Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junkyard (LC)

Zius looked to Canal and the others with a slight frown painted over his face behind his helmet. He hadn't intended to start a fight, but some people are wee bit sensitive it seemed. He sighed, looking out to the heap of junk that consumed the land and even the horizon beyond. Junk... all that was needed were a few parts. Right. He couldn't guarantee fighting -wouldn't- happen, but it'd definitely be less likely if they didn't argue; although, he didn't see it as his fault. Nor did he really care about the mildly hostile woman's well-being.

The darkly clad Dark Jedi turned back to the rest of the group, set on fulfilling the objective with no more distractions.

"I'll lead on, let's head out. There's been enough kriffing roughhousing for one day."

Foolish decisions already made; even more to the point, a potential enemy. Good going, Zius.

@Ashe the Reaper @Listeri Dalane @Rafe Barune @Krest @Canal Tal'Verda @Bluejay Ungolfen
"There's a scavenger camp just over the hill. Shouldn't be too hard to find it."

And indeed there was. Only the 'hill' was what was left of the Star Destroyer. Down below the group would find a camp filled with scavengers of a wide variety of races. They seemed peaceful, in the sense they weren't carrying weapons. But that could change as there were many weapon racks littered around the camp itself. There was no leader in site, and they seemed to have three skidders in between them. Amateurs.

@[member="Zius Tal'Verda"] @Ashe the Reaper @Listeri Dalane @Rafe Barune @Canal Tal'Verda @Bluejay Ungolfen
Listeri scowled as Krest revealed the Monitor needed multiple parts. He didn't want to be helping out some worthless droid he didn't know, when the Concord could be helping natives or collecting or... Anything else! He walked steadily up the hill, when his scowl faded away as he saw the camp. He uneasily gripped the handle of his rifle. " I vouch for me and somebody else to barter or use some diplomacy with those people." He spoke to the crew.
@Krest @[member="Zius Tal'Verda"] @[member="Ashe the Reaper"]
Zius crouched a bit as he scanned the encampment below. Several... more than several, dozens and then some. He couldn't collect an exact reading, but it was more than enough to outnumber the crew. He stood and turned towards everyone else, looking at each and everyone of his companions, calculating the best way possible for them to go down.

That's it...

"Right. This is how we'll do things; Bluejay, Canal I'll need you two to stay here and provide cover, everyone else on me. If things start to turn bad, then I will give the signal to open fire; otherwise, keep a close eye on things and try not to get into any trouble up here."

There was only one way to determine if these inhabitants were truly hostile, and that meant getting face-to-face with the emphasized implication of danger. Zius holstered his lightsaber at his hip, descending downward towards the shady group of scavengers, motioning for the others to follow. If it's parts Krest wants, then it'll be parts he receives. A mission was something that Zius hadn't failed before, and he wouldn't start now over some quarrelsome, strange woman.

There were some -really- interesting creatures among the stars, not all of them likeable though. Some were even quite ugly and smelled strange.

Reaching the bottom, Zius felt his feet touch solid ground. He turned and began walking slowly towards the camp, having one arm stretched out and up as to tell them he meant no harm. It was either that or get shot at, or eaten. No telling what this melting pot of races was capable of.

@[member="Listeri Dalane"] @Ashe the Reaper @Listeri Dalane @Rafe Barune @Canal Tal'Verda @Bluejay Ungolfen
Listeri shifted uneasily as Zius talked about attacking the villagers. It didn't seem like they had any reason to attack, and he didn't like Zius that much so far, noting his and the pale woman's conversation. He gazed down at the village. He thought he saw a couple of Nautolans, as he looked around the tattered and poor village.
He shuffled down the hill a couple of steps, as his mouth began to open. " Look, I'm coming down there as well." He said, as he began walking towards the village with Zius. He gripped one of his stun grenades nervously, but he quickly pulled his hand away, to maintain the charade of a being cool and collected person.

@Listeri Dalane @Ashe the Reaper @Listeri Dalane @Rafe Barune @Canal Tal'Verda @Bluejay Ungolfen
(Firstly, I gave no intention of openly attacking anyone. Sorry if I gave that impression.)

Just keep cool, no need to start a battle. No telling how many of them there actually might be.

As Zius approached the encampment, he stood still and looked around at the smorgasbord of races with a calm, confident stance. He noted the weapon racks, and the potential mess he could land all of them in if he so much as made a wrong move. There was really no telling what all of them could do, or what they had up their sleeves. Perhaps they could discuss an agreement? Or find someone willing to guide them through the maze-like rubbish that towered above? With his silence, he still awaited them to make a move.

At least it wouldn't be his fault if they attacked first...

