Daughter of Fen
Coruscant. The heart of the galaxy, a highly sought after planet by the greater hands and for what? Ok, so it had the traderoutes and the whole symbolism thing, but in the grand scheme of things what was it really but a pretty hole to stick a flag into?
Even pretty was pushing it. When you passed beyond what you saw at first glance, Coruscant was ugly. Dark things lurked in the undercity, things forgotten and things that remembered. Aella wanted to go there she wanted to understand why there had been so much uproar for it falling to the OS, but between there and here, this space station in the back end of the no where sector, there was an exessive fee.
So Aella contented herself to watch. To watch the rich pile onto the transport, followed byt the needy who bartered all they carried on their backs simply to get to this...jewel. She dropped her gaze from the people to the pictures on her datapad. The holonet had a wonderful source of infromartion on Coruscant and everything you thought you knew.
She tucked it away into a pocket that wasn't a pocket. Note to others, pickpocketing a shi'do is not a wise choice. She'd caught wind of some pirates, and slunk towards the bar she'd watched them roll into. They'd been there at least an hour now, long enough to be slightly drunk and distracted by the entertainment. She tugged her hood down as she entered, her hair was brown...or was it black?
The light caught it as she settled for a deep purrple, with eyes to match. Slinking into a booth she watched the group from the shadows. The datapad found its way into her hand again and she flciked through the bounty board.
Even pretty was pushing it. When you passed beyond what you saw at first glance, Coruscant was ugly. Dark things lurked in the undercity, things forgotten and things that remembered. Aella wanted to go there she wanted to understand why there had been so much uproar for it falling to the OS, but between there and here, this space station in the back end of the no where sector, there was an exessive fee.
So Aella contented herself to watch. To watch the rich pile onto the transport, followed byt the needy who bartered all they carried on their backs simply to get to this...jewel. She dropped her gaze from the people to the pictures on her datapad. The holonet had a wonderful source of infromartion on Coruscant and everything you thought you knew.
She tucked it away into a pocket that wasn't a pocket. Note to others, pickpocketing a shi'do is not a wise choice. She'd caught wind of some pirates, and slunk towards the bar she'd watched them roll into. They'd been there at least an hour now, long enough to be slightly drunk and distracted by the entertainment. She tugged her hood down as she entered, her hair was brown...or was it black?
The light caught it as she settled for a deep purrple, with eyes to match. Slinking into a booth she watched the group from the shadows. The datapad found its way into her hand again and she flciked through the bounty board.