Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kairos [Corporate Summit]

The Admiralty
Sirah Bochan de Frou

The gentlebeing studied the specifications with an practiced eye, while making mental calculations inside his head.

It seemed that the government of Mirial had an good idea on what they wished to accomplish here. Dimensions, aesthetic preferences and even building materials were already described in quite some detail, which made this job a lot more easy than their usual jobs, because they didn't need to do the preliminary investigation and could go still into the planning and construction phase. It was enough to actually make Bochan interested in this venture.

A rare thing when a government actually knew what they wanted and didn't make things too complicated.

By the time that [member="Dunames Lopez"] asked for the price the wookiee already had a good idea what the costs would be. They would need to import most of the raw materials, fuel costs and the hiring of local workers would presumably raise the price slightly more, but that left him with enough room to give a competitive price.

Cheap enough that Czerka would be in a position to outbid most other construction firms, but expensive enough that there would be a healthy profit for this operation.

"Here you go." The datapad was pushed back with a reasonable number for the price. "I think the Government of Mirial will find this more than reasonable."
Savitor approached [member="Dalan Vaine"], "I understand you have operations regarding waste managment and disposal. I am currently looking to build a self sustainable space station for sale to the public, as such I need waste disposal services, are you interested?"

Arken Lussk

Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Arken seated himself next to his guest clad in resplendent indigo and silver. A silver fork found its way between his fingers and the slicer took a bite of the angel food cake. Fluffy, delicate, and nothing but absolute perfection. That new bakery down the block really did have something special in store. Perhaps Aegis could protect their secret recipe, Arken amusedly thought. Washing down the cake with a ginger swig of the brandy, he happily listened to what [member="Antherion"] had to offer.

A biomedical company always had important things going on. Lots of demand and not enough supply, especially in terms of resources, infrastructure and security. The heroic ploy Antherion played about saving lives and money was one he had heard before but his stance on it still remained the same: he'd always do things to save lives. Smiling cordially, he cleared his throat before speaking.

"Aegis Systems is not a company dependent on many things. Capital is what we desire in return, for the most part. Credits, computers, and designs of the latest and greatest on the tech front." It was the standard stuff. Arken didn't want for much in life aside from the opportunity to do, and be a part of, great things.

Then the presentation of the biological computer ensued. Arken took another sip of the brandy, leaning forward to get a better look at this thing. He nodded thoughtfully. Cybernetics had always both interested him and scared him. To be more than human appealed to him down to the very core - but then there was that chance of no longer being human. Then what would he be? Trans-human? Post-human? The possibilities were endless, but so were the risks.

Swallowing, he responded, "An extremely interesting idea. I think it could change life as we know it. We, the galaxy, can become so much more than it already is - and at an alarming pace. I'm slightly concerned about the ethical dilemmas that may be mothered by this project."

He took another bite of the cake. "And the possibility to put this to a purpose? What do you mean by that?"

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
"We have a memorandum of understanding, whereby Czerka Mining and Industrial would bid for, and take care of the spaceport's construction and Star Tours would operate routes from it once completed, for the agreed-upon price in the quote you gave me today"

Dunames could have used standard Meran Mechanics stuff for its bid on the Mirial project if the Mirial government's specifications weren't so precise with respect to the materials and the aesthetics. But here CMI was a blessing to her: may the Mirialans still living on Mirial actually allow rejoice at their use. For now, they wouldn't be signing an actual contract, but a written memorandum of understanding that she would have to produce for Bochan, knowing that Czerka Mining and Industrial is the other party that will bid for the construction of the spaceport, with Star Tours operating a ticket office and a few gate slots upon completion, given today's automated check-in systems. And produce an additional copy for the Mirialan government for the bidding process. Maybe [member="Dalan Vaine"] would like to negotiate with the Mirialan government regarding waste disposal, but it would have to be a separate deal because from what little she knew about the Mirialan government, waste disposal and transportation infrastructure were handled by two different agencies.

"Here, this is a preliminary memorandum of understanding: a copy for you, a copy for Star Tours and a final copy for the Mirial Ministry of Transportation, which will formalize our bid to them"
The Admiralty
Sirah Bochan de Frou

It was understood that this was not the finalization of the actual contract.

Neither of them had the authority to just decide they would be construction a space port on Mirial to replace the old one. That was the kind of arrogance that got you locked out of any new contracts and the only entities that could reasonably push that kind of line... would presumably be the giants like Arceneau Trade and the sort, but neither of them were ATC.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Madame Lopez." The wookiee responded pleasantly after reviewing the memorandum and giving a slight nod of approval. It all seemed quite in order for the moment.

Would the government of Mirial actually approve the bid?

That was the question of the ages, but presumably they would appreciate the competitive pricing and the vouch of preserving their culture. In Boshan's humble opinion most civilizations appreciated it when outsiders had a certain level of respect for their culture. Hopefully this time around it would gain them a profitable contract that could be used to further expand into other businesses.

His attention slipped away from [member="Dunames Lopez"] - with whom business was concluded - and back towards that filthy Trandoshan. Who seemed to have gained a client, while he was busting his furry ears off trying to get this Mirial business sorted out.

Dalan Vaine

Vaine looked up from his datapad, Floppy Nuna was starting to get at him.

For some reason it was almost impossible to guide the little Nuna in between the various electric pylons to help it escape the farm. It weren't his claws either, one of his brothers in the Clan managed to get multiple highscores without any issue. It seemed as if this game was just specifically trying to annoy him for the hell of it, but all of that annoyance disappeared once the words filtered through the air and into his consciousness.

The Trandoshan blinked, before shooting a smug glance at the female twi'lek explorer sitting behind the third Czerka booth. Vaine had always known that fortune would blow his way at some point again.

Had he imagined it would be this quickly? No, but that was besides the point.

"Of courze! Of courze! Czzerka can assizt! What kindz of production scale are we lookingz at?" Those beady-eyes fully focused on the man in front of him. At least he assumed it was a man... it technically could be a female, but it was very difficult to tell with the armor and get-up.

Not that he had an easy time telling with these mammals regardless.

They were so confusing.

[member="Savitor Draay"]​
"Limited production, but the stations will most likely run above a thousand meters. What I want to know recycling centers and waste disposers for them. And I will pay extra if more than nintey-five percent of the waste can be recycled." Savitor told the Trandoshan, smiling under his helmet, judging from the faint sounds eminating from the beings datapad he was playing a game. And judging from his expression getting slightly, or more than slightly frusterated with it.

[member="Dalan Vaine"]
The Admiralty
[member="Savitor Draay"]

Ninety-five... ninety-five...

Big numbers, big numbers and he wasn't sure Czerka could pull that off.

It wasn't about the efficiency, they could figure that one out, but at some point you are hitting a ceiling where there simply wasn't anything useful to recycle anymore. You were left with dregs and literal crap and waste that didn't have any particular meaning to it, Dalan was about to explain this to the polite armored gentleman before he stopped in the middle of his tracks.

A slow blink followed, before a toothy grin was shot at Draay and a waggle of a finger in excitement followed soon.

"Yez, yez, I thinkz we can make thiz happen!" They could reasonably achieve seventy-five percent pure ratio, but after that he realized they could try and install several more filters at the backend of the drop. That would give them a few more passages where the residual waste would be filtered even more. "Do you already have placez where they will be installed or produced by order?"

He politely inquired and then put down his datapad - again the nuna hit a surface and it was game over. He really didn't feel like trying again right now.

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