Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Jump and Carry On | [FO] Skism Hex + [GA] Carida Hex

Sun-Shin Tae

Sun-Shin perhaps wasn't as curious as the Jedi Knight but she felt no need to hide anything, or at least; lie. "Thank you," accepted Sun-Shin of Ryv's compliment, "then you have me at a slight disadvantage, I don't believe I've caught your name." Tone even, as she focused on the blips of the holoprojected map. She looked up, but not at the Knight but to her staff. "I need an update from Group Besh, Kenithia." The Knight inquired of the Captain and while she knew his question to be fair, it was after all - a two way street.
"I am happy to inform you of myself, however; this may not be the time for..." She searched for the word, "the divulging of backstories, after all what you ask of me is what I would ask of you. I know nothing about you, and yet here you stand on my bridge." Sun-Shin wasn't annoyed, she held no emotion to her words as matter-of-factly as she spoke. "I am more than happy to trade stories when we reach safer shores."
"I will give you this." Began the Captain.
Kenithia handed Sun-Shin a datapad, and interjected with, "Group Besh's update Captain."
"Thank you Lieutenant," Sun-Shin directed her attention to the Knight, "is duty before self." A quiet look in the direction of the Jedi Knight. The bridge wasn't built the way most Imperial bridges were built with their trenches and how the officers frequently looked down upon their crew. First Order bridges showed no trenches, rather an open floor with steps leading to and from the bridge which offered a commanding view but was more open rather than closed as the bridge plans of the past had been.
Ryv Ryv


Ariadne Gallaer

The tunneled world of Pammant gave Ariadne a sense of claustrophobia the first time she was there, and this time was no different. Her first trip, she had been a refugee, fleeing the burning of Kesh with her sister and as many Keshiri as she could fit on the rustbucket ship they had escaped on. With no clear aim in mind, no objective other than to survive, they limped through the galaxy, looking for a safe space to set down and repair the ship. Port after port turned them away, but Pammant had allowed them to land. That was about the last favor they had done for her. Suspicious of outsiders and all too aware of the abuses of the Bryn'adul, they had treated the refugees with suspicion and distrust.

Ariadne had spent weeks there, working to earn the credits to pay for the parts their ship needed, and had been treated by most as furniture.

Now, with the Bryn'adul threat looming ever larger, and with the world squarely in their crosshairs, Ariadne had returned, hoping to do a little good. Do unto others, et cetera. With her trusty droid Chunk in tow, she had traveled to Pammant ahead of the First Order and Galactic Alliance task forcess to try to soften the ground. Pammant was a hard-won colony world for the Quarren and they were not likely to leave it easily, even if it meant a tremendous loss of life.

She disembarked her ship with Chunk perched on her shoulder, drawing a cloak over her traveling clothes, hiding her blaster. She wandered the market, greeting the few Quarrens who had been friendly or even neutral enough to view her value in the credits she would spend or the assistance she could render as an engineer. She had brought credits to spend and lots of them. Maybe if they didn't have to worry about their inventories, the lead vendors at the dockside town would be easier to convince them it was time to go.

"Hey old man," she asked the Tikker, the owner of a shop she had frequented during their overlay on Pammant, leaning on the counter. "How's business?"

Tikker turned from where he was organizing some boxes on the counter behind the checkstand. "Wha--hey, kid!" He gave the Quarren equivalent of a smile and looked towards the door before turning his attention back to her. "What are you doing here? Thought you got off this rock."

Ariadne chuckled. "So observant. Only been off Pammant for two months now. You see a lot of purple girls in these parts lately?"

"Now't you mention it, no," said Tikker. "Chunk giving you trouble? I don't have any more motivators, if that's what you're after."

Chunk chittered happily and did a tip-tap movement from one tiny foot to the other. "Chunk is fine," Ariadne said. "Here for you now. Not just you. Everybody. The Bryn'adul are heading this way. Take it from me: it's time to get while the gettin' is good."

Lydia Reed

The search had been thorough but, thankfully, not invasive. Lydia had been approached by the First Order government to cover a top-secret operation, but that didn't exempt her from being subjected to an investigation. Her drone camera was taken apart, searched for weapons and unauthorized transmitters. The terms of her agreement with the leaders of the task force was that video would be subject to editing and censorship and under no circumstances would it be allowed to be transmitted live before these processed could take place.

