Kära Vi'dreya, Queen of the Shadows
"Do not fear the core of your being, embrace it."
- Name: Kära Vi'dreya
- Alias: Darth Kyros, Lady Kyros
- Force Rank: Master
- Force Alignment: Bogan
- Species: Near-Human
- Race: Umbaran
- Age: 25
- Height: 5'1"
- Weight: 104 lbs
- Eye Color: Icy Blue
- Hair Color: Pure White
- Skin Pigmentation: Deathly Pale
- Force Sensitive: Yes
- Masters: --
- Apprentices: N.A
- Successful Students: --
- + Umbaran Heritage: Naturally gifted in deception, subterfuge and manipulation, Kära is a skilled mentalist and was raised to detect falsities in others. Alongside this is her exceptionally keen eyesight, owing to the Umbaran's superior ocular strength which permits them to see in varying degrees of light and darkness, as well as UV and visual hindrances such as fog. She is also naturally stronger in aspects of the Force such as Telepathy and Mental Manipulation.
- + Mentalist: Owing not only to her heritage but also her specialised training, Kära is exceptionally gifted where her mind is concerned. She can bring about bouts of paranoia in an individual, submit them to her will, have them perceive that which is not there or give them vague impressions enough to direct their words, thoughts and actions. Moreover, her mind is constantly protected by barriers, with back-up procedures in place should someone manage to break through.
- + Poisons Resilience: From the age of eight Kära was made to ingest all commonly used poisons, as well as many which were uncommon or unheard of. Due to this, her body has built up a very high level of tolerance against the effects of poisons, meaning that for the most part she would remain unaffected if someone tried to poison her.
- + Covert Specialist: Having been a child growing in an environment such as the Sith it was paramount that she had ways to remain unnoticed, undetected and otherwise safe from prying eyes and schemes. Over time her covert ways intensified, becoming much more than simple stealth and knife-in-the-dark acts. Kära is extremely good at being unnoticed, at infiltrating institutions and buildings, groups and factions, amongst other skills upon the broad spectrum of covert operations.
- + Force Affinity: Kära relies heavily upon the Force, and has since she first fell into the darkness that is the Sith. Having begun her training at the age of six, there was little to no place in her schedule for lightsaber training. As a result she grew attached to the Force and through this her ability with it has blossomed: while she arguably knows little compared to many Force-specialists, she has a strong connection and uses that which she knows superbly well.
- + Ghost: The holo-net, and various Galactic Records, are full of wonderful images and fun facts on individuals throughout the Galaxy... But such is not the case where Kära is concerned. From as soon as she was able, Kära has taken great care to cover her tracks, remain out of the view of holo-CCTV and to keep all information on herself tightly concealed. Even those who know her in person often do not have enough to trace her by. If one was to search for "Kära Vi'dreya", the only information it would bring up is her birth on Umbara, alongside a record which states that she remains there in the lower castes to this day.
- - Hypersensitive Eyesight: Ocular superiority only goes so far: her sensitive eyesight is as much a hindrance as it is a blessing. If her eyes are suddenly exposed to a bright light she will become disorientated and dazed, causing her to suffer in an almost photosensitive-epileptic manner.
- - Out of Touch: Travelling from one Dimension to another has left Kära disoriented; she knows no one in this Galaxy, and anyone she does recognize is considerably different. The change in history and Galactic powers has also left her in confusion... Hopefully time will right this, however.
- - Paranoia: Kära is a very paranoid young woman due to a troubled youth, having faced a number of attempts on her life before she even left Umbara, torture at the hands of those she had deemed allies and numerous abandonments. This is not helped by her natural deceit-detecting ways, which forces her to pick up on deception even if it is not aimed directly at her. It makes her somewhat uptight and untrusting toward most.
- - Order: Kära feels that she must bring Order and Stability to the Galaxy, seeing it as flawed and unruly, meaning that at times she can be a little overzealous where her ideals are concerned. It can also leave her with an aura of superiority, as false as this may be, which does not always bode well with others. This can, however, transfer itself positively to give her a regal feel about her person.
- - No Weakness: Kära cannot abide weakness in an individual, expecting them to find ways around their flaws or openly confront them as she herself must do; in truth it is weakness within herself that she truly cannot stand. Substances such as alcohol she abhors, viewing them as an extension of man's weakness, and like Order a lack of weakness is something she strives to create within the Galaxy.
- Not Applicable: She owns nothing in this new Universe!
