Vilair nodded as his master departed for matters that were obviously beyond his level. Or so it seemed, whatever it was she didn't want him tagging along? What if she was meeting a secret lover here? He entertained the idea while quietly chuckling to himself. No way. Not Corvus. She could resist any move anybody made on her, that much was certain.
Turning on his heel, he put his hood up and continued down the filthy streets of nostalgia. The noise was deafening with crowd murmurs as rush hour approached. A great time to blend in, however he needed not to. Vilair was here just to reminisce on his times as a slave. He wasn't interested in what was new, or what was for sale. Only to relive the moments and forever remember from where he had come from. A slave, bound to serve his masters. Somewhere in the back of his mind a voice hinted with laughter, "Not much has changed, eh?"
He shook his head and continued onward before coming to a halt at an dark and damp alleyway. He had been mugged here before, before his assailants realized he was just a lowly slave with nothing of value. They settled for blood and bruises instead. Where they still there? Or had another gang taken over? His curiosity got the best of him, as Vilair stepped into the darkness and headed down the narrow alley.
The atmosphere itself seemed to change the deeper he went. His heart began to beat faster as he heard an exchange of conversation in the distance. Could this be the gang? His footsteps quieter as he pulled his hood over his face further, masking it with only hollow darkness. He approached the unfolding scene and pressed his back against the wall at the corner. He peered around it to get a better look, and narrowed his eyes.
There, only a short distance away was a gathering of gang members with different insignia's than what he had remembered. He rememebered all those that wronged him, to extract revenge. The Jedi preached forgiveness and temperament. That could wait. He was still not a knight, not bound by the rules exactly yet. He wouldn't be held to a high standard just yet, giving him room for mistakes. Willingly as they may be.
The gang seemed to be speaking to a younger woman, around his age. They spoke something about their turf and that she needed to pay to get by. Typical thieves. However, their next move proved more than disturbing. The look in their eyes suggested a malice intent. They approached her closer and closer. Vilair had no issue with this hang, but would he be a vigilante and stop this? Or turn his cheek and walk away.
Vilair turned the corner and began walking slowly toward the gang who had their backs turned to him. He walked menacingly up behind the first two and stood behind them for a few moments. They were unarmed. The Jedi had a code about unarmed foes, and that they were never to kill one. But who was watching?
Immediately, Vilair drew his lightsaber and sliced through the one and the second with another swing. Their bodies stood frozen for a few moments before slumping to the ground. The other two closing in on the girl, spun around in surprise at the sound of a lightsaber.
"WHAT!? WHO ARE YOU?" They demandingly shouted all while drawing their blasters.
They were met with silence as Vilair stared them down through his hood, shrouded in mystery. He could sense some sort of negative energy from this ally. Some dark force. He resonated with it. He could feel the thirst for blood pumping through his veins.
His empty threats were cut off as Vilair force pushed the one with all the questions, and quickly sidestepped the blaster of the other as he thrust his saber into his side. The man looked at him with pain as the dwindling life left his eyes. It was beautiful. Vilair turned his attention to the coughing Twi'lek on the ground who was regaining consciousness, already on his knees. Something was different. Some sort of feeling in this alley gave him a certain high, a newfound power.
He raised his lightsaber to his neck as the gang leader struggled to regain his voice. The blue tint of his saber lighting up the desperate breath's of a soon to be dead man.
"You can't kill me. You're a Jedi, and I am unarmed."
His gasps for air seemed to mask a smile, which unnerved Vilair. This fool thought Vilair would follow the code. Of course, it was the right thing to do. Yet, the dark energy in the alley seemed to pounding within his head. It must be from these thugs. It had to be. He could sense it. Yet whatever it was, filled him with anger.
The Twi'lek's lips curved into a smile, thinking that Vilair would let him go.
"I knew it. You couldn't-"
The sound of his saber slicing through his neck, cut him short as his body slowly crippled to the ground.
It was over, yet for some reason. The dark energy was still there. How was this possible...The girl.....The girl! Vilairs head turned to her and looked her in the eye. She wasn't even dazed, nor showed any signs of fear. Was she part of the dark side? There was no way.
This young woman with a pretty face, was supposed to be the damsel in distress. Vilair needed to know what was that energy he was feeding off of? He sheathed his lightsaber, and took a step towards her as he pointed toward the source.
[member='Corvus Raaf']