Social Information
Full Name: Karina ‘Ari’ Riggs
Homeworld: Naboo
Current Locale: Unknown
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Force Sensitive: Yes

Physical Information
Species: K’paur
Age: 18
Height: 5’9’’
Weight: 128
Eye Color: Baby Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Pigmentation: White
Playby: Keilih Stafford
Statuesque like her mother; Karina favors her father the most, with golden blonde hair,
and warm blue eyes that stand out against her sun-kissed skin.

A trait she inherited from her father.
Once she puts her mind to something,
she won't stop until it's accomplished.
An optimist with a healthy
belief in herself, her abilities, and her accomplishments.
K'paur Genetics
Capable of living a few thousand years.
Perfect vision, not
susceptible to ocular degenerative conditions.
Enhanced night vision.
Keenly aware of the ebbs and flows of the Force.
That same strong sense of determination,
sometimes leads to plain stubbornness.
Tends to run into situations without a second thought,
hoping that against all odds, she'll somehow win the day.
K'paur Genetics
Crippled without the Force
Susceptible to the pull of the Dark Side.
Extremely sensitive to extreme heat or cold.
Struggles against her predatory heritage,
which is prone to blood lust.

“Mine and my brothers conception was never meant to happen. To say the least, my parents were unprepared to welcome children into their world. The Galaxy was in a state of constant flux. Governments falling and rising; and war all around them. Many times they were forced to make decisions they thought they would never make, just to survive. They were smugglers, trying to do good where they could, but ultimately living a life on the run - a far fall from grace, compared to the lives they'd lived before.
Regardless, they chose to embrace the unknown possibilities Marcus and I would bring. The idea of children - of something normal, was a source of unexpected joy and assurance to their weary souls; with us, there was hope for a brighter future.”