But I Am Free
"It's unfortunately not black and white with it."
He paused to let that settle, before he smiled.
"Or perhaps it's fortunate. Most Sith are Sith because of circumstance. They don't pick that life, but it's all they know. Because they're not downright evil monsters, there's hope for them. If someone extends a hand, they can live a life free of that corruption. Of course there are some that, you know, don't care. True monsters, true villains." He raised a hand, then another.
"On the other hand, that same thing can be said about the Jedi. Some don't pick this life, it's the only one they know. And when it's all they know, it's easy to simplify things into black and white. Sithspawn and Sith are bad, they need to be killed to stop from harming others. If some lives are sacrificed in the process, then it's worth it to save more lives. Acceptable losses in the face of a great evil."
He lowered his hands then, giving a more sheepish smile.
"I'm not sure honestly which is right and which is wrong. What Rhis did was certainly wrong, but how much leniency should we really give butchers and murderers? Is it really our place to give them forgiveness? There is no right answer. Our own experiences, our own judgements, that's all we can truly go on. That's what I was given when I fled the Sith and was given a chance to be something more than what my family wanted me to be. I know it's not really helpful as an answer, but it is something to think about. If you want to ask questions, I can answer my own experiences at least."
Shan Pavond