Lydia herself had been patted down by a friendly First Order security officer. Not her first time, but definitely her first since being married and having a child. Having had the all clear, she was granted access, and went about her business. She put the drone into the air and it followed her placidly, taking in the surroundings but ready to focus wherever Lydia needed it to at a moment's notice.

The union of First Order and Galactic Alliance forces felt foreign and strange to Lydia. She understood, conceptually, that they were two different people. This wasn't the same Galactic Alliance that had shelled the First Order's science team -- and Lydia herself -- at Kaeshana, nor was this the same First Order that had defeated them in the war that atrocity had kicked off. For Lydia, who still woke in cold sweats dreaming about the horrors she had seen on Kaeshana and other arenas of the war, trusting people who wore the name and badge of monsters was... a challenge.

She resolved not to let that impact her reporting. But if it did... well, that's what editors were for, right?

Lydia wanted to speak to people. Quotes from leaders were all well and good -- stock-in-trade even -- but the thoughts of others were of value as well. Context, always context. She approached the group waiting for the negotiating conference to begin, her droid rotating enigmatically beside her. She wore a nameplate identifying herself as a member of the press, in hopes that anyone she started speaking to wouldn't feel like it was an ambush. Still, when she laid eyes upon Auteme Auteme and settled on her as a potential interview subject, she identified herself once more. "Hello. I'm Lydia Finn-Camden, with the Camden Media Group Network. I'm documenting the efforts undertaken here, the partnership between the Galactic Alliance and the First Order. May we speak?"

She glanced at her droid. "It doesn't have to be on the record," Liddy said, trying to sound reassuring. She cast a glance around the other civilians in the area. "Offer's open to anyone, of course."


It was a beautiful planet, and for perhaps the hundredth time since arriving with the First Order contingent, he wished he were there under far better circumstances. Varick lifted a hand to run through his hair, his dark gaze casting across the scene unfolded before him. The area was bustling, though the press of sentients seemed to break around him like water around a boulder. His tall, imposing form was clad in armor for a change, marking him as a First Order Imperial Knight, though he bore no lightsaber. It always made people think, and that often heralded an opportunity to open a productive dialogue.

He only hoped they had the same luck today.

Varick strode forward, mindful of keeping his expression warm and open after a strongly worded message from Marionne on not looking so severe all of the time. It was still saved on his datapad, and the thought of it made him smile. Canting his head to the side as he neared the rendezvous point, he took the opportunity to pause and extend his senses a bit further through the area.

He did not seek to intrude upon anyone's privacy, he simply caught the general emotions and stray, broadcasted thoughts that flickered through the air like so many threads caught in the breeze. It was a general sense of unease and disturbance, though an undercurrent of fear seemed to be bubbling up beneath all of it.

Fear often presaged poor decisions. Varick still had the hope that they would be able to talk sense into the Quarren, in time to evacuate them all safely. But standing there thinking was getting them nowhere, so he forced himself back into motion once more. It wasn't long before he arrived to find Auteme Auteme at the appointed place, and Lydia Reed beside her, requesting an audience. As they had not been yet admitted within to begin the negotiations, he interrupted as politely as he could.

"My apologies for the delay in my arrival and the interruption. Varick Lechner of the First Order Imperial Knights, at your service." his voice rumbled softly as a half-bow was also given by way of greeting. Shifting back slightly to leave them to their talk, he remained mindful of their surroundings and looked briefly toward the still-closed door.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things

"Oops," Ryv chuckled. "Sorry about that, Captain. I'm Ryv. Ryv Karis."

On instinct, the kiffar extended a hand her way for a handshake. Midway through the motions, he stopped, allowing it to fall back to his side. "It'll probably sound arrogant, but I don't usually have to go through the motions of introductions. Either GA personnel sends it forward, or people just recognize me through the holonet or something. I'm a fan of social media."

Duty before self.

He perked a brow at Sun-Shin's proclamation. It wasn't a foreign concept, being a Jedi Knight and all. His brethren walked a path that demanded sacrifice in the face of great evil. The lives of the many, sorta deal. He'd seen others with a likeminded code from all corners of the galaxy. From the Imperial Man fighting for his very way of life to the kindhearted stranger forced to give up their chance for freedom in place of a crying child, ripped away from her mother's arms. No one was safe from the evils plaguing the stars. With each passing day, there were fewer places to hide out from the ongoing chaos. The galaxy would soon see another great conflict—a high stakes game, one that would see all its players in a struggle for survival.

