Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jynx Harlo

Name: Jynx Harlo
Faction: Neutral
Rank: Neutral

Species: Squib
Hair: Short grey/black fur all over body
Eyes: LIght blue
Height: 1 m
Weight: Thin
Skin: Pink

-major hoarding problem
-for the most part, socially inept
-has a tendency to stutter or repeat herself

+has a knack for tinkering
+can steal just about anything/stealth

Jynx Harlo comes from a city on Skor II. Typically, Squibs are very sociable and charismatic. Jynx was particularly skilled in all of these areas, and lived by the saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure." She was so skilled that her peers often sought her leadership, and she manipulated this to her advantage. Instead of leading her lemmings to treasure hunts and various tinkering opportunities, her following became something of a thieves' guild. Throughout her young and teenage life, the missions she and her fellow thieves would go on were simple. Steal food, steal clothes, steal jewelry, and make money off of everything. As Jynx got older, her ambitions grew beyond her control. What began as fun and adventure turned into compulsion and addiction. The trade of stealing and selling was no longer fun, but the only way to live. Her leadership became tyrannical, forcing her "subjects" into deadly situations they gained no benefit from. See Jynx morph into the extreme, her followers began dissenting away from her. They grew up, got families, and she stood alone on the empire of kleptomania she created. After a few weeks of nothing satisfying her needs, she slipped into a delusional state. So she ran. She ran and ran until she found a hazardous junk yard, and before her stood an abandoned Koro-2 Exodrive airspeeder. What was actually a condemned ship for too much radiation, she saw as a fortress. An escape. So here she lived, surrounded by radioactivity and all of the treasures she could ever dream of. Living in this place only left a shell of her herself. There are gaps in her memories, and her speech and ability to understand emotions of others is almost nonexistent. After being discovered in her hiding place, Jynx was forced out into the real world - a world she had long forgotten. Jynx still maintained her abilities of stealth and stealing, and used these skills as a means to survive. She has no goals other than to inexplicably gain and gain and gain. She dons a hood and shawl over her face in public. When in a comfort of her own room, she rids of her clothes and masks. Squibs taste and sense through their fur, so it is not uncommon to see her sleeping on her treasures.


EDIT: I wrote haggling as a skill, but described her as socially inept. Both of these things are true, which may seem confusing. However, it is within her inherent nature that she is good at haggling. It may not be typical and through seduction, but she is always persistent. Especially when it comes to wearing others down.

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