Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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KABOOM!!! SA V GA Skirmish

Ajira Cardei said:
f Naboo security to get this far with your hundred Gungan insurgents

They go way back from when you were inactive and Mythos was the King of Atrisia. In the Dominion of Naboo with the Techno Union. These Gungans are the few that survived the battle, after the battle of the dominion they went to Atrisia to train in combat and form a cohesive unit of fighters, these aren't just any gungans (i just never got around to submitting them as an NPC unit). They were also the ones that blew up Chazwa. After that they just went back to Naboo as regular citizens until Mythos called them up again, as did Mythos and his doods, they are there just as civilians.


Marcello Matteo said:
Or aid any Sith in doing so knowing that

These aren't just any Gungans, they fought under Mythos' command more than twice now and are specialized in demolition and explosives.

I didn't bring any Gungans into Naboo, i called the ones i already had there :) Don't mind us we are just civilian dudes just walking around.

Ok now that we got that out of the way, Let's get back to blowing things up shall we?

I don't have any pointers in the realm of killing people. I'm just telling you the Plasma Operation is run at the Palace.

A simple google search will set you free:

Since I know this is the next issue to be addressed, no. The Palace is not open to the public at any time. Appointments are cleared into specific areas on an as-needed basis.

The Palace is expecting no appointments in the dead of night.

Cheers :)
[member="Marcello Matteo"] I am busy at mo, in rl so don't want to over commit myself, but feel free to use thul infantry companies. At the rate I am using the, they will all either be dead soon, or class B. :)
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Ajihad's goal will be to rob the planet's monetary resources, probably directly from the mainframe inside the main treasury building. What kind of security would it have, and is there any outstanding OOC knowledge I should have before doing so?

Just want to have all my ducks in a row before posting.
[member="The Gray Assassin"]

You'll want to ask that question to [member="Marcello Matteo"] and [member="Ajira Cardei"]. I was not present for the dominion of Naboo as I was away on vacation during it. I was also not present for the other skirmish of Naboo therefore I don't have a grasp on what they've done to enhance the security of the palace. Jamie is also not a member of the court, her parents are. So she has no weight to throw about aside from her parents being humanitarian / philanthropists and ambassadors to other worlds. Marcello is the current king. Ajira runs the Theed shipwright company.

I would imagine however that the security for the royal palace would be something akin to breaking into the White House, or the FBI, or other extremely well protected government building that is paramount to the security of the nation (or planet in this case)
[member="The Gray Assassin"]

You guys are all about the flash. Your stated desire was to basically access a mainframe and transfer all of Naboo's wealth to yourself? As the galaxy itself is supported by the Credit Chip, physical funds aren't super common. Finances are supported by a large number of things (as they are in real life) that contribute to the gross domestic product.

In're saying you want to access a computer of some sort to transfer a bunch of 1's and 0's to yourself. You realize that....the second said theft was realized (which wouldn't take long), the transfer would just be invalidated and you'd have nothing, right? It's not like the movies where you do this and then suddenly the bank just like magically loses a million dollars worth of digital money that it can't recover.

Also the Royal Treasury would be the controlling entity here. If there are any physical funds, they'd effectively be secured in a vault that is in no way public knowledge. Defenses at the Royal Palace, you should consider staggering. How much of it would you publicly know and be able to see upon cursory inspection? Probably not a great deal. As is the case at the homes of most actual Heads of State.

We have banks though. Only one is large enough to have a credit reserve requirement (read: physical money you can steal). We'll say it has a transaction amount of 90 million so...with a three percent reserve...2.7 million credits on hand. It's in Moenia. There is a casino there too! You can try to rob that and get I don't know. Somewhere north of 20 million, I would suspect.
Marcello Matteo said:
We have banks though. Only one is large enough to have a credit reserve requirement (read: physical money you can steal). We'll say it has a transaction amount of 90 million so...with a three percent reserve...2.7 million credits on hand. It's in Moenia. There is a casino there too! You can try to rob that and get I don't know. Somewhere north of 20 million, I would suspect.
Sounds good. I'll take your advice on this and rob the bank/casino

The plan was to access the treasury dept. by kidnapping a high-ranking official and using their retinal scans to access the mainframe. But Oceans Eleven is one of my favorite movies anyways, so robbing a casino is enough for me :)
Isamu Baelor said:
Said on a website where people roleplay Star Wars.
I was just about to sit down and write up my post when I thought that I'd best throw something up here. I'm planning on having Xavka here use the chaos of Mythos' attack to, at the least, assassinate a couple of NPC high-ranking officials (although I wouldn't say no if someone wishes to intervene on their behalf and fight Xavka), but, to quote [member="Marcello Matteo"]'s recent post:

Marcello Matteo said:
Above-ground, all of the buildings within said range of the Palace were owned by the Crown, leased out to high-ranking officials and made available for visiting dignitaries as necessary. The purpose for this was because they too would fall within the inner perimeter of defensive measures should the Palace ever drift to an even more elevated state of readiness.

Basically, the whole point of this post is to ask the following question: would someone on the GA side of things be willing to give me a run down of what defensive measures Xavka would encounter in his attempts to complete his goals? I wouldn't want to have him accidentally walk though a defense that should have detected him simply because I didn't know said defense even existed after all. Of course, Xavka himself will have no knowledge of what these measures will be, as, after all, this information hasn't been obtained ICly.

Thank you in advance for any help rendered.
[member="Darth Lykos"]

NPC officials where? In the leased housing outside the Palace District? In the Palace? If you're referring to anything around the Palace District, you would likely only notice (at least from your initial point of being outside the secure area) barriers, electronic surveillance, a single checkpoint in and out of the secured zone, and both static and roving RSF patrols.

[member="Mythos"] - the power generator facility is located within the Palace. This is canon - and stop making up locations of things to serve your purposes. If you don't know, just ask.
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

The leased housing in the Palace District, yes. I would like to think that Xavka wouldn't be arrogant enough to attempt to infiltrate the Palace itself by his lonesome. Just to check, though, you don't mind if I do have Xavka target these NPC officials, do you? i wouldn't want to cause unwanted OOC tensions and strife, after all.
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

Thank you. I shall try my best to represent the defenses as best I can, but, if I make any errors in this, please feel free to point them out to me.

Oh, and, do feel free to set up some NPC opposition for Xavka if you wish to do so, or even arrange some PC opposition if you prefer. I'm looking to write a fun story within this Skirmish after all.

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