fighting style and one fo the best swordsmwomen on Atrisia. She is very skilled, very deadly and honor bound to protect the heir to the Emperor [member="Shoma Ike"].
  • Skilled Bodyguard: Trained as a Yovshin swordswoman and later bodyguard. Jubei has a high degree of skill with her jar'kai blades and identifying threats.
  • Obsessive: A dangerous trait with Jubei, she commits everything to someone and her duties. Often excluding others and doing whatever it takes in her mind to make someone happy or pleased. (she would cut down someone who might frustrate Shoma or the emperor because 'reasons' in her mind that make perfect sense for example)
  • Recklessly Impulsive: Vigilant and proactive but also paranoid and very much of the strike first and fast notion. That leads her often to jump to conclusions about new people she has just met and can get her into some trouble.
Born on Atrisia to the Sena family a minor house of vassals who served the former chamberlain. Jubei was always looking to become a skilled Yovshin and serve the emperor. She got that chance showed prodigy levels of skills with her blades and knowledge of technique. It moved her through the ranks until she was protecting the emperor as the darksider Mythos came to the planet. Fleeing with the Emperor and Empress she worked to protect them as the world was being destroyed.

For that service and afterwards when the armies loyal to the Emperor were being used to restore order. She cleared out the remnants of house Kahoshi allowing the former empreor and empress to rest in peace and be preserved. Their dynasty questionable but it wasn't for her to condemn or praise them as the Emperor gave her what was thought to be an impossible task. Recruit two others and clear out the southern continent.

She succeeded with Tama and Hanzo, becoming the three generals of the Emperor. THeir reward was for thier houses to be elevated or they could form their own if they didn't have such a distinction. With the war on Atrisia, the battles many of the once noble houses had been divided and felled. Jubei herself used this as a means to request that she continue to be the personal bodyguard of the emperor. Something he refused but he assigned her to [member="Shoma Ike"].

She was confused at first by this move but then came to realize that while she had been protecting the emperor many of the others who had been protecting the emperors children and the empress had failed. His heir's were dead, his empress still alive but currently being held by dishonored Yovshin still loyal to the false emperors of the sith. Jubei would have gone to free her but there were dangers that needed to be handled and she was assigned to protect Atrisian's future.
Sawa Ike said:
​Image Credit: How to properly source your images Selena Denebulae: Female Samurai
The pic source link does not work. I get a 404 when I try to access it.

Also, you can remove the 'how to properly source your images' part.

Sawa Ike said:
Loyalties: Shoma Ike, Atrisian Royal Family
Please hyperlink Shoma Ike.

Sawa Ike said:
Jar'kai Blades
Do you mean these blades?

If yes, please hyperlink. Otherwise elaborate.

[member="Sawa Ike"]
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