Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kenji Saizin


Age41 GSY
SpeciesHuman (Mandalorian)
Height1.70 Meters
Weight64 kg
Force SensitiveNo
PlaybyHiroyuki Sanada




Kenji Saizin is a figure of profound contrasts and deep conviction, embodying the rich heritage of Clan Saizin while navigating the modern complexities of Mandalorian society. His personality is a tapestry woven from the strict, disciplined traditions of his Inusagian saburai ancestors and the fierce, unwavering spirit of his Mandalorian lineage. Kenji is a leader who commands respect through his presence alone—stoic, yet palpably intense, he speaks with deliberate care, each word weighted with the honor of generations. His strict adherence to the codes of conduct handed down through his clan has fostered a reputation of unassailable honor and unwavering reliability.

However, Kenji’s strength as a leader is tempered by his rigid interpretation of tradition, leading to an inherent stubbornness that often blinds him to alternative solutions. This same rigidity manifests as a reluctance to express vulnerability, creating a barrier between him and those he leads. Despite this, his actions are guided by a deep-seated loyalty and a fierce determination to protect his people at all costs, driving him to formidable acts of courage. Kenji’s approach to life is methodical and disciplined, reflecting his saburai upbringing, which values precision, order, and a controlled display of emotions.


As the descendant of both Mandalorians and saburai, Kenji was raised in the disciplines of combat. While prefering swordsmanship, he is nonetheless varied in his combative skills.

Honor: As a leader deeply rooted in the traditions of both Mandalorian and Inusagian (saburai) cultures, Kenji has a strong sense of honor. This guides actions and decisions and define his interactions with both allies and adversaries.


Stubborn: Kenji’s strong commitment to tradition and honor might make him appear inflexible to new ideas or strategies, especially in a rapidly changing galaxy.

Strict: The traditions of his clan can come off as rather rigid, and rather unwilling to accept weakness or failure. At times, this can appear rather lacking in compassion, especially when applying these views to those not from his clan.

Kenji's story is deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of Mandalorian history and culture, and yet distinctly marked by the unique heritage of Clan Saizin. Thrown into the tumultuous era of 900 ABY, Kenji stands as the head of Clan Saizin, a lineage tracing back to a unique union between a woman from the storied Clan Vizsla and an Inusagian named Yoshinobu Saizin. This amalgamation of cultures has deeply influenced the identity of Clan Saizin, setting them apart from other Mandalorian clans.

The union between the Vizsla and Saizin families marked the birth of a new lineage, infusing the traditional Mandalorian way of life with the ancient customs of the Inusagian saburai. These saburai, or feudal warriors from Inusagi, were known for their strict code of honor, disciplined lifestyle, and combat prowess, elements that Clan Saizin has woven into the fabric of their own traditions. The fusion of these two distinct warrior cultures has endowed the clan with a unique perspective and set of customs, blending the resilience and ferocity of the Mandalorians with the disciplined, honor-bound principles of the saburai.

For centuries, Clan Saizin remained isolated, their existence straddling the fringes of mainstream Mandalorian society. This seclusion was a necessity, due to the ancient Gulag Plague that had made the Galaxy unsafe to travel. However, the winds of change swept through the galaxy, and with them, the clan's resolve began to shift. It was only in the past century that they stepped out from the shadows of their isolation, integrating into the broader Mandalorian community. This transition was not without its challenges, as the clan strove to maintain its distinct identity while adapting to the wider Mandalorian culture.

Kenji Saizin himself embodies the spirit and values of his ancestors. As a strict and honorable warrior, he is deeply committed to the principles that have defined his clan for generations. His leadership is marked by a steadfast dedication to justice and the welfare of his people. Kenji's primary goal is to aid his kinsfolk in reclaiming their ancestral home of Mandalore, which has been occupied by foreign powers. This mission is more than a quest for territory; it is a crusade to restore the honor and sovereignty of his people.
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[color=#B22222]"I'm not a fighter, but in my mind I'm fighting every day. 'What's new? What am I doing?' I'm fighting myself. My soul is samurai. My roots aren't samurai, but my soul is."[/color]

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