Aithne Charr
Heir of Fire
Keshiri Harvest Festival
Start Date Oct 30th
Gyn's Skyline
Keshtah Canal that runs through Tahv.
Tahv's Forest of lights
Yup, another one.
So for those of you that are used to these threads I do, you know what to expect. Street Vendors, light shows, and several cities for which to explore and add in your own details. It is a planet wide festival after all and the limits are your imagination.
For those that are not familiar with my festival threads. Here is some background.
There are several choices you have in this thread, all of the pretty free in what you do but can get a bit restrictive.
First there is the Grand Ball which is held in Tahv, specifically in the Palace where Solan lives. But like during the last festival, you will not find solan anywhere near the actual ball, and even if the closest he gets is his garden, this option is for the higher up in society people who want to have fun dancing the night away and play their game of political intrigue. After all that is what balls like this generally end up becoming so have at it you politically savy and power looking individuals. Also, i would like to add on that this one will be a masquerade setting.
Then there are the city wide celebrations. With Tahv, Gyn, and Lys all open to have fun in, that gives everyone a wide range of settings to explore. There is something new about the city wide celebrations though, something that takes on a bit of a halloween them to go with our already thanksgiving esque harvest festival. And that is that this thread is meant to be a masquerade, not just at the ball but in general. Think of it like those massive day of the dead parties, but with a much wider array of masks and such.
Lastly, there is the obligatory 'do your own thing' option. This is a open thread after all and as long as its not interfering with the planet, go ahead and do your own thing. Take an Uvak ride over the western mountain ranges near Tahv, ride down one of the Canals that go around and through Tahv, or down the River that Gyn surrounds. Go star seeing in the middle of nowhere on Kesh. Keