The Voiceless
A tight-lipped and enigmatic smile would play about her lips. The name she had found deep in Katarine's unconscious mind had sparked something. Perhaps just one memory, or an incomplete understanding of her past. But she was making progress now, and that pleased the Jedi Master greatly. Although her last remark was a bit worrying. "You might want to refer to it as an 800-year long sleep, if not longer." Sakadi began, taking place in a nearby chair. "In your mind, layers of dreams prevented me from accessing your memories. My guess is that you've been kept in a sleep-like state for the past eight centuries." she explained. Her chin was resting on her hand, and the Sephi's iridescent blue eyes were trained on Katarine.
"This is all just a theory of course. I think it would be best if we consulted the other healer on this subject as well, for I don't know if your body would be able to survive Force-induced dormancy like that." Leaning back further in her chair, the Jedi Master would stay silent for a moment, contemplating on the matter at hand. It was a strange situation, but not entirely unlikely. Nothing was ever ordinary when the Force was involved.
Her train of thought eventually led her back to the one thing she had uncovered. Daxium. A name that had caused Katarine's emotions to sent ripples through the Force. Cocking her head to one side with curiosity, Sakadi would project her thoughts again. "So, this Daxium... Who is he, if you don't mind me asking?"
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