Lord Commander
Ajira Cardei said:f Naboo security to get this far with your hundred Gungan insurgents
They go way back from when you were inactive and Mythos was the King of Atrisia. In the Dominion of Naboo with the Techno Union. These Gungans are the few that survived the battle, after the battle of the dominion they went to Atrisia to train in combat and form a cohesive unit of fighters, these aren't just any gungans (i just never got around to submitting them as an NPC unit). They were also the ones that blew up Chazwa. After that they just went back to Naboo as regular citizens until Mythos called them up again, as did Mythos and his doods, they are there just as civilians.
Marcello Matteo said:Or aid any Sith in doing so knowing that
These aren't just any Gungans, they fought under Mythos' command more than twice now and are specialized in demolition and explosives.
I didn't bring any Gungans into Naboo, i called the ones i already had there
Ok now that we got that out of the way, Let's get back to blowing things up shall we?