Kainan Wolfe
Shadow of War

- NAME: Kainan Wolfe (Real Name Unknown)
- ANKHYPTIAN NAME: Amt-ars-kera, the White Wolf
- SPECIES: Human
- AGE: Unknown, Presumed Mid Twenties
- BIRTHPLACE: Coruscant
- SEX: Male
- HEIGHT: 1.84 meters
- WEIGHT: 93kg
- EYES: Blue
- HAIR: Dark Brown, streaked with White
- SKIN: White
- FORCE TRAINING: Dark Jedi Knight
- FACTIONS: Shrouded Republic | Ancient Eye
- TITLES: Darth Tacitus the Just, the Lord of Shrouds, Overlord of the Shrouded Republic, the White Wolf of Ession, Conqueror of Winter, the Truthseeker, Builder of Strongholds, Architect of the Warden Code, Lord of Admirals of the Ancient Eye
- THEME SONG: Arthas, My Son

"It is difficult to tell truth from fiction, but a few things are clear. The man was a true mastermind, a long term thinker who plans things years in advance." - Unknown
- Talented Starship Engineer (+): Kainan has a talent for designing starships and is generally quite comfortable finding his way around a ship's guts
- Calculated (+): Kainan is a calculated individual who carefully manages his reputation and the people around him
- Loyal (+): Wolfe is devoted towards those in his service and makes a point of keeping his promises towards them
- Iron Will (+): Wolfe has a very strong will, which gives him greater resistance to mind-altering Force powers
- Ambitious (+/-): Wolfe is an ambitious man, always grasping for power, always reaching for greater heights. This can be both a blessing and a curse
- Dishonest (-): Kainan Wolfe won't hesitate to lie and cheat his way into getting things done. Over the years, he has built a carefully maintained reputation, through a combination of half-truths, lies and staged events, all to further his image of a near-mythical ruler
- Fanatical (-): Wolfe is driven by an unflinching faith in his beliefs. He is a fanatic who is fully committed to what he believes in and will not be swayed from his path
- Vindictive (-): Wolfe is a man who never forgets a slight committed against him and will hatch bitter revenge plans against those whom he considers that have wronged him
- Introverted (-): Wolfe is a man who keeps his cards close to his chest and the people around him at arm's length. It is very hard to gain his trust and consequently, he has very few friends
- Prosthetic Arm (-): During a duel with [member="Adron Malvern"], Wolfe lost his left forearm to his opponent's lightsaber. He has since replaced it with a cybernetic prosthetic, which leaves him vulnerable to ion attacks and devices meant to disable electronics

"There are many contradicting accounts about what he looked like. Most are greatly exaggerated, but the man did have a kind of imposing presence that compelled people to follow him." - Unknown
- Kainan Wolfe is a 1.84 meters tall white male with dark brown hair and blue eyes. Constant exercise and a lifetime spent doing the nitty, gritty work of a starship mechanic, keeps him in a good shape. He has several scars who's origins is unknown, most notable of which is the one running down the left side of his face, over his eyebrow, though he has an extravagant and no doubt fake war story for each and every one of them.

"The Argent Dawn. Later known as the Dark Star, it was a Star Destroyer of Wolfe's own design. Unlike the usual stories circulating about the man, the stories about the ship differ in the sense that they are mostly true." - Unknown
- Slug Thrower Rifle
- The Shrouded Blade
- Czerka Fighting Knife - Ceremonially awarded for military assistance during the CIS-GE war

"Like many things about him, his skill in combat is a highly debated topic. His first notable battle was at Krayiss II, where he faced a number of the Sith's warriors. And won." - Unknown
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Proficient) - Form II (Makashi)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Form III (Soresu)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Beginner) - Form IV (Ataru)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Form VII (Juyo/Vaapad)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Proficient) - Hand of Unseen Chains (Telekinesis)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Beginner) - Leap of Faith Eternal (Force Jump)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Sword of Will Unbroken (Force Lightning)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Shroud of Perfect Dark (Force Horror)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Proficient) - Spear of Midnight Black (Darkshear)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Basic) - Shroud of Swift Revenge (Force Speed)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Beginner) - Shroud of Great Purpose (Mind Trick)
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Basic) - Sith Necromancy
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Proficient) - Rifles
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Proficient) - Pistols
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Vibroswords
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Explosives
- [■■■■■■■■■■] (Basic) - Computer Slicing

"That man was a ghost. So many rumors circulate about his past and like most things about him, there are many contradictions. The truth is, no one ever really knew him." - Unknown

Kainan Wolfe was most likely born and raised in the war-torn chaos that was the territory held by the One Sith Empire. He spent most of his childhood digging around ruined cityscapes for scraps, struggling to survive in a world that had fallen apart and was only just starting to recover. Having a talent for tinkering with machinery from a young age, he joined a group of smugglers that operated out of a rickety old freighter, when he was around thirteen years old, although he only spent seven months with the crew, before being arrested during a failed smuggling run and spending five years in a juvenile correctional facility.
After his release, he disappeared back into the woodwork, only to resurface again at the age of twenty-three as a smuggler and mercenary, running an increasingly better organized group of criminals and misfits out of his ship, the Final Verdict, a light cruiser/carrier built from the repurposed hull of a derelict Interdictor-class cruiser that he most likely found abandoned, somewhere in deep space. After that, the details start to get more blurry, as the various tales of his alleged exploits started floating around, tales which include the supposed theft of a holocron from a hidden Sith stronghold, which was, supposedly, subsequently sold to a mysterious buyer and the single-handed destruction of one of the First Order's Star Destroyers by apparently ramming a damaged starfighter into it and ejecting just in time before the collision. More recently, he had begun doing various jobs for individuals and organizations connected to the Dominion and it is speculated that he intended to join its ranks, before the fateful war of Krayiss II, which sealed its fate.
During the disastrous final war against the Sith Empire, Kainan Wolfe and his ship participated in the battle of Krayiss II, where it is known that he confronted Darth Carnifex, the Dark Lord of the Sith at the time, shortly after being forced to mount a hasty retreat, following the Sith Lord's devastating counterattack.
After the conclusion of the invasion, Wolfe followed the retreating survivors to Ession, where during the confusion that ensued from the collapse of the Dominion's leadership, Wolfe seized command of a portion of the Dominion fleet and organized a hasty, but ordered evacuation and retreat. Having assembled a fleet of military and civilian vessels, Wolfe chose to set on the path to building a nation out of the battered and fleeing remains of the Dominion. As such, rather than immediately flee and seek sanctuary within the territory of one of the other nations in the galaxy, Wolfe gave the order to take his ragtag fleet to the former Dominion planet of Lorrd, to pick up additional troops and refugees, as well as to seize any available resource. It is presumed that he had his lightsaber, the Shrouded Blade, constructed in secret during the journey to Lorrd, although the weapon's origins are unknown. Wolfe himself claims he took it as a trophy after killing a high-ranking Sith on Krayiss II.

"He had a mathematical mind. To him, every problem was one to be dissected, calculated and overcome He was driven and methodical, in that way." - Unknown
- Admonitor-class Pocket Star Destroyer
- TIE/Reaper Starfighter
- Adjudicator-class Star Destroyer
- Valiant-class Star Destroyer
- Dark Star
- Shrouded Blade
- Dark Star
- Winter, the Shrouded Moon
- AM-AT "Centipede" Siege Walker
- T-77 "Talon" Starfighter
- Ardan II-class Frigate
- Wolfguards
- Invictus-class Battlecruiser
- Death Glider Starfighter
- S3A Blaster Rifle
- Sk-UL Armor
- PA-1N Enhanced Interrogation Device
- Blackwatch Death Squads

- Mythos: Liege Lord
- Adron Malvern: Rival / Arch-nemesis
- Tsesh Ovrak: Bodyguard
- Rath Exigo: Teacher, Friend
- Talaya Rade: Apprentice
- FractalSponge for the ships, because I've been too lazy to 3D model