"I understand, Captain," he gave her lieutenant the once over before looking back to Sun-Shin. "This is your ship. If we don't have time for introductions, then I should make myself useful, yeah? How can I help? I know I'm here to counteract any sort of force-based threat, but I don't want to just stand around and be pretty till then."

Resurgent Narrative

Captain Vorgune coordinated with Commander Ralvar of the Veritas their task was going smoothly, perhaps too smoothly. All the same, he'd like to be out of this system sooner rather than later. The Zabrak wondered how the Serennian was faring being so close to the Sith Empire, but then there were many who could ask the same. The Sith had committed genocide without remorse, much in the same way the Bryn'adul did. One simply did it because they could do so to anyone species or planet that they felt slighted by. The other did it for ethnic cleansing proclaiming it to be for the greater good.
Here Vorgune was, a Zabrak wearing an Imperial uniform - for the First Order no less. He was sure his presence was something of an anomaly to those outside of the First Order. Vorgune didn't pay them much mind, his focus turned to the holographic map before him on the projector table. Blips moving to and from, wedge-shaped vessels working with Corellian and Mon Cal-inspired designs. A day like this wasn't something anyone could have foresaw, but it did warm the heart knowing that factions could set aside their differences to accomplish something greater than themselves.
Open to Interaction

The group landed on New Alderaan anxious eyes moved about looking at where to begin. There could be hostiles around and Theo had been made aware of another group his orders were only to become involved if invited. Right now his mission was evacuation of citizens.

"Captain" The voice of one of the group finally pierced through Theo's thoughts. Theo had failed to realize that he was staring off into the horizon at some fixed point. He looked over he just couldn't remember the name of the man speaking with him, "Let's move out"

A few steps turned into many, "We're from the alliance here to evacuate citizens" Their voices carried no weight for some reason they were all concerned afraid of what was waiting for them. Weapons were handy, but so were med kits...just in case.

He had this awkward feeling inside that somehow what was to be soft and peaceful was not going to go well.

Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe


Overall, ships from one side of the galaxy all were designed to accomplish their intended purpose along with showcasing the wright’s sensibilities and their nation’s character. The Vice Chancellor’s ship was no different in this respect besides its obvious splendor which looked as richly stylish as the man of the hour, Aerarii Tithe. Both ship and man inspired an insight to what was a luxurious marvel or what represented the tacky and overwrought within the galaxy. Major Shepard, for her part, could not stand it; the ship, that was. The ship itself was unique enough compared to the utilitarian halls found within First Order vessels, and it wasn’t offensive in any way due to its own merits.

Sybil simply hated space, spacing, hyperlanes, fleets, and the whole lot of it. So it would most likely be till the day she departed the realms of existence. Her misgivings on the matter were irrelevant and would also, not so ironically, remain unimportant for the rest of her days. Orders were to come and endeavor upon this mercy mission, and orders were not to be questioned when Dosuun insisted. So the agent found herself on the bridge of this vessel, fighting back the urge to complain about how long it was going to take until they were planet side. One small comfort during this trying trip to places unknown was Sybil’s innate ability to tow the line between following orders explicitly and following the spirit of said orders. This uncanny ability to skirt trouble would no doubt serve her well while she assisted in the evacuation so far from home. The Major didn’t exactly look like a stereotypical First Order Officer, though she wore the standard black uniform that was renowned or infamous in some form or another throughout the years. Her tunic was open and the standard cap had been discarded in a refresher one hyperjump or so ago, showing a sloppy shock of auburn hair that definitely wasn’t cut to regulation. Even her stance, casually leaning against a console while arms crossed, didn’t exactly imply a lifestyle of rigid imperialism. If one didn’t know any better they might assume her to be some kind of spy playing pretend. Perhaps that would come up later during the operation.

The Foreign Agent aboard cocked an eyebrow at the word ‘métier,’ smirking in either derision or appreciation —this was difficult to ascertain from the canted angle of her gaze.

