Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Keeping the Peace(Open/Paddy Mission)

[member="Varus Shatterstar"]

If you need a hand with the more Guardian-style mission parameters if the Sith make an appearance, you know where to find me. Anyways, good luck with the thread, mate!
I'm not gonna tell you that you can't join, big guy. ^_^ the more the merrier.

I'm probably gonna throw up some more training threads too, though, so let me know if you're down. Maybe an open paddy instruction thread on the basics or something.

[member="Lan Graendal"]
[member="Varus Shatterstar"]

Probably throwing you in the Felucian jungle with a butter knife and the words, "Survive for a week."

Hah! Just kiddin'.

But survivalism and lots of that gritty stuff is what Lan does. Lots of physical training, lightsaber drills, intense meditation, and you'll learn to loathe the color green around him.

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