Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jurassic World Hyyyype

I have my bones to pick with the 3rd movie, ( ahem oversized unrealistic Spinosaurus kills trex cough cough ahem bad plot ahem) but I think this movie is looking to exceed at least the third movie if not possibly the second, which I personally like a lot. But, finally, we get to see a working park instead of just a bunch of dinosaurs running through the jungle killing people for no good reason(cough cough JP III ahem).
[member="Vilair Revakin"]
Yes, you do have a point about the unrealistic events in the movie (as if the entire theme is even remotely realistic). For me personally, I just loved the series because of the series...if that makes any sense. I was such a fan of the series that I didn't pay attention much to those critical details. I was just happy they made another one.

[member="Mark Sage"]
You know, it's not just the fact that it's a new movie that has me excited, but that it's a trilogy they have planned.

I won't lie and say I had some major doubts about this years ago when we heard the news, but seeing the trailers has me geeking out.
Mark Sage said:
I definitely am looking forward to it. Though, on the topic of realism... I suggest you see this. You will not be disappointed.
[member="Vilair Revakin"]
Wow. That's some incredible stuff, thanks for the read!

My thoughts however, as much as I'd love to see them revive and 're-introduce', I feel it may be a dangerous game to play. Nature has it's way of keeping things in order, and yes we do disrupt it, but playing God like this might have an adverse affect as well. I could we will see in the future should this work out. Either way, I'd be excited.

[member="Mark Sage"]

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