Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just stretching my legs [Open to GA Members]

Loske twisted in her seat and unbuckled, removing the headset from her ears and dropping it in the seat she'd previously occupied. Gripping her flight helmet with tightly curled fingers, she strode confidently toward [member="Sarge Potteiger"].

"Thanks, Sarge." She offered, smiling pleasantly despite the world of knowing that'd just been dumped on her. She'd digest it later. For now though, she'd be the epitome of delight and positivity - something the galaxy needed more of. Skinny arms reached out and awkwardly looped around as much of the metallic torso of her escort as she could. Her helmet clunked somewhere near his back. It was as close to a hug as she could get.

Then, she stepped back, not wanting to hold on too long and make it more awkward than it already was.

At the bottom of the ramp she turned slightly, angling to half-face him before she walked off to her assignment. A finger rose, almost waggling at him. "I want to hear how talking goes."
Marcello nodded knowingly to [member="Ryan Korr"]. It had been something of a dialogue that he had adopted long before he met Ryan. Even in the wake of the opportunity for a fresh start, the Jedi Order had failed to embrace any real amount of forward progress. They had continued to hand out titles as if they were a requisite for effectiveness. Inaction had continued to plague the higher spheres of leadership, and it seemed as if the identity of the Jedi had all but been lost. From what little Marcello had cared to keep tabs on in recent years...suggested that Ryan was correct.

The former glory of the Jedi Order had died long ago. It seemed they never fully recovered from the treachery of Daella Apparine.

"I've been here and there...standing between the defenseless and those that would do them harm. Admittedly, I think I spend more time on Kiffex than Naboo these days. It's extremely rare that I am on Sullust. I've removed myself from any form of political responsibilities amidst the New Jedi Order. It's an arrangement that all parties seem to be in agreement about."

There was the slight issue of his current political interactions on Naboo, however. The Rogue Master would keep those under wraps for now as the last thing he wanted was to be identified by some title bequeathed to him through a bloodline he only recently found out existed. "We're glad to have your experience and dedication aboard. Are you headed to the Temple?"
A lone eyebrow rose a millimeter. Korr had gone along with Marcello on many missions, accompanied him to many meetings. And so it was only natural that he would know something of the affair between Kiskla and his master. Not forbidden, but Marcello had always been something of a Gray Jedi. Always on the fringes of the Order, butting heads with the Council. And with Kiskla as the Grandmaster it certainly made the weekly rumors. Not that Korr ever paid them any mind. He cared little for the Council, or whatever remained of it now. An inept body often too paralyzed with conflicting viewpoints to be effective. Ultimately, necessary and at times effective. Most of the time, however, it was composed of people who would rather cling to titles and sit haughtily on their chairs in a private audience chamber rather than do anything of worth.

In any case, his mind seemed to have strayed on a tangent..Kiskla being Kiffar gave Marcello good reason to frequent Kiffex, though he kept those thoughts to himself. A reminder that some had homes among their people.

Korr wondered what he would do if he ever found the Vahla fleet..

“Yes, I’m headed there now as a matter of fact. To discover my new duties. I expect I will be in a similar position as you. I doubt they’d wish to complicate matters by putting me in any official capacity. I seem to have accumulated a number of resentments over the years.”

The corner of Ryan’s mouth turned up ever so slightly.


[member="Marcello Matteo"]
Marcello smiled thinly at [member="Ryan Korr"]'s statements. "I think you'll find the structure of the New Jedi Order to be rather more...informal. It certainly lends itself well to more action and less squabbling." Motioning for Ryan to lead the way out of the spaceport, Marcello initiated a moderate pace. "However, no system is perfect, and I think you'll find most of the Marshals definitively absent from just about...any real element of leadership among the Order. The various Masters and Knights of the Order, however, easily make up for that void."

The Rogue Master hadn't answered his old friend's question directly, but he presumed his actions rather easily indicated that he was, at least, happy to walk with his former apprentice. "Unrelated question...did that girl from a moment ago seem...familiar to you in any way?" Naturally, Ryan did not know [member="Kiskla Grayson"] like Marcello did, but he knew Marcello well enough to, perhaps, get a...faint sense of familiarity.
Their footsteps carried them toward the temple and away from the actors in that curious scene. Korr had almost put the event out of mind, when Marcello altered the trajectory of the conversation. Anyone who knew the blonde giant knew he was not prone to idle chatter. Ryan felt that the question had particular significance to his old master.

"Who, the pilot?"

Thinking back, he called up the memory of the girl's features. Willowy, with tanned features and a pair of striking blue eyes. Long hair the color of golden fields of grain. Human, clearly, or a cousin species. Much like the Vahla, it was difficult to tell on first glance. The only real difference demarcating Korr from the rest of the human population was having more cartilage than bone, giving him an almost unnatural limberness. But no, he had never met this girl.

