Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just landed...

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Safely, I think. *looks around and under her ship*
Well, I've been known to accidentally touch down on people's speeders and stuff. But not intentionally, mind you.
Anyway, I've been a writer for many years on a few boards that unfortunately *sighs*...all expired...died...went kaput. And not by the sith or the Empire...just....all faded to dust. * lowers head in despair*

But now I'm here and will try to make a good home of it if possible. I see a few familiar names here and hope they are the same writers behind them. And I'm looking forward to meeting and getting to know new writers just the same.

I've transferred my old bio (for your reference) in my profile and may need to update it to your timeline if that is necessary. I've no problem with adapting and looking forward to new story lines and adventures.

She moves like she don't care
[member="Marina DeVoe"]

*sees a ship docking at the port with a familiar figure appearing. Finds herself rubbing her eyes in disbelief*

"Marina? Hey! Hey!"

*hugs her bestie*

"You really decided to move here."

*grins like a cat* :D

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Hello Wu and Varas. Thank you for the welcome.

And hello Mariya! God, last we were was that forsaken abandoned moon base.
Must have blacked out as I can't remember how we got through it. :p
*returns the bestie hug* But here you are alive and well. And I must say....What a sig you're sporting now! I likes it! *thumbs up*

Say, does an Adm need to approve my bio before I dive in?... like, overlook it for time line stuff?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Heather! I mean, Darth Caecus. :p

God, you were gone for quite awhile. Missed your writing. Very happy to see you here and thank you for the welcome.

Check out my new siggy. Mariya Fleischer surprised me with it when I opened up my message box just a few minutes ago. I just had to try it on for size. Perfect fit, don't you think? :)

Ok, I just came to peek in a moment as there is a luncheon at work. I'll be stumbling back in a few hours. This place is just getting better and better each day! So happy to be here.

Ok, I'll shut up now.... :p



Well-Known Member
Greetings and have say name does sound any rate [member="Marina DeVoe"] be looking forward to meeting your acquaintance on the board soon. And if anything else can pm me if ya need anything or help. At any rate, i reckon if your interested gots me an Aldeaanian char that might be look in to hire your pilot that is if you're interested?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Yes, you know me Ronin. I was at CoH...Rianna's board. I was Karlie Lynn's Republic friend. :)

I will be setting up my bio and stuff today and will be on the look out to jump into an RP. I do have to get a hold of the Queen of Alderaan (saw her character here..someplace) to coordinate how Alderaan politics are standing and ranks within it's society. I'm aiming to have a home on one of the mountains..a district of sort. I'll have to iron out some stuff with the Queen. Hell, I'm not one to piss off a Queen you know.. lol

Great to see you again Ronin. :D


Well-Known Member
Marina DeVoe said:
Yes, you know me Ronin. I was at CoH...Rianna's board. I was Karlie Lynn's Republic friend. :)

I will be setting up my bio and stuff today and will be on the look out to jump into an RP. I do have to get a hold of the Queen of Alderaan (saw her character here..someplace) to coordinate how Alderaan politics are standing and ranks within it's society. I'm aiming to have a home on one of the mountains..a district of sort. I'll have to iron out some stuff with the Queen. Hell, I'm not one to piss off a Queen you know.. lol

Great to see you again Ronin. :D

Ah nice hehe guess now i remember... :D

Ah, I see hmmm well if that the case you might want to hit up either Faith (princess of Alderaan) or Arianna (Queen of Alderaan) seeing as they are leading figurehead there.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan

Greetings to you [member="Marina DeVoe"] and well if you have need of anything am offer to help out as well. Seeing as am atm the appointed Ambassador and current Count of one the house of Alderaan. I can offer help or aid you in resettling or such. And yes piss off the queen not recommended a choice of action per se. :p

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Will do that maybe before my eyes give in to sleep tonight, Ronin.
Actually, as soon as I answer a few replies. :)

EDIT: I just sent Faith a message explaining my intentions for Marina and her home on New Alderaan.

A pleasure to meet you, Count Teraan.
In my previous existence on other boards (other time line) I was a survivor of a great house on Alderaan during Palpatine's terror rein.
Here I wish to establish what my previous existence would have been if the original Alderaan had not been destroyed.

In this time line, I'm the great+++ granddaughter of that Marina who's remaining family re-established their legacy on New Alderaan over 400 years ago.
I wish to have a Province that is overlooked by my current family in Northern Alderaan, on Mt Cetril, overlooking Aiden Pass. I'm working on those details to present to the Queen. The DeVoes are just another great House on current Alderaan.

I have studied political sciences and have a doctorate degree, but before I settle down to what my family requires of me (by tradition) I wish to see..explore the galaxy. I figure what other way than being a pilot/transporter before setting my feet to root.

I'm sure our paths will cross quite often, count Teraan. :)
She moves like she don't care
[member="Marina DeVoe"]

Never knew you were nobility. Well, I guess it should be fun if you can find back your House of DeVoe :)

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

We have never met, Count. But I guess it's not often that I meet nobility from Alderaan. I think our paths will cross if this House hunting thing works out.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Mariya, I never thought of Marina's lineage in the past time line and here as nobility. Not in the sense of her being better than anyone else. I figured the original Alderaan had many Great Houses. It was mostly what that society had been about i think. Anyway, some should exist in this New Alderaan and timeline. I may be wrong, but that's how I'm going to play Marina.
Besides, she's the youngest daughter of two. And her older sister can play the daughter of the Dutches as far as Marina is concerned. No, there is no rivalry between the sisters. It's just that Marina's heart is out there and wants to see the Galaxy and explore.

Marina is not to far from her family roots you see. She is actually an employee in one of her familiy's company, Cetril Enterprises. And she is not an executive either, just another pilot for the company.
...uhm, Ok.... well not just another pilot. She does have some free reign as far as where she wants to take her ship, and is allowed to freelance under that company's name. It's kind of like her family making her earn her own way and not spoil her. She can explore all she wants, but she has to earn her own living to do so. No free fuel, supplies or ship repairs. Sure, she was financed a ship to use and modify, but other than the base ship she has to do all the mods and upkeep herself. This, Marina is certainly proud of. Independence.

But yes, one day she will return to take up her place in House DeVoe. She-

Whoa, hold on a sec. *eyes Mariya with a keen eye*
You baited me again. do that to me all the time. :lol:

Ok, Ok...I'll shut up now. :p

Stephanie Swail

[member="Marina DeVoe"] Welcome to the Chaos! Glad to have you here - liking your enthusiasm! If you want to write at all to help get you started in the galaxy, just shout. :)

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Thank you Stephanie. :)
I've been nosing about, checking a few threads all around ( I've only scratched the surface) and I am quite excited with the writing and enthusiasm of writers here. I haven't seen such activity like this since I can remember. I came from once very active boards that slowly lost their fire to then only turn to ashes. :(
There are so many avenues I wish to just ump right into.. to tell you the truth. I haven't written in maybe like two years. I mean like really write. I see the opportunity here to do so again and I'm very well taken back. You a child from a small town who just crossed for the first time the threshold of a Toys-R-Us. You know; a big toy store chain here in my writer's colonies (US). There is so much here! So many possibilities. :D
She moves like she don't care
I didn't do anything, [member="Marina DeVoe"]. I think you just like to talk :D

But pray, do let me visit your new land if you happen to acquire it.

Anyway, you can try using notification. Click on the "@mention" word and you can notify the writer you have responded their thread. Although somehow my mention no longer works, so I keep having to type [ member="insert name of character" ] (minus the spaces in between the brackets).

*waves to [member="Stephanie Swail"], admiring the Christmas hat*

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