Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Keep to the Stars [AiE][CIS][OSL]

Vo watched the man with dreadlocks a moment longer whilst [member="Coren Starchaser"] spoke. He put the rag over his shoulder a moment and listened to the stranger's questions. In a half-chuckle, "no." The weather would not be alright. "Haven't seen storms this bad, this early in quite sometime." The mirialan folded his arms across his chest and continued to hear the man out. He then answered, "subtly something you know, is it?"

As [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] stepped away and presumably out to get supplies, Vo pointed in the direction of the door. "Head out that way, grab supplies while you can. It's a long trip up the river to the Seven Guardians, and if you're looking to avoid attention. You came to the right place, but you keep acting like a Minka in the Water, and someone might notice."

Bira managed to get a look at the girl again. [member="Scherezade deWinter"], and quietly slipped a note into the girl's hand. It cautioned her on the dangers of the trail. With that - Bira walked behind the counter and disappeared into the back. If there was any other information to be had it would not be found in the tavern. The howling of the wind seemed to catch many of the local's attention it wasn't typical for the area were the whispers that were mentioned. Vo watched the locals a bit longer and then told the sandy-haired man who looked like a nerfherder from Tatooine. "If you got friends comin' or need to lay low, Diatom Inn is where'd I go."

Bira came back out and noticed [member="Adron Malvern"]. "Welcome to the Miner's Pick, how can I help you fine folk?" By now the talks of the storm could be heard and many would look to find shelter.

At Fentaro Brother's Cardinal would be able to pick up a basic bag of supplies, a compass, trail rations, flints, waterskins, and bedrolls. They would also offer his choice of lanterns and recommend he go easy on them during the storm. A tent was also provided along with an extra blanket, on the house, to fight the bitter cold that the Dominus and his companion may face.

Meanwhile, Mishel would unleash her unholy snowball heck on her sister [member="Alessandra Creed"].


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