"I did not recognize her, although now that you mention it her aura in the Force did seem somewhat familiar, but I cannot place it. I'm sure I've never seen her before."

He frowned, remembering the look Marcello had given her.

"What is she to you?"

[member="Marcello Matteo"]
Marcello nodded a simple affirmation to [member="Ryan Korr"]'s statement about whom Marcello was speaking. It was certainly not usual for the Naboo native to become so distracted by a singular thought. Well, with the exception of thoughts of [member="Kiskla Grayson"]. Even then, he very rarely allowed such thoughts to interfere with his duties or conversations with others.

Similarly, he was not surprised that the girl had not struck Ryan as very familiar. Thought Ryan knew Marcello quite well, the large Jedi Master supposed his former apprentice had limited interaction with the object of Marcello's affection. Hell...Marcello wasn't even sure what he was sensing was right. Kiskla did not have a sister that he was aware of wouldn't be the first time Kiskla had kept something from him. For the briefest of moments, Marcello allowed himself to think that perhaps his relationship with Kiskla had regressed to the point where they did not tell each other everything.

But...he quickly swept that notion away as largely impossible.

"Nothing," came the simple response to Ryan's question. "I have never seen her before either, but I feel as though... I don't know. Her presence whispers to me as if I've known her my entire a long-lost friend or close relative believed to be dead." Except...Marcello didn't have any relatives that looked like [member="Loske Matson"]. Well...except...

Waving a dismissive hand, Marcello acknowledged that the situation was not even necessary to discuss with Ryan. "Apologies. It's not really that important in this precise moment. If she is here to join the Alliance, her identity will be revealed soon enough." The Rogue Master paused for a moment. A change of subject was...needed. "What happened to Corvus anyways? I'd not expected her to be one to simply...disappear."
He lifted a hand, palm up, in a gesture of ignorance, shoulders shrugging infinitesimally. "There were six members of the Council when I left and nine different opinions on what happened. We've no shortage of theories. She died on a secret mission. She retired without telling anyone. Sith abduction. Dark Side involvement does seem likely, but even our most skilled psychometrists could find no trail that did not run cold within a day."

There could be no argument that Corvus had been a capable Jedi, and her loss had been felt by many, but Korr thought her approach too soft. Trusting repentant Dark Siders too much, while waffling on where the Order stood with the Republic. Caught on the fence between avenger and arbiter, much as the Jedi Order was now. Of late they'd peddled the word 'neutrality' about as if it was supposed to mean anything other than lukewarm half-measures. An antithesis to efficiency.

No matter. He would not besmirch her reputation now by voicing such thoughts. Best leave the lost behind and see to the care of the living.

"Her fate is as much a mystery as the identity of your familiar stranger."

They emerged from the hangar, drawing nearer to the rising structure of the Jedi temple, although Korr thought they might not call it that here. Academy, or enclave seemed to be the terms in vogue.

[member="Marcello Matteo"]
Marcello permitted himself a brief laugh at [member="Ryan Korr"]'s reply. It sounded...perfectly like every Jedi Council he had seen thus far in his life. Truthfully, that number was too high to represent any form of truly effective leadership. Marcello had also given [member="Corvus Raaf"] a rather healthy does of his own perception of her abilities and intentions. It had not been a particularly inspiring discourse, and a large part of the Naboo native wondered if the woman had simply...had enough. The Republic and Jedi Order could easily shatter the inherently good heart of one such as Corvus.

She'd never been much prepared for a war-time Jedi Order, and that was the only kind of Order that could survive the current times.

"Maybe she ran off with a guy...or a girl." Oh the scandal. "Either way, she is probably better off." Whether Marcello meant that in the sense that she wasn't fully equipped in his mind, or she just deserved not to be wallowing in the despair of the galaxy was purposefully unclear.

"The mystery of the stranger will be lifted in relatively short order. She was clearly here to join the Alliance Military, and it seems she's fairly unaware of her sensitivity to the Force. Discovering her identity is merely a matter of a few keystrokes at a terminal." Waving a hand dismissively in regards to the topic, Marcello walked alongside Ryan toward the massive structure of the Temple. "You'll find the above-ground areas of the Temple to be mostly administrative. Living quarters, hangars, meeting spaces, things of that nature. Below ground in a massive cavern, most of the functional areas are housed. Needless to say...I try to limit my time on the surface."

Eventually they arrived at a set of speeders that could be used to make the rest of the trip to the above-ground domes of the Sullust Temple. Turning to face Korr, Marcello managed a thin smile. "It's good to see you again, Ryan. Hit me up once you get settled. I have some business to attend to, and I believe the Grand Marshal is waiting for you." Extending a hand to grasp the young man's forearm, Marcello offered one final nod before releasing Ryan and turning to depart back to his waiting N-1T. The Alliance Military Base was not far, but it was far enough that a simple speeder was impractical.

[member="Loske Matson"]

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