- [Mastered] Telepathy
- [Mastered] Force Manipulation
- [Mastered] Mind Barrier
- [Adept] Telekinesis
- [Adept] Metallurgy
- [Adept] Sith Alchemy
- [Mastered] Covert Operations
- [Mastered] Poisons
- [Fluent] Umbarese
- [Near-Fluent] Galactic Basic Standard
- [Adept] Piloting
- [Adept] Lightsaber Construction
- [Adept] Forging
Kära was born the younger child of an Umbaran and a Human, upon the planet of Umbara, a world constantly cast in darkness. Before her birth, her parents were forced to part, and Demia, Kära's mother, immediately found a fellow Umbaran. While not her real Father, Kära was raised to view him as such. He already had a daughter, who Kära likewise was raised to believe was her sister. The family were moderately high up in the caste system, but nowhere near the level by which they would be eligible to leave their shadow-lands in search of somewhere brighter. When she was only three her older, and only, sibling "Zarathustra" disappeared from their home and Umbara in general.
Distraught over the loss of their daughter, and harassed by members of their society over the absence of a child deemed "unsuitable to be allowed off the planet", or in simple terms "too low on the ladder to ever make it", the family fell into decline. Kära's Step-Father lost what little honour he still retained, spending prolonged lengths of time away from the family and, during the brief moments he was home, partaking in acts of violence against his wife. Kära, presumably too young to understand, watched from the sidelines each time this happened, and as her years increased so too did her understanding. They slipped further and further down the castes, losing all power and respect their family had earned over many generations.
One evening, when Kära was only six, her mother came to her and took her into her arms. "Sweet child" the Umbaran said, completely out of her usual nature, "This world is cruel, the Galaxy crueler, and so few survive its horrors." As she spoke the woman took up a vial and held it in her free hand. "And I won't lose another child to the chaos." At this point her mother had leaned in and whispered "I will save you from all heartache, all pain, before it begins..." And slipped the top off the vial. A moment later the door was thrown open. Luckily for Kära her wayward step-Father put a sudden end to her mother's idea of 'redemption', earning her another beating, yet even so the words and actions of both parents began to play on her mind. Cruel... The little girl would think, often, as she watched the world around her, until she began to see it for herself. Suddenly only one thing was on the little girl's mind. Zara.
How she managed it Kära didn't know, but she realised how small a child of her age really was. Slipping onboard a freighter which transported goods between worlds the little girl escaped Umbara in search of her sister, all the while she became slightly more unpredictable in her nature while her mother's words continued to ring at the back of her mind. Not the beatings she had bore witness to, or the attempt on her life by her mother, but the words. Truth be told, she seemed utterly unphased by the physical actions. She made it to Maramere where her connection with Zarathustra seemed stronger, yet she was at a loss. Such a small person could not survive long alone, in a place they were foreign to. She had no money, or worldly possessions, and her only companions were an insistent little hound and the presence of what she described to be a "flowing river"; she couldn't see it, touch it, sense it in any way but through feeling it's ever-present force.
- [Kill] Azar The Mystic: During The Invasion of Metalorn
- Planet: Aurum
- Semi-Sentient Species: Tejdóru
- Semi-Sentient Species: Moolkirook
- Sentient Species: Exonad
- Non-Sentient Species: Ashia
- Company: Rahvin Industries
- Spaceship: RI-SF1: Thustra-Class Starfighter
- Technology: RI-AS1: Nexu-Class Luxury Air Speeder
- Starship: RI-S1: Cutter-Class Luxury Shuttle
- Technology: RI-EP1: Escape Pod
- Starship: RI-ST1: Sanctum-Class Shield Drones
- Starship: RI-RS1: Haven-Class Rescue Starship
- Technology: Shadow Armour
- Technology: Noctus Armour
- Technology: Bladeborn Armour
- Technology: RI-PA1 Pansar-Class Armour
- Technology: Tsawak
- Technology: Catharsis Lightsaber
- Technology: Last-Chance Pendants
- Technology: Lurendrejare
- Technology: RI-MD1 Merrill-Class Mining Droid
- Technology: RI-PD1 Strill-Class Deep Space Probe
- Starship: RI-X1 Blacklight-Class Luxury Transport
- Starship: RI-W1 Be'lal-Class Warship
- Starship: RI-SF2 Tri-Fighter MK-II
- NPC: Zarathustra
- Moon: Albiorix
- Location: Albiorix Mining Facility
Credit to [member="Isley Verd"] with minor edits made.