@Listeri Dalane @Ashe the Reaper @Rafe Barune @Canal Tal'Verda @Bluejay Ungolfen
Canal stayed behind as Zius told him so. He looked at the encampment taphat Zius was facing against and aimed his assault rifle in case the people were hostiles or not. He looked around his surroundings just to make sure they weren't going to attack them from behind or what. Nothing so far seemed out of hand according to his HUD that only popped up the team and the campers. He continued to aim with his rifle with a scope that could reach up to 600 meters.

"Good, they aren't starting a conflict. and it would be beat for them not to start one."

The scavengers themselves looked up as the group came over. Several lifted weapons, but no shots were fired. Not yet. A wookie came forward, clearly the leader, waving them down. "<You come to trade yes? Not to steal? If so, we can trade.>" He had a sword attacked to his back, broad and heavy looking. There were no guns on his person though, so it seemed like he was a a melee fighter. Hopefully no one would have to trade blows with him.

@Zius Tal'Verda @Ashe the Reaper @Listeri Dalane @Rafe Barune @Canal Tal'Verda @Bluejay Ungolfen
Zius eyed the apparent leader up and down, summing up how slow he'd be if a fight were to break out and quick decisions needed to be acted upon. Guns were raised against the group's advancement, and the Ex-Hunter slowly dropped his right hand down to be near his hilt as he peered around at the pried eyes that all shared a message of caution.

A trade? What exactly did they have to trade?

A small wave of trepidation washed over Zius-- the blasters were influencing a tension that was far too familiar for the Dark Jedi, his neck tightened and his shoulders tensed up. Memories of war and carnage flashed through his mind like a slideshow, captivating his senses with a nature that relished the tide of war. A look of discomfort could be seen if his face were visible, along with a light sweat to further attribute to his past traumas.

Keep it together...

"Trade? I don't think we have anything -to- trade; however, if you can help me, I'm looking for a few spare parts."

Hopefully these lot weren't the deal-or-no-deal type that shoot you in the face if you can't comply to their standards. Business was business, but at least this wasn't Coruscant and all its bloody bounties.

If they see Canal or Bluejay, it's over...

@Ashe the Reaper @Listeri Dalane @Rafe Barune @Canal Tal'Verda @Bluejay Ungolfen
The Wookie turned to the others in his group, spreading his arms wide and far. "<The strangers come with nothing to trade! They ask for help, ask for parts that we would otherwise sell. Should we help them by trading the profits we would obtain otherwise?>" There was a resounding cheer of no to answer the Wookie. He turned, his massive furry arms crossed over his chest. "<Unless you can think of something to trade, I suggest you leave and find another area to pick. We won't attack you now, but if you stay and pick through our turf, we will take action.>"

None saw Bluejay or Canal. They weren't looking at the hills, simply at the group there. Yes, they were fairly new to this game.

[member="Zius Tal'Verda"]
This isn't working...

Zius' ears filled with the cacophony of resounding shouts that denied his request, his eyes darted around to visibly take note of the mockery that was implied within the Wookie's voice. The number of suspected campers was by far larger than anticipated-- this planet was foreign and the odds of battle were not in their favour. They could act on this moment to be bold and extremely foolish, or roam the junkyard's surface for parts that have an even lesser likelihood of being found.

He turned towards his group in silence.

"Unless any of you have anything on your person to fork over, I'd suggest it now so we can get this mission over with. No complaining."

As long as nobody's snooping around or touching their things, they shouldn't have a problem.

@Ashe the Reaper @Listeri Dalane @Rafe Barune @Canal Tal'Verda @Bluejay Ungolfen
Oh, boy. Wookie, 12 o'clock. With a group who outnumber us and outgun us. This is going to be a nasty firefight.

Canal wasn't your best sniper but he has skills in sniping. He aimed with precision toward the Wookie's head who seemed to be the leader of this camp. He waited for Zius' command to open fire at the group in case they campers do a wrong move. So far they haven't notcie Jay or him but his dark armor could give him camouflage because there were some parts that were dark and darker than his armor so it provided him good camouflage. It turns out that business with the camp were not good at the moment but Zius ordered his group to cough up something for the mission to be complete.

[member="Zius Tal'Verda"] [member="Krest"] [member="Listeri Dalane"] [member="Bluejay Ungolfen"]
Bluejay hissed in a breath as she saw Canal aim at the Wookie leader. "Careful, eka." She warned - more out of long-cautious habit than any lack of confidence in Canal's ability to not pull the trigger as a nervous reaction. Although, she supposed, anything was possible. She had never actually seen the man in this kind of a situation, so she didn't have anything to base her confidence on. Whatever confidence she had though, it wasn't enough to keep her from uttering that warning.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]

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