“Eff-Ohh assets in former Sith space? You bet.” She affirmed. “Though to my understanding it has been a while since collaborating. The battalion and task force following will ensure the assets, and people, are protected while they muse over the decisions they have taken these last few years. Naturally, should you need it you can also make use of such protection for the time being.” Shepard’s assertion would either come as relief or laden with sinister undertones.

“Speaking of your former retinue. Why did, pardon the cliché, and if this is too forward please let me know. . .” This measure of carefulness had to imply some measure of respect, or at least hesitation. “. . .you leave them behind?” Sybil raised her head to look the Vice Chancellor in the eye, apparently quite serious suddenly.



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Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Location: Planet side
Ship: Ship: Czerka transport with 2 seismic detonators
Post: 1
Tagging: Theo Vereen Theo Vereen / Open

History were not going to repeat least not if she could help it.
Marina had, by some crafty calculations, managed to jump her transport ship ahead of her countrymen. In short, she made landing just short of an hour before her droid RU-TK1213 informed her of another Alderaani ship breaking atmosphere.
"Royal transponder?" She asked, almost holding her breath for the answer.

Her queen had been quite upset and disappointed in how one of the greater house's, which had supported House Organa for Millenniums seemed to be in conflict with a Royal heir. In short, the abrasive relationship the queen had experienced between the daughter of her most loyal Duke with that of her son, Theo.
As a result, the queen saw fit to have the two try and work together. But Queen Faith Organa had never mentioned the word 'try'. It were more so a command for them to 'work out' their differences, with only one end result; resolution. Period.

be de beep beep.. her droid replied. It were indeed Theo Vereen Theo Vereen transponder emitting from the incoming vessel. Marina had been given access to the royal house's transponder signal.

"Ok, thanks TK. "

"Berkana..please..." Marina prayed to her deity.
"...don't make me feith it up this time."

20 minutes later...
Theo's ship had made landing, and it's occupants were disembarking.
She stood there as the entourage approached closer and closer. Seemed for a while that Theo had not spotted, nor expected her to have already landed before him. Then again she forego using her corvette class Mariner IV.
Marina had acquired a federalist type transport vessel when she helped evacuate civilians off Commenor.

"Prince Vereen..." she came forward as he approached with his team.
"Marina from House DeVoe..." she acknowledged his status by giving him a slight curtsey. She were keeping it as formal as she could, However, not flashing him her pearly whites as she is always known of doing when greeting others..

"I'm here to serve under your command..." She then said, apparently swallowing hard soon after.
She remained poised and eyes fixed on his person.
maybe...maybe he would dismiss her, she thought.
Well, a lot of thoughts were already processing in her head with that being the least of the worst she thought, Theo would tell her.

If so, then she were not the one refusing to work together and her queen could not fault her.
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"My apologies for the delay in my arrival and the interruption. Varick Lechner of the First Order Imperial Knights, at your service."

"Hi, I'm Eralam, of the Iron Knights, Anthropomorphic Lobster Fishing Division," the Shard added.

The Shard had tailed the Imperial Knight down to the surface. His presence in the party had garnered some odd stares, but no one had really said anything. Maybe it was because, outwardly, he looked like nothing more than a droid. Droids, no matter how bizarre their attire, tended to go unnoticed until they drew attention to themselves. Everyone always assumed that they belonged to someone else, and didn't rate an introduction. The trick, he had learned, was to act like he was supposed to be there, and everyone just assumed he was.

It was one of the greatest strengths of the Shard Network: droids were nearly ubiquitous throughout most corners of society, a cast of automatomic slaves that could go nearly anywhere and do nearly anything, and no one would notice unless they made a nuisance of themselves. Droids, mostly, didn't mind. They were programmed not to. The irony of great crusades against slavery being born on the backs of unpaid laborers was not lost to Eralam, but he wasn't above exploiting the status quo when it suited him.

Varick Lechner Varick Lechner had seemed like he knew what he was doing, and didn't seem to mind the Shard following him down to the surface. Eralam suspected that the Imperial Whatsit knew what he was, and was happy to have two meters of Force-wielding warrior with him, just in case. He couldn't be sure, as they hadn't exactly exchanged words on the way to the surface, but anyone with the proper training could tell that he was no mere droid.

if they're watching anyways

After a few moments of putting on her Representative face -- straightening up, clasping her hands in front of her, and finding her voice again -- she spoke to the reporter. "I'd be happy to answer your questions."

