Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kai Nariko

NAME: Kai Nariko
RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Atoan/Shi'ido
AGE: 19
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 160lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black.
SKIN: White.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
+ Force Skills: Kai is average in the force, but excels in Mind control, and TK.
+ Lightsaber skills: As Kai is trained to hunt Sithspawn, He has exceptional skills with a lightsaber, and swords.
+ Ranged weapons: Kai was trained with Blasters and simple ranged weaponry, and can use it effecivly.
+/- Headstrong: He will fight anything willing to prove himself better than others, and to make his parents proud.
+/- Heritage: Being part Shi'ido, and Atoan, Kai can change his shape, but is stuck with a base form of an Atoan. It also allows him to have many hearts in different places of his body.
- Depression: With sevear case of Depression, He could be one second, laughing, and the next wanting to end his life. However, he won't for the fear or hurting others around him.

Dressed in smugler like clothes. He will dress in a brown flak jacket that is most of the time open, He will normaly wear back knee-high combat boots. and can be seen carrying a curved vibrosword, and a red lightsaber. However with his Shi'ido abilities, he can be of different shapes.
Appearance pic

Being born into a family of a Father who was in the military, and a mother that was a surgen. He saw his parents only half of the time. He was in school and is a rather smart student. However, he had gotten into a school fight nearly killing the child. He was then enroled into the Military of the Local Malita at the age of 8. SInce then he has spent 5 years in the Military, THey decided to test him and see if he was ready to be sent out on a mission. As they gave him his final test his force powers became apparent as he had pushed a man through a concreet wall without moving a finger.

In less than 4 hours they had moved him to a resedent Dark Jedi who trained him in the force. Being in training for 3 years now, His master told him that he was ready to leave and go on his own and continue his life without him. His master then before his eyes, faded into the air and never to be seen again.

Taken aback, He went home to visit his parents and as he was there, was told that he would be allowed to go anywhere he wanted as he was now an adult. Looking for a place to stay, he now has to find where he fits into the cracks of the Galaxy.

FORMS: Kai will take many forms in his live, but most often he will take his base form and a second form of a 3 meter tall beast that is made from his imagination as others have not really seen it it may be rather daunting. He also takes a third form of a girl. He uses it to get past people, or to use as a diversion, but other times, he wants to get his way.

Beast form

Girl form

Silk-6 Swoop bike
TPR-001 Hornet Airspeeder

X2 CSBX-06 Exemplar battle droid


Sample of Kai using his Claws via shaping powers.​
Curved Vibrosword​
Red Lightsaber​
Ranked from strongest to weakest(Legend, Master, Proficient, Adept, Novice.)​
Red Lightning-Adept​
Force Push-Adept​
Mind control/trick-Adept​
Ranked from strongest to weakest(Legend, Master, Proficient, Adept, Novice)​
Djem So-Adept​
INFO: Kai uses his Shi'ido shaping to form into weapons, and other powers.​
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Figured as much. Here's the thing: He enjoys telling me about all of these animes, but won't ever listen when I talk about Star Wars lol. Same with about 60% of my friends. @[member="Kai Nariko"]
Perhaps Luke is trying to use his newly-discovered powers when Kai stumbles upon him? Or One or both of us can be running from something; ie we get into serious poodoo. I have a bunch of ideas, anything jump out at you? @[member="Kai Nariko"]

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