Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Call Me Angel, Of Heofon, Angel [Barkt Melan]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Barkt Melan"],

//Sorry for making you wait!//

Capital City Spaceport,

The droid would once more be waiting by one of the landing zones in Capital City Spaceport of Abregado-Rae, another meeting he was able to schedule with a being he got interested in making a deal with him. Hopefully it would be a meeting that goes well. The being in question was a Bothan named Melan, his business residing in the Confederate space. Although the Confederacy was currently at war with the Protectorate the droid was hoping to establish good contact with someone inside it, as he has already shown during the Liberation of Druckenwell, the droid's fight was not with Confederate soldiers or civilians, it was with their leaders.

Anyway, he was calling Melan to speak with him on Abregado about economic possibilities the droid had to offer to him, since the Bothan's company was still smaller and making its way through the Galaxy, HK thought he could benefit from the Grant System the droid has set up for the Last Alliance, whole reasoning behind it was to help smaller companies with plenty of potential develop their industry and grow.

And so he stood in the Spaceport, clad in his usual suit of power armor, the grey iconic cloak hanging off of his shoulders, cascading down, same applied to his guards who wore the same outfit, few ceremonial weapons hung off of their belts, but surely they would not be used, after all the droid promised the Bothan safety when visiting the planet, and he had no reason or drive to break such a promise.
"Are you sure about this?"

Barkt sighed as she said that. "Yes, I'm sure. From what I can tell, this baron is true to his word." Drawing up an old schematic on his datapad, he typed in a series of calculations and watched the result in the simulation. The perks of having the remains of his father's teams. Good software.

"But we are at war." Nallai replied, her concern more than apparent. "That can change the best of men." The simulation began to build up speed, showing the stress points in the system. It seemed to be going well, for now at least.

He smiled at her twirling the stylus between his fingers. "When did you become a proper zealot?" The engines in the sim began to overheat as it exceeded the temperatures he had expected. However, the reaction was not what he had hoped for. Instead of the safety features kicking in, the engines began to go into overdrive. The ship accelerated to twice the current speed, and prompted began to shred itself apart, exploding.

"When I thought it would keep you safe." That stopped him dead in his tracks. Setting down the datapad, he sighed, knowing full well that this would be hard to say.

"He can only suffer from harming me at this point." his smile began to return as she moved to sit beside him. "If he holds me prisoner, it casts a shadow on his business. People will start avoiding it." She leaned on his shoulder. "If he kills me, it becomes worse. He's committed murder, and even betrayed his own word." She sighed. He knew she still didn't like it. "But that's not what worries me."

"What does?"

"I want to get you out of Salem's reach. Away from where you could be used as a tool to hurt me. I want you to be safe." She didn't like it. She could read him like a book, and knew full well what he was thinking. But she also knew she couldn't hide forever. Even with her powers.

As the couple stepped down the ramp, Barkt wondered again what this was about.A business deal, sure, but not exactly what he had been expecting. The Protectorate wasn't too kind on his species, as their home world's location and reputation as spies proceeded them everywhere. He knew Nallai was scared behind him. He didn't blame her. She would survive for longer than he could. But she cared more about him.

Giving [member="HK-36"] a small bow, he spoke. "Baron. A pleasure."

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