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Approved Vehicle Kür’än Gatling Walker

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  • Manufacturer: The Kür'än
  • Affiliation: The Kür'än
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: Series 1.0 Kür'än Gatling Walker
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel and Glass (for porthole)
  • Classification: Personal Walker
  • Role: Assault Tank
  • Size: Large (20 meters tall, cockpit is 4x4 meters wide)
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Armaments: (high) one Gatling cannon that fires 10,000 .30 caliber rounds per minute. One V.F.M. (Vehicle Fragmentation Matrix) stored in a rear compartment. (See weaknesses)
  • Defenses: Very Low; Durasteel plates less than 2 centimeters thick. (Rear compartment has a higher concentration of armor, reaching seven centimeters in thickness.)
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low, it takes 10 seconds to make a 90* turn.
  • Speed Rating: Very Low
  • Propulsion: Bipedal
  • Minimum Crew: One
  • Optimal Crew: One pilot
  • Passenger Capacity: None
  • Cargo Capacity: Small (one rear compartment meant to hold one V.F.M., one frontal compartment that stores ammunition, this feeds directly into the Gatling Cannon)
  • T.I.N. Sensory System (ripped from Assassin droids and other technologies)
  • Thermal Imaging implementations (Kür'än are known for their engineering, they have modified the traditional targeting system to display images through thermal imaging)
  • Gyroscopic balancing systems
  • Self-destruct sequence; the vehicle has a rear compartment hat holds a V.F.M. that takes five seconds to arm. Though if tampered with it may explode immediately (see weaknesses)
  • Average resistance to Blaster fire and other energy based weaponry (3 centimeter thick Durasteel plating)
  • High destructive capabilities- you don't want to be standing in front of it when it fires.
  • Balance stability- Gyroscopic balancing systems allow the vehicle to get back upright after falling down. The cockpit will always sit upright parallel to the ground (barring any damage to the gyroscopic stability systems)
  • Acid- acid proves effective against the metallic elements in the vehicle
  • EMPs- EMPs prove effective against the vehicle's systems
  • Glaring weak spot- while stored behind the highest concentration of armor, there is a bomb stored in a rear compartment of the vehicle. It acts as a self-destruct sequence that (if struck) will explode the vehicle into thousands of pieces of shrapnel that may reach up to 15 meters outward in diameter. (See description)
Kür'än are known for their engineering abilities, this is the product of those abilities. The Series 1.0 Kür'än Gatling Walker was designed by a Kür'än Foundry, and then mass-produced across the galaxy in other Kür'än Foundries. The cockpit is traditionally sealed from the environment, and so these vehicles may be deployed practically anywhere. They are usually deployed in quartets, placed in the four cardinal directions back-to-back. They then fan out to deliver their purpose to the battlefield. The vehicle is equipped with millions of rounds, though this usually ends up being expended in less than half an hour. After the vehicle has expended its ammunition, the pilot is usually expected to use the V.F.M. to cause additional harm to the opposition forces in the field of battle. (See here for destructive capabilities of the V.F.M.)
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Skellege Nauss Skellege Nauss

Hello. I have a few things to touch on before we can get this approved for you, so let's begin.

Firstly, the foundational Species Sub for The Kür'än is yet to be approved by The Codex, meaning that the approval of this one will be conditional on that.

Armaments: one Gatling cannon that fires 10,000 .30 caliber rounds per minute. One V.F.M. (Vehicle Fragmentation Matrix) stored in a rear compartment. (See weaknesses)

While I appreciate the attention to detail, I will require some idea as-to the armament's rating in-accordance with the proper template. Is this armament considered Low in-comparison to other personal walker designs, or Average? A guesstimate will suffice, but in order to judge the Specs effectively that is required.

Resistant to Blaster fire and other energy based weaponry.

I'm afraid I'll require a bit more explanation here, as your Defenses are listed as 'Very Low'. There are no special materials which provide a significant increase to energy weapon defenses, and even certain small-arms are capable of defeating Durasteel plate.

Otherwise, your strengths & weaknesses are acceptable. Please tag me when edits have been made and we'll continue with the process. Thank you.
Skellege Nauss Skellege Nauss

Hello. I have a few things to touch on before we can get this approved for you, so let's begin.

Firstly, the foundational Species Sub for The Kür'än is yet to be approved by The Codex, meaning that the approval of this one will be conditional on that.


While I appreciate the attention to detail, I will require some idea as-to the armament's rating in-accordance with the proper template. Is this armament considered Low in-comparison to other personal walker designs, or Average? A guesstimate will suffice, but in order to judge the Specs effectively that is required.


I'm afraid I'll require a bit more explanation here, as your Defenses are listed as 'Very Low'. There are no special materials which provide a significant increase to energy weapon defenses, and even certain small-arms are capable of defeating Durasteel plate.

Otherwise, your strengths & weaknesses are acceptable. Please tag me when edits have been made and we'll continue with the process. Thank you.
Issues have been addressed, as for the foundational species sub, I am currently waiting on word from anyone on that. So really we’re just waiting on them for now. I’ll tag you again when/if it gets greenlit of course.
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