Though she had little authority compared to the Senators of the Galactic Alliance, Auteme had become accustomed to the reporters. It was a quiet day in the Senate building when there were only a few media outlets looking for a quote from the New Jedi Order's representative. It was less her own popularity and influence than it was the constant cloud of controversy that encompassed the Jedi's actions. Over the past two years, balancing public opinion about the Jedi had become more bearable; no longer the daunting task it'd been in her first days, but rather something she could do to improve the Jedi's image and press the Alliance when necessary.

"My name is Auteme Denko-Durren. I am a Jedi Knight, and I represent the New Jedi Order in the Galactic Alliance's Senate; I'm here on behalf of the Alliance to negotiate with the Quarren Isolation League." The reporter already knew that, probably, but it was always good to get it on recording early. Auteme gave a polite smile for the camera, then nodded to the woman. It was taking a lot out of her to not immediately rush over to the metallic Eralam to ask him about the Shard and the Iron Knights, or Lechner's place as an Imperial Knight. But, she was committed to sating the reporter's curiosity first.

Lydia Reed

Lydia smiled broadly, putting on her Reporter's Face™ as she went through the mental rolodex of questions she had. To her knowledge, this was Lydia's first encounter with a Jedi that didn't involve violence. It was quite titillating, she thought, and interesting that she had stumbled upon the Jedi responsible for representing her kind to the Alliance Senate. Not exactly man on the street, but it would certainly do. Her readers and viewers of the Camden Media Group Network were likely unaccustomed to seeing a Jedi, let alone hearing one speak.

"I've heard that the Quarren are a tough nut to crack, so to speak," Lydia said as her droid gazed at Auteme Auteme curiously, circling the woman like a cork on a gently bobbing sea. "What's your experience with the Isolation League? Do you suspect they will heed the warnings you and others are bringing here?" Lydia paused and held the microphone out to her subject, effectively giving her the floor, while she debated whether she should ask whether the famous Jedi Mind Trick™ was on the table as a negotiation method?

On the one hand, it was something of a cheap and sensationalist approach to journalism. On the other hand, she was sure her audience would gobble it up. Ultimately, she decided against it. When your name was on the building, responsible activity was the only way to go.
if they're watching anyways

"In a word, minimal. At the moment we're waiting to be let in to speak to the League's leadership," she said. "I admit, the Alliance's relation with the Quarren has been minimal. For years they've been under the Sith Empire and have largely done what they wished here, without worry of an attack on their world.

"Now, they don't have that luxury. The Bryn'adûl are on their way, and out here we can't guarantee their safety. Though I have reservations about the League -- especially their decision to support the Sith's genocide of the Mon Calamari -- I also believe that leaders have a responsibility to their people, to keep them safe and do what is best for them. The Alliance and First Order both have made their intentions clear, and though I feel that it is a simple choice, I also understand why the League might wish to stay- well, isolated.

"We're here today to try and convince them that evacuating is the best choice. I will do what I can, but in the end, I cannot force the League down one course of action or the other. I can only hope they will see things the way I do, and ensure that their people aren't wiped out."

Lydia Reed

Lydia's brows furrowed as she studied the woman opposite her. The droid, as per usual, continued its slow circuit around the pair, nary a care in the world. "Given the Quarren's recent history, you have to wonder if there is not some kind of justice in leaving them to their own devices at the hands of the Bryn'adul, don't you? Their collaboration with the Sith genocide makes them, if not uniquely fit, then at least semi-uniquely fit. Are you aware of any efforts to bring the leadership who cooperated with the Sith to justice should the efforts here succeed in bringing sense?"

She glanced over her shoulder as even more people continued to gather. "If some significant portion of Quarren and Mon Calamari do agree to evacuate, does the Alliance or the Jedi Order fear that there would be interspecies violence -- either Quarren still under the same way of thinking as the Sith Eternal attacking the Mon Calamari, or the Mon Calamari taking a chance at retribution for the attacks levied against them by the Quarren? What steps are in place to ensure a peaceful coexistence if the evacuation is a success?"

Another thought: "And, if you can tell us, is there a plan for just where to place species with such unique needs as the Mon Calamari and the Quarren?"


And just as peace, calm and a feeling of he had this came the report of "Captain, there's a response from another beacon. Lady Devoe."

