Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Another Day (Una)

Solan's feet moved over the snow covered ground of Midvinter as he made for a cantina where he could warm up, even with all he had on it still bit deep into his skin and froze him to the bone.. well cartilage. That was one thing he hated about his weight and height, no body fat to keep him warm which meant he had to rely solely on the clothing he had been able to be granted, which was two lays of basic clothing and a warm winter cloak pulled close around him as he breathed in. His eyes moved through the area and his eyes blinking as he breathed in the chilled air as he found a cantina... sadly it was closed.

Solan's voice came out as he cursed under his breath and looked around at the others in the area, maybe they would know a place that was open where he could get a drink or a place to hunker down and atleast warm up for a bit.
Una loved the snow. Even as she danced her way past the cantina, blood rushing through her body, she couldn't help thinking about why she had never been here before. She had already fallen flat on her face twice now. The soft snow had broken her fall and instead of standing she'd spend a few minutes relishing in the icy breeze that curled from the white flecks layering the ground. Snow was brilliant. She scrambled up the hill side toward the cantina, only to be met with the disappointing sight of the doors being locked shut. Though she was relatively warm from constantly running, or rolling down the sides of hills, or skipping her way across frozen lakes, she was ready for somewhere warm and something to drink. She exhaled, watching her breath fade into the air in wisps and curls.

She spun on one foot, just in time to see the shadow of someone else bobbing off into the distance. Una loved company and she hardly ever thought of the risks involved in talking to a perfect stranger. She geared herself up and ran across the short space that separated the two. Hopefully her voice would carry across the wind, which had just seemed to pick up a little. "Hey, wait up!"

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

Solan blinked as her head that and his hand, hidden by the thick cloak that already obscured his features both in body and face, fell on the hilt of his saber. Slowly his form turned and his gaze rested upon that of the woman coming towards him. He would not move though and simply wait for her to reach him before speaking, his hollow like features accented by the dark rings that seemed to craw from his piercing eyes, a man that had not slept well for months is what stood before, it was one odd thing though. Even hollow and deathly as he looked the softest and kindest of smiles accompanied an equally soft gaze that he let rest on her. "Hello?"
Una tried to speed herself up, but caught her foot on a small rock. She seemed to fall for a few moments, then find her feet again and only stumble forward slightly. A curse escaped her lips as she glanced back to see what tripped her. Grunting with distaste at the large black spot protruding from the snow, she turned her head to carry on jogging toward the male. "Hey!" She cried out as she drew a little closer. She went from jogging, to quick walking, to stopping fully right in front of the stranger. Exhaling heavily, Una pulled her coat a little closer around her body. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. Can you tell me where the nearest cantina is? That one up there is closed.."

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"I was actually wondering the same thing, i just saw that as well... Are you ok? You uh, just sort of tripped right there, nothing is hurt is it?" He looked at her, mostly checking her hands knowing if anything was scrapped up it would be her hands or face... and seeing as he was looking at her face just then and didn't notice anything there was obviously no scraps or bruises there. "I know a little bit of healing if there is, not enough to close a hole, but a scrap is easy."
Una shook her head quickly, rubbing the tip of her bright red nose and then offering her palms out toward the male. She spend a few seconds switching them from palm down to palm up. "No no, everything is fine. I just tripped on a little rock. Thank you for the concern though. Funnily enough I'm training to be a healer too. I don't know much yet though." She smiled widely and clapped her hands together a little. "That's perfect! We can look together. I'm Una." She shot her hand out toward his chest, waiting for a hand shake.

[member="Solan Charr"]
"You sure are hyper..." He smiled and reached out, shaking the hand though his own arm would shake on its own. Not from the cold but from his very physical state. "I think there might be a cantina further into teh city, hopefully not closed down too. Are you a member of the Levantine Sanctum?" He started walking once she was ready to start walking as well. His arms remained behind him and his eyes fell on her while they walked, the pale blue eyes unmoving as they talked.

[member="Una Gal"]
With a small smile on her face she began to walk beside him. His legs were a little longer then hers and she had to step quickly to avoid being left behind. It was even harder in the thick snow, but the quick walk was pumping blood through her body and warming her up a little more. She pondered his question for a moment and considered the dangers of freely speaking about what faction she belonged to. But she decided against such nonsense, she could fully protect herself. "No. I belong to the Silver Jedi." She had to skip a few steps to catch up with him, exhaling curling smoke into the air as she caught her breath back. "You still haven't mentioned your name."

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"My apologies miss..." Solan stopped and turned on her, making a quick bow with one arm folded over his chest and another behind him. "Solan Charr at your service, freelance force user of no faction, learning from who ever i can and when ever i can. It is my pleasure to meet you." He smiled and bowed his head too before straightening back up with a side smile and his pale blue eyes on her. "And if i remember right, you are Una, the Silver Jedi?"
She was taken aback. Nobody had ever bowed to her like that before, but she did rather enjoy it. She bridled in the moment for a few seconds, with a wide grin on her face. Returning his smile with a rather toothy one of her own, she bowed back in the same manner. "That's right, Una Gal. Silver Jedi. Though I've only recently joined." In all honestly she didn't know much about anything yet, though she wasn't completely dedicated to her training and she still did enjoy her travelling. "Is not being part of a faction a personal choice or is it just because you don't feel you fit in with anyone?" Lifting her body up she turned to continue walking.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"Its both to tell the truth, my distrust of most people is a big hinder on such but i think its closer to the fact that i just like being alone much better. How about you then Una, is your being part of a faction a personal choice or because you belong with them?" He smiled at her as he walked and let his feet fall softly so not to interrupt their conversation.
She shrugged as they walked, regretting to wear so many layers. Though it was keeping her warm the thick coat was starting to weigh her down. It didn't help that the snow was almost half way up her shins. Being small was good in some cases but most of the time it was just a pain. "Mmm. I suppose it was. Not to say that I indefinitely belong there. I just felt comfortable."

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"A better reason than most, most people simply want power and they are near useless in the end, your reasoning is perfectly well intentioned... sorry if that doesn't make sense... let me try again. Good choice." He smiled and looked down the street, studying it and seeing the sign in the distance. "I think thats a cantina up ahead."
Her head spun in the direction he mentioned hopefully. Her feet were beginning to ache from the weight of the snow as she sunk into it. And she was so looking forward to something to wet her lips. For a moment she remained silent as she considered the man next to her for the first time properly. He didn't belong to any faction, did that mean he followed both bogan and ashla? Or did he have a preference? She shook the thoughts out of her head, she knew better than to get that nosey. "Come on then, before this one closes down on us too." Her feet picked up the pace.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"Oh? A bit cold?" She smiled and picked up his own pace, making his way straight for the cantina and his eyes running over the street as he smiled and watched the buildings as they passed. As if looking at every shadow and being far too cautious for normal levels of paranoid, it looked like he was seeing something in every shadow but shook his head as they got to the door. "After you Miss Gal."
"Just a little." She turned to smile at him, the tip of her nose bright red in the cold winds. The little village was impressive and rather sweet. Tucked away behind two mountains, shaded from most of the harsh blizzards that ripped their way through the valleys. It was almost like a dream, with everything covered in white flecks of snow. She noticed his nervousness, glancing at everything that shifted in the dimming light. It wasn't any of her business either. As she stepped through the door she was hit by a welcome wave of heat and the smell of something delicious. "Thank you Solan. Let's get something to eat..." She wasted no time moving toward the bar as she unzipped her snow covered parka.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"Sounds good to me." With that his own cloak finally parted and something in his hand would be visible that hadn't been before, a case he carried in his hand that looked like it contained an instrument. "So, miss Una right? What are you doing here. Are you exploring the planet like me or just looking at what the town has to offer while you are refueling assuming you have a ship?" He moved to a seat and smiled, kinda hoping she would sit in the same booth due to his rather boredom of being alone already.
She ordered herself some food, and took the liberty of ordering Solan the same. Busying herself with counting out her credits to pay for the drinks and food, Una didn't notice the case at first. "I was just exploring. Before I joined the Silver Jedi I explored the Galaxy with a few friends. Or at least as much of it as I could." Thanking the server she moved over to the booth he was sat in and let her weight sink into the leather seats. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. The parka beside her already glistened with the condensation dropping off it. "We could only visit popular planets. Like Coruscant and Naboo and the likes. But now that I'm part of the order a fair few places have opened up to me. I do aim to learn things and improve myself but I don't want all my knowledge to consist of numerous ways to fight people."

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"Naboo is very nice though, especially out on its plains... i miss plains, i used to live in a place surrounded by miles of open ground, the sky and its stars bright over head, with me playing the only thing that i truly loved, past reading of course. But paper is a much rarer thing to read from, i love the feel though of tthe paper when i can get a book. It is a feeling that a datapad can't give you to hold a paper book in your hands." He smiled and leaned back as he noticed she had ordered not just for herself. "Thank you and how much do i owe you?"
The food came over in less than half the time she expected it too. Fresh, steaming stew was placed in wooden bowls in front of them. Una dived at the chance to warm her hands and wrapped them around the base of the bowl. Letting out a heavy sigh, she smiled up to him. "You play?" Finally noticing the case, her head bobbed toward it. "What do you play? And don't worry about it. It's on me!" Without waiting for any utensils, she picked up the bowl and took a sip. The hot liquid that dripped down her throat warmed her from the inside out. It was a welcome sensation.

[member="Solan Charr"]

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