Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kellen Mynn


Faction(s)New Jedi Order
Galactic Alliance
ClassJedi Guardian
RankJedi Master
Personality TraitsBrave
Education TraitsShrewd
Force Master
Outback Raised
Lifestyle TraitsBlademaster
Weight84 kilos
Force SensitiveYes
Force AlignmentAshla
Duel Record0-0

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    Kellen Mynn was born on Corellia to a simple family that served one of the many noble houses located on the industrial planet. Technically a minor noble house without the assets to back it up. Only a tired old legacy and fancy title passed down through generations. While the Mynn name might not mean much influence wise, it's still a respected family. Especially on their new home of Mimban, a practical backwater with a thriving "small town" feel where Kellen grew up farming crops for export to more important planets. As the youngest brother of a family of four, Kellen never had any responsibilities outside of his daily chores and so never had to worry about working hard to eventually take over the family farm.

    Not that he would ever reach a age to ever worry of such things. At two years of age, Kellen was taken away by a passing Jedi Knight to be trained as a youngling on Coruscant. Making the new grand temple his home until the age of twelve when he was taken as a padawan and left to explore the galaxy with a very militant minded Knight who he looked to as a mentor and older sibling of sorts. Kellen would travel experiencing and learning of the galaxies darker secrets as he uncovered criminal networks and hunted down criminals.

    When he was Knighted at the age of twenty-two, Kellen was tossed into full scale war as he served alongside troopers who he came to respect. And in fighting alongside them and learning what it meant to be a warrior and leader, his men came to respect him as well. For the next thirteen years he would be knee deep in some conflict or another, mastering the art of war and becoming a vessel for what a war time Jedi was supposed to look like. Conflict after conflict, he traveled from world to world engaging blaster fire and the occasional lightsaber as he became a noted duelist among his fellows in the Order. As avid a swordsman as he was a commander and leader of men when blaster fire was involved.

    Now, Kellen has passed his Mastery Trials and attained the vaunted rank of Jedi Master. That was two years ago. He has since been home bound, traveling between Jedi Enclaves and serving as a Battlemaster to younger Jedi and teaching them how to effectively use their lightsabers and passing along his varied knowledge at the request of the Council. His teaching tour is however coming to a close and it is now time for Master Mynn to once again find a cause worth following. Or any shenanigans worth laughing over later.


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    Martial Skills
    Novice Adept Expert Master

    Form I Shii-Cho: Adept
    Form II Makashi: Expert
    Form III Soresu: Master
    Form IV Ataru: Adept
    Form V Shien/Djem So: Master
    Form VI Niman: Expert
    Form VII Juyo/Vaapad: Novice
    Jar'Kai: Adept

    Echani Martial Arts: Adept

    Force Skills
    Novice Adept Expert Master

    Telekinetic: Master
    Telepathic: Master
    Body: Expert
    Sense: Expert
    Protection: Expert
    Light Side:

    General Skills
    Novice Adept Expert Master

    Piloting: Expert
    Survival: Expert

    Slicing: Novice
    Diplomacy: Expert


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    Kellen stands at a above average 6'2" (1.88m) and weighs in around 185 lbs (84 kilos) with a athletic and muscular build. He has thick, neck length black hair and a thick, bushy black beard that ensures he stays warm in hostile environments. Also score one with the single ladies out there. Steel grey eyes and a slight playful smirk can always be found at home on his handsome galactic facial features. While he does possess numerous small scars across his body from the many battles he has served in, none are significant enough to be a injury of any type.

    [+] Brave - Kellen has grown up on the battlefield for the most part. He has become accustomed to its flow and chaotic nature and is always found at the front of any conflict, leading the way for his fellow Jedi and troopers he serves alongside.

    [+] Confident - Having had to grow up quickly in a galaxy all too quick to fall to violence, Kellen has a natural charm and easy going nature about him. He no doubt picked up this casual nature and sometimes dark related and mistimed humor from the grunts he has served alongside in the GAR.

    [-] Overzealous - Having grown up on the ideals of the NJO and New Republic, Kellen has his own moral code and outlook on the galaxy. He will never let anyone with bad intentions attempt to sway him from it. No matter their intent.

    [-] Brash - Kellen still has some of that brashness he was known for as a Jedi Knight. He is direct and honest with his words which sometimes catches more tactful folk off guard and makes it seem like he might hold a negative view of the person or subject they're speaking on. He doesn't always.


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    Father • Kal Mynn • 64 • CEO
    Mother • Lorena Mynn • 62 • CFO
    Brother • Kaelen Mynn • 45 • GADF Major (KIA)
    Brother • Jaxle Mynn • 42 • Farmer
    Sister • Tishan Mynn • 39 • Lawyer
    Niece • Sora Mynn • 27 • Jedi Knight
    Apprentice • Kostodu Xyston • 17 • Jedi Padawan


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