Theo paused looking over, " is that even possible..." He took a deep breath. She was such a PIA there was no one more annoying and self centered on all of Alderaan than Marina Devoe. She had to have it her way, or no way. She thought she was right about everything...that her duty was the only one that mattered.

He felt his teeth grinding. He much preferred the presence of Ayda who was more unassuming and accepting. Brrrr......a soft low sound marking his attempt to come to terms. I can do this. The mission is more important than my tensions with Lady more breath and he would be able to do it.

He turned and began to walk in the direction the communications officer told him. Then he saw her he dropped his shoulders and relaxed. Remembering duty first. duty first.

"Lady Devoe....thank you." He paused again, "In these circumstances it is preferred you call me Captain, or even Theo." He smiled and nodded, "I appreciate your being here to help us evacuate as many we can. If there are any that need treatment Queen Faith has asked they be brought to Sanctuary City on Alderaan. "

He could have told her to go do whatever she wanted as he believed she would inevitably do anyhow. But he wouldn't be the one to disobey his mother. He would end up cleaning the grape vats out at the vinerium, or worse spreading the fertilizer.

"Be mindful there could be hostiles about." no one was taking chances. "Shall we head to the hospital first?"

Yes he was actually asking her. Cooperation............yep that's him Captain Cooperation.

Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Location: Planet side
Ship: Czerka transport with 2 seismic detonators
Post: 2
Tagging: Theo Vereen Theo Vereen / Open

"Captain..." yes, she could do 'captain'. Although there were a few other less favorable things she could call him. But 'captain' she could do. "..of course." She nodded in compliance.

What followed were a quick inventory of assets Marina had come planet side with.
First, her current ship she had come with were a former Czerka Arms troop/cargo ship. She had acquired the vessel on Commenor during her evacuation of Commenori school children during the uprising against the sith occupation. the vessel were modified to carry a lot more individuals (evacuees) than her personal corvette class the Mariner IV.
Although Czerka vessel were unarmed, it did carry two seismic detonators, like the ones she had installed on Commenor to serve in severing a tractor beam if one did ensnare the ship. It had successfully worked during Commenor evacuation when she needed to run the sith blockade. Because of it's initial success in that campaign, she always had the seismic detonators on board her vessels.

"My only crew member is an astro-mech droid, Capt Vereen." Wow, that was easier to say than 'Theo', she realized to self. It didn't trigger a any gag reaction, like if she had to word Theo. awesome. Yes, she could stomach that...sure.

If you could see to spare a personnel or two when we take on refugees, then I'm sure their comfort and needs will be met to your satisfaction while I pilot the ship out of the system."
Marina asked.
After all, the queen's son had brought along with him a good number of countrymen and women (Alderaani). Marina had only brought herself and a good sized transport... as per her queen's suggestion.

", if that is not too much to ask?"

Theo Vereen Theo Vereen
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Sun-Shin Tae

Captain Sun-Shin gave Knight Karis a nod of acknowledgment, and for a moment refocused her energy. "Status on the Grierson?" The Captain meanwhile kept her attention on the blip around Groups Besh and Dorn. Kenithia reported that the Grierson and its group over Pammant had the evacuation well underway but that there were those who wanted to stand and fight against the Bryn'adul. "If they wish to remain and fight let them do so," replied Sun-Shin. It was against her better judgment, but then again - free will was perhaps the most precious thing in the galaxy that any one person, nation or species had.
"It does sound arrogant," plainly did Sun-Shin reply to the Jedi, "it only adds to the notion that Jedi and indeed all force users are an arrogant lot." The Seoularian's tone once more even and neutral. She didn't turn to face him only continued to go about her business, she approached one of the officers consoles on the far side of the bridge having been waved over to take a look. "Clear it up, Ensign. I want to be sure that it is exactly what you're hearing."
She paused to clarify herself and looked at the Knight square in the eyes, "what I don't have time for is idle chat and conversation of which these introductions often include, now if you want to do more than stand still and pretend to be pretty then I ask that you sit down and be quiet, or you may take leave to the meditation chambers several decks below. Normally the Imperial Knights make use of them but you are more than welcome to their accommodations while aboard."
Turning back around she knelt down beside the Ensign, "there, rotate the gauge and then here move this to the right and we should get a clearer picture."
Ryv Ryv


Whatever was said in the brief didn't matter. It may have been true that as a Force user, he didn't require the rebreathers. But it didn't mean he was going to go out there without a helmet. Backwards, inverted, whatever they wanted to call it, Aelys wasn't about to get left behind.

