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Kad's GIF Rank Titles


[member="Herr Vanderhing"]


Bonus, thanks to [member="Sorik Jad"]:


Also Tusken added to collection, thanks to Sorik Jad's gif hunting skills.




I did, a bit different, lol. I had been working on what you wanted initially then I came up with something else and then it went this way, lol.

Anywho, I got this for ya. And if you want with what you initially needed, I can still do it as well. Most likely tomorrow, though. Got some posting to do.

I've made a couple, where the only change is the text

[member="Kad Forgrin"]

Dude, that's legit fantastic. Way better than what I had in mind!

I'll probably take the first one, as the text is the easiest to read. I'll also get to uploading this stuff to my Imagur account within the next day or two, if that's cool with you. I like consolidate my images in one place where I know they won't get deleted, plus it saves you space so you can make room for other stuff and all.
[member="Kad Forgrin"]

Could you keep the current one and also make a siggy-sized version? I'm going to use this one for a company banner but I'd love to use it as a signature as well.
[member="Kad Forgrin"]

I'm reworking my bio a bit, and am looking to get a few snazzy new headers.

I need headers for General Info, Appearance, Relationships, Biography, Abilities, Possessions, and Other.

The real trick is the font. I want it to have a cool and mysterious feel to it, using cool colors like blues and purples. It'd really hard for me to put into words so I apologize for the vagueness, lol.


May I get a title that says: "Seeker" also one that says "Shadow Warrior" please, no gif required unless you want to put one . Thank you, [member="Kad Forgrin"]

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