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Approved Tech Kaleleon's Forearm Tattoos

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Good Men Don't Need Rules

  • Manufacturer: Kaleleon
  • Affiliation: Kaleleon
  • Market Status: Closed-market
  • Model: -
  • Modularity: Limited, Can be burned off, or covered by other Ink. Or should an Arm be removed.
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Right Arm
    • Glows when in the presence of a Dark Side Force user. Specifically has a purple glow that emits when within close proximity to the tattoo.
    • Aids in force usage when channeled through the tattoo that is in the arm.
  • Left Arm
    • An advanced Electro tattoo that can be used to store information to a small degree.
    • Imbedded into the skin is a Digital Key that can open up specific locations, items, and the like. However, it must be programmed to work with the tattoo and the encrypted Key to function properly. Otherwise, one might accidentally lock what they are trying to open, or set off defensive measures.
    • Tattoo glows blue when being actively used to gather information, emit information to another device, or interact with previously mentioned objects, locations, doors, or the like.
  • The left forearm tattoo glows when in proximity to a Dark Sider. Specifically for Kale, it starts to feel itchy and burn the arm. Not painfully, but more akin to heating up the skin. However, the more powerful this itchy reaction, and burning, the more powerful, or more closer the Dark Sider is to Kale.
  • A secondary effect of the Left forearm tattoo is it can enhance force powers that are used with his left hand. As Kale tends to use his right hand with a lightsaber, his left hand is open to use the force more often than not. However, the force must be channeled through the tattoo. Thus making the tattoo a conduit of the force to increase its potency.
  • The Right forearm tattoo is essentially a Key to notable objects. The information it holds specifically can be used to open or allow operation of items, objects, of a technological nature. A unique effect of using Force-Imbued blood of Kales, means that it can also be used to open items that are only meant for Kale. One specific instance would be his Lightsaber. So no one other than him can operate it.
  • Suddenly, Flashlight. Both sets of tattoos glow when operating properly. In the case of the Left forearm, it glows when near a Dark Sided force user. And the Right Forearm glows when opening or interacting with objects. So it can be rather easy for one to tell that something is going on. While only Kale really knows what is going on. there is a potential for him to stick out because of this.
  • Due to the application of the Force, the tattoos can stop functioning when in a force nullification.
  • With the Tattoo application of the Light Side of the Force, should Kale Fall to the Dark side, the tattoo would have a rejection. Causing severe burning. Searing his flesh and breaking down in his arm. In the instance of a slower response, would be just burning his skin akin to "heat" in the skin layers. Much like getting a burn from putting your hand on a hot stove. Raised skin, irritation, heat. Otherwise not much. However, using the Dark Side of the force, could result in Kale having his hand explode with pain and searing flesh. Literally burning through his skin. Melting it and causing potential irreversible damage.
  • The glowing of the Left forearm is only an estimation. It cannot correctly gauge the power of a force user or how close they are in direct numbers. Merely just burning more in either case. Thus it becomes a game of "How close are they, or are they on top of me, but super powerful." It can be helpful, but also detrimental. Its meant more of a Warning instead of gathering correct information.

The application of tattoos on Kale while at first was not something he wanted to do, has become more of a necessity. Having a digital key for items he wants to keep locked away from others, or just to aid in the application of the force, even aiding the sensor of Dark Sided individuals became pertinent due to his recent exploits on the planet of Weik. Where many of the Dark Sided individuals hiding among them were becoming more prominent. More over, it can be used to gauge how powerful a Dark Sider that he may be facing, is. It acts as a beacon or a warning that a Dark Sided individual is near him. An itching sensation at first, and will grow to be more of a burning the closer or more powerful an individual is.

The Second tattoo is a digital key for which can operate object Kale wishes to have on him, or to open specific doors.
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