The airlock hissed open after a brief warning. Ready or not, the unit deployed.

If he hadn't been there himself, Aelys never would've believed what he was seeing. Death, destruction, all of it in reverse. Bodies rose up from the ground, once more animated. They ran in the same direction of the thing that would kill them. Draelvasier. Do I... Do we look reversed?[/i] And it occurred to him, that, did those that had already lived through this see them? Their very being there influenced... Forget it, he was a Padawan, with anger issues, not some scientist that could piece it all together.

Aelys bound forwards, hilt in hand, the sapphire beam sparked to life. Straight to the ranks of Draelvasier that wreaked havoc and destruction.

Skidding to a stop, he called out over the comm, "Can I kill them?" Who knew what he would be interfering with if he felled one of these creatures before they were meant to die.

Bernard curled his fingers into a fist and uncurled them again. All four stayed intact. There was no sudden explosion of red mist, snapping of bones, or sudden thermal feedback loop. Linear translation remained unaffected, and the laws of motion continued their unconditional reign over reality.

Nothing seemed to be fundamentally different. Bernard wasn't sure what he expected when time 'inverted' for them. The theory was simple enough, but experience taught that unintended side effects had a tendency to rear their ugly head in the most unexpected of places, especially when barely-understood Jedi artefacts of immense power represented the unknown variable.

He tucked the pendant in question beneath his armour. The hefty plates still felt off on his shoulders. Their weight misaligned itself every few steps and required him to shift his back to bring the armour into a more comfortable fit again. By the time he caught up to the other operatives, he accepted the futility of making loose armour fit on the fly, just as one of the others spoke a question into the shared comms channel.

Bernard replied ",savnac a no hsurb a fo ekorts decalpsim eht revo gnitniap ekil ti fo knihT .deneppah tahw segnahc tsuj ti ,emit esare t'now od ew tahW .eussi tuohtiw erefretni nac ew sesoporp ytilasuac cisaB" ⁽¹⁾

The effort of drawing breath from an oxygen tank made him sound tired.

⁽¹⁾ "Basic causality proposes we can interfere without issue. What we do won't erase time, it just changes what happened. Think of it like painting over the misplaced stroke of a brush on a canvas," Bernard replied.
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LOCATION: Bridge, Venality II, Dellalt orbit
OBJECTIVE: Recover assets evacuees from Dellalt and Minntoonie
ALLIES: The Major The Major | Jac Yaxis | Open


Task Group Besh

The Galactic Alliance task group dropped out of its short hyperspace jump from New Alderaan and hastily moved to establish orbit above the ocean world of Dellalt. Transports and shuttles poured out of the massive holds of the Lucrehulk vessels and dove toward what counted for inhabitable landmass on the planet.

“Market forces,” Tithe explained somewhat vaguely to the First Order intelligence order. No, that probably wasn’t going to cut it was it. The GA and FO had agreed to work together, and in the spirit of such an arrangement, it would be best to not sour his relationship with the Major so soon after it started.

“The Sith was an Empire in subsidence, their earning potential - and as a direct result, my own - was deeply truncated. I’m not too proud to cut my loses when I’ve made a failed investment.” His tenure with the GA, including his surprise ascension to Vice Chancellor, had proved profitable beyond his expectations. While he’d grown rich with the Sith thanks to their rampant corruption, the free market of the GA far outshone the stunted war economy of his former employer.

“I do believe, but most conventions, this entitles me to a question. Tell me, what brings you out here to the ah, opposite side of the galaxy? Simple orders, or perhaps more?”

While Tithe himself was fulfilling the wishes of the Chancellor, he had his own anterior motives. Would the rumoured lost treasures hidden on Dallalt eons ago reveal themselves to him?

Tithe looked to the enigmatic Yaxis, who had volunteered his services, expertise and cutting edge technology to the mission. “I trust the, ah, countermeasures active my good man?” It would not do for the Bryn to drop in before the treasures of Xim the Despot had been found and recovered.

He should probably evacuate the civilians as well.

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