Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Keeping the Peace(Open/Paddy Mission)

Had an idea for a nonviolent Padawan mission that would take place on Zeltros, a planet that is currently under our control, though it's being ransacked by the One Sith.

Anyway, if any of you other Paddies are down, let me know so I can elaborate. ^_^

Hello, yes, I am Mr. Padawan. I will join, thanks!

... Did it work?
Varus Shatterstar said:
I'd like 3 or 4 for this one, so chances are we're gonna need ya. :p
ORLY. Well, hey... watch this!

[member="Steve"] | [member="Orron Thrask"] | [member="Bry'irna"] | [member="Hatake Mutashi"] | [member="Amee"] | [member="Rano"] | [member="James Mathison"] | [member="Diego Ticon"] | [member="Spike Arrel"] | [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]​
Alright, here's the deal, folks. [member="Varus Shatterstar"] here wants to do a nonviolent mission to Zeltros. He wants 3 - 4 other padawans to join him. I encourage you to get involved in threads like this, as training is not the only way to gain the experience and character development that'll make you shiny and ready to be a Jedi Knight someday.

Besides, how else are you gonna make friends with your fellow padawans?

I only ask that you can commit to posting. Group threads are especially susceptible to dying the larger they get, which makes your ready, consistent participation very important!

So, first come, first serve. Get on it!

P.S. - Varus, consider me interested if you don't get the bodies you need. ;)
[member="Haytham Kaze"]

No, man. You're good, you're in. You make body number four! My interest was conditional on there not being enough other bodies, because I've got more than enough mission involvement and faction threads under my belt at this point.

So do have fun. Enjoy!
So to update everyone a bit. I spoke to a certain couple of Sith who frequent Zeltros and would be interested in doing a thread with some of us, but ones a Lord and the others a Knight, so as all Padawan are welcome, we might need a little extra muscle.

The idea for the thread is that the Order has heard whispers of Sith influence on a few of the planets attractions. Namely Casinos and resorts and what not. So, they organize a squad to go check things out and see if they can get to the bottom of things when they find out about the Sith involvement.

Now, as this isn't specifically intended to be a violent thread, I'm leaving the option for it to come to violence open. We're trying to keep the peace, and the threat of a Sith doing business and benefitting from a Republic owned planet is certainly an issue that needs delving into.

So here's the thread. Take a look at it peeps. I hope it looks fun.

OH! And as it turns out I will be needing at least one, though more than one is welcome, Knight.

[member="Trinity"] - [member="Meeristali Peradun"] - [member="Haytham Kaze"] - [member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Kana Truden"] - [member="Kian Karr"] - [member="Amelia Rivers"] - [member="Orron Thrask"] - [member="Amee"]

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