Sun-Shin perhaps wasn't as curious as the Jedi Knight but she felt no need to hide anything, or at least; lie. "Thank you," accepted Sun-Shin of Ryv's compliment, "then you have me at a slight disadvantage, I don't believe I've caught your name." Tone even, as she focused on the blips of the holoprojected map. She looked up, but not at the Knight but to her staff. "I need an update from Group Besh, Kenithia." The Knight inquired of the Captain and while she knew his question to be fair, it was after all - a two way street.
"I am happy to inform you of myself, however; this may not be the time for..." She searched for the word, "the divulging of backstories, after all what you ask of me is what I would ask of you. I know nothing about you, and yet here you stand on my bridge." Sun-Shin wasn't annoyed, she held no emotion to her words as matter-of-factly as she spoke. "I am more than happy to trade stories when we reach safer shores."
"I will give you this." Began the Captain.
Kenithia handed Sun-Shin a datapad, and interjected with, "Group Besh's update Captain."
"Thank you Lieutenant," Sun-Shin directed her attention to the Knight, "is duty before self." A quiet look in the direction of the Jedi Knight. The bridge wasn't built the way most Imperial bridges were built with their trenches and how the officers frequently looked down upon their crew. First Order bridges showed no trenches, rather an open floor with steps leading to and from the bridge which offered a commanding view but was more open rather than closed as the bridge plans of the past had been.