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Kattadan Jedi Enclave

To serve as the announcement and meeting posting hub of the Kattadan Jedi Enclave. The Kattadan Enclave is situated in the Mid Rim and serves as a Jedi ExplorCorp hub and training ground in a varied Light Side Approach to the Force.

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Kattada Jedi Enclave

Hey All,

Just setting this up for folks who are interested. Kattada is a pet project I had a while ago (back in the Silver Jedi) as a Core-based Jedi Enclave with a varied focus.

A temple that allows for Jedi-leaning Force groups, including Matukai, Fallanassi, Witches, and Wardens of the Sky, in the same vein that the Sullust-capitaled Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order (not the current iteration) allowed for. Jedi here would train in a variety of Force skills, but would supplement these with a wide variety of technology uses, ranging from weapons, computer equipment, vehicles, and droid technology.

Pilots, both Force and non-Force using, from a variety of piloting and navigators guilds, collectively the Exploration Corps, base out of the relative safety of Kattada. This provides characters a chance to try out a variety of starships, ranging from fighters to small corvettes.

On the planet itself, there is a small settlement known as Tidehome, working similar to a small archipelago, but based primarily as a Witch clan that focuses on ocean and coastal 'Magick', the Blue Coral Divers.

The depths of the training academy serve to teach Sentinels, Shadows, and Watchman, and have a high focus on darks ide hunting, specifically finding artifacts and collecting them for storage away from the galaxy.

Looking forward to writing more stories on Kattada with a bit more direction!

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