Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Just Another Dig




Wearing: xxx
Engaging: Pyppa

The planet was as nondescript as most that brought Justice out for a dig. Red dirt, dry stringy grass, and various desert foliage filled the landscape. There was something of the force present around the area which told the Jedi he was in the right spot. At least that was what his master kept insisting. A Jedi Archeologist used both the force and a knowledge of history to determine the accuracy of their dig site, a lesson Just was learning.

Whether it was wise or not, his master had sent him off on his own away from the camp to find a small dig site that he could manage on his own. It was absolutely a test, one that seemed to be broadcast a mile off. The young padawan simply hoped he could pass. This was really the first time he had been sent off on his own, and the first time he wanted to be, especially after the incident.

Something seemed off the closer he got to where he felt the dig should start. There were other signs of life, sentient. He could feel their aura, presence, whatever it was Jedi called it these days. All Justice knew was there seemed to be a larger camp or gathering just ahead.


The camp had all the unmistakable signs. A smell was carried by the wind which spoke of how long some of the residents had been there. Sure, by appearance, it seemed they all did their best to keep the camp in good shape, but that did not stop the stray garbage, or wear and tear of old lodgings from being difficult to manage.

Just sighed. He knew he was going to potentially miss his deadline, but he could not walk past the camp without seeing if he could help.

<< “You cannot help them all,” >> the voice of his master rang in his head.

“I’m not going to try,” came the defiant answer.

It seemed his master was keeping tabs on him from a distance, but that did not stop Justice from doing what he thought was right. He may not be able to help them all, but if he could help some, that would be better than none.

Eyes seemed fixed on him as he walked in, at least long enough to take him into account and then ignore him. They must have been used to people walking through their makeshift shanty town. Just was not the first, and he would not be the last. It wasn’t until a child spotted the lightsaber on his waist.


Just tried to get the boy to wait, but it was too late, he had run off and the group that seemed to be ignoring him suddenly was not.

“Ummm… not Siph… Jedi… they have red blades… I don’t… Just an archeologist looking for a piece of history.”

The mob which seemed to be gathering around him did not seem to be buying his little denial. They should have because it was true. Looked like his master was right… you couldn’t help them all.​



The camp was a chaotic sprawl of tents and pre-fabs, filled with living detritus. The left-behinds and 'just-surviveds' of countless battles. Pyppa was by no means the only Chiss person there. She'd spotted a few with the telltale eyes and skin... but she kept her distance. Couldn't trust Chiss now. You didn't know who they were working for.

Instead, Pyppa lost herself in the mass of other people. Ithorians, Rodians, Humans. All sorts of people fleeing the destruction and death at the edges of the Galaxy. Hoping beyond hope that it wouldn't come to them. It was starting to grate at them all. The dwindling supplies and ratcheting tension was making them all on edge. The day before, she'd watched a huge fight break out by one of the food tents. A couple of people had gone missing too, and she was fairly sure it wasn't bandits or slavers.

The childish screams cut through the air as she lay back on her bunk. Frowning, she climbed off and stepped out, seeing a few people running over to some newcomer. Splattered with red dust, he seemed young. Very young. The mob gathered around him, staring with intent. Cold mutters passed through them, with fearful eyes glaring at the lightsaber that hung from his hip.

".... come back for us...."

".... only one of him...."

"... we can do what we want...."

Conspiratorial mutters weren't going to get them anywhere. They were all scared about being caught, but even Pyppa realised that this kid wasn't exactly a Maw raider. Not unless they were giving lightsabers to foetuses nowadays. Rolling her eyes, she shoved her way through the growing crowd, nudging and elbowing, while ignoring the complaints. Once at the front, she stared at the newcomer. Up and down.

"He's a little young to be chasing us," Pyppa called out, looking around at the assembled others. "Seriously? He looks about twelve." Her scowling, red eyes turned on the crowd. "Y'know the Maw's gonna send bands of raiders in like, armour and heavy weapons, right? They're not going to send a toddler with a glowstick."

It was all so pathetic. Look at what this has turned us into.

"Look, Jedi boy, what do you want? And how can you prove you're not 'Siph?'" Pyppa asked, the air-quotes giving the word all the seriousness that it deserved.

Justice Lesan Justice Lesan



Wearing: xxx
Engaging: Pyppa

Justice was more than certain he was toast, at least until one of the refugees spoke up.

A Chiss.

For a moment it seemed that Just was gawking, and rightfully so. He had never met a Chiss before. Justice had heard the same news as the rest of the galaxy, how their homeworld had been utterly wiped out. It was not too dissimilar to the chaos which had destroyed most of Corellia, the world most of the Lesan’s had once called home. While his family had avoided the refugee camps, Justice was aware of how one might feel when displaced.

At least he thought he did.

“Oh, right, well, for starters you did just call me Jedi boy, so we can start with that. Then we could take into account I haven’t started slaughtering anyone yet. Third… well… I’m not wearing any black… does that work for you?”

His answer seemed rather dumb. Besides, how was a Jedi supposed to prove they were not a Sith, whip out the lightsaber and freak everyone out about a crazed lunatic running through camp with a laser sword… likely not. Just simply shrugged. It was apparent he was far too innocent to be Sith anyway. Eyes darted back between the girl and the crowd wondering where things were going to settle before he finally spoke up.

“Look, like I said, I am just looking for an artifact. I am just an archeologist looking for an artifact. Maybe while I am out there I could take care of the Sith problem for you?”

That was likely the wrong thing to say. The murmuring crowd suddenly grew quiet as several in the gathering audience just stared at the boy with eyes wide and jaws dropped. Had no one offered to help them before, or did they just think he was crazy for even thinking he could help. Justice was certainly thinking the latter.

He cleared his throat.

“I just need someone to point me in the right direction… and yeah… I can totally help.”

This was going to be fun explaining to his master.​

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