Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kaine AKA Kai

NAME: Kaine
Alias: Kai
RANK: Apprentice
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5"10'
EYES: Orange(from corruption)
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale white


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

(+)Deceptive- From a young age Kai was taught to deceive. Before his father past he was taught how to not only conceal his presence but manipulate it. He was taught false light side aura, something he was made to practice repeatedly in his youth. This came in quite handy as he grew, being able to emulate a light side user was priceless.

(+)Strategic- Kai built his first weapon when he was fourteen, it was a lightwhip. Six meters in length it took skill and precision to master. All of the drawbacks to this weapon taught him to plan his actions accordingly. The strategy does not only apply to combat, but resolving conflicts in his life, he is very intelligent.

(-)Sadistic- The dark side of the force has corrupted Kai since he was a boy. Now it has festered for years and it to the point of cruelty. Many times Kai is quite happy with tormenting someone.

(-)Obsessive- Kai is obsessed with furthering his education and power as he continues exploring the galaxy. Answers are his end goal and he will drop almost everything to obtain them.

Kai had straight black hair that rested on the back of his neck. His eyes have turned orange from the corruption of the dark side of the force. His smile is mesmerizing and dangerous as it can turn from happy to vindictive quickly. He has a normal build, he is athletic but not stocky. His pale skin contrasts his hair which causes the color to be quite noticeable but not completely displeasing. He usually has a coat on, it is a black jacket with fur that lined the outside of the hood. This allowed him to conceal his Lightwhip among other things.

- This lightwhip was a single tassel whip containing multiple small red crystals.


Exar Kun's Grimoire

"Are you def boy?" the taunting words nagged at Kaine's temper. His pathetic excuse of a teacher exhausted his time barking commands to assert his superiority. This belittlement occurred quite often, as Kaine's power began to rival his master's. Kaine had taken apprenticeship to a Sith sorcerer who focused his studies on ancient scrolls and deciphering an archaic Sith grimoire. Unbeknownst to Mirdan, Kaine was using him to achieve a necessary means to an end. Kaine was unable to translate the script himself, so he sought out the help of Mirdan.

The spellbook was inherited from Kai's father; he was a powerful force user who continuously sought to expand his knowledge. With power comes greed, his father died while testing his own thresholds. Upon his death there was only one thing that was not confiscated by his old master, a grimoire. Kaine was unsure if this was due to the peril that haunted the book, or a simple oversight. Nevertheless, he made it his mission to uncover the secrets behind the tome.

Now here he is, decades later at the mercy of Mirdan, until the pages are all completed.

"Don't make me repeat myself." the agitation in his voice was impossible to miss. "If you hope to learn anything, you need to listen." He glanced up, peering at Kaine over his reading glasses.

"Maybe if you could interpret my grimoire, I would teach you a thing or two." Kaine's retort hinted at his true intent.

"Oh really?" Mirdan's face imitated that of someone who was annoyed and concerned. "What if I told you that I finished deciphering that pile of rubbish weeks ago? Or if I told you, if you ever speak to me like that again I will obliterate you." Kaine's head snapped around to meet Mirdan's gaze. This was something he had been waiting for for years.

"You are done with my tome?" Kaine probed as he needed a straight answer.

"Yes I am done with MY grimoire." His emphasize of 'my' was read loud and clear. There was something in that book worth stealing and he was going to attempt to hoard it for himself but that did not matter. Now that Kai was aware of the truth he could stop this masquerade. Kai arose to his feet, Mirdan mirrored, a devilish smirk grew wide across Kai's face.

"Finally I can take back what is mine, and put you in your place." Kai's right hand slide behind his back, gripping a hilt that was attached to the rear of his belt.

"HOW DARE YOU DIS-" Mirdan's words were cut short as Kai's right arm swung straight out in front of him. The hilt unraveled a light whip, the blade was several meters in length. The whip tightly gripped Mirdan's neck. Horror struck, he tried to speak but nothing would come out. Kai's thumb pressed the button firmly as a red glow illuminated the study. His head was severed from his body. This was not only the end of a partnership, but the beginning of a new dawn.

Upon gathering his grimoire and everything else of importance, Kai set out to find somewhere he could learn to harness Sith magic.





Hoth's Quarry - Completed
Autonomous- In progress
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