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Kaeshana Fleeting

Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Writing post now, ETA ~2 hours from this timestamp.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Without doing any hard number crunching, I think things are roughly equal between our two sides (with the FO having an edge in actual meters and the GA in # of ships). Assuming you're not expecting any late writers to jump in, what do you say to a moratorium on reinforcements jumping in for at least a few rounds. Give us time to take some casualties and progress the battle a bit, I figure. We do have like three weeks to go, and while I don't imagine the thread will run that long I do like the idea of a very lengthy slow burning battle.

As it were the below is, I think, a complete list of all active fleeters. Next step: starfighter pilots!

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
[member="Natasi Fortan"]
[member="Basileus Isauros"]
[member="Aran Piett"]
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]
[member="Kyrana Gould"]
[member="Cathul Thuku"]
[member="Alexandra Morrow"]
[member="Talyn Krane"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
Based on previous posts and how Cyrus and Goulda placed us it's looking something like this:


[member="Kyrana Gould"]
[member="Cathul Thuku"]
[member="Alexandra Morrow"]
[member="Talyn Krane"]
[member="Lily Kilia"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
First Order:
[member="Basileus Isauros"]
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
[member="Aermoira Cyone"]
Cyrus Tregessar said:
The enemy forces had formed a rough formation, with a block of GADF ships on the 'right' near the planet, the mixed Firemane force in the center, and more GADF forces on the 'left.' Un-encrypted comms traffic was high enough now that a small but steady stream of intel was flowing in to a tertiary display on Cyrus' console. No great tactical revelations, but he was able to read at a glance who the various fleet commanders were. The 'right' formation, designated Force Group Sierra One, was led by a Commodore Vilin, a total unknown to Cyrus. The center, Force Group Sierra Two, was confirmed to be under the charge of Admiral Kyrana Gould, as he had guessed earlier, and the 'left' Force Group Sierra Three, was under the command of the infamous Cathul Thuku, who had been at Omega.
Cyrus Tregessar said:
Commodore Carlyle Rausgeber commanded the next largest force, currently facing off against Group S-1.
Alexandra Morrow said:
LOCATION: Kaeshana System, Opposite side of Kaeshana from Vilin

So the image above is roughly in line with how the vessels have been placed so far. I'm assuming then that Rausgeber your group has moved to its left to engage Cathul rather than S-1 (me) as per Cyrus' earlier post.

So essentially myself and Morrow are Rear/starboard rear/port respectively
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command

My interpretation could well be wrong, or even more likely i got my rights and lefts switched around.

But as a general reference it works pretty well.

There's other details of course, like how mine and Cathul's fleets are pretty close to approaching short range whereas Kyrana's is on the edge of long range. That would leave the First Order right flank open but Yvarro's fleet just arrived there.

That's the picture in my head, at any rate.
[member="Kyrana Gould"]
[member="Cathul Thuku"]
[member="Alexandra Morrow"]
[member="Talyn Krane"]
[member="Lily Kilia"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
First Order:

[member="Basileus Isauros"]
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
[member="Aermoira Cyone"]
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]
[member="Aran Piett"]

Right where are we at?

Seems to have gone quiet, are we waiting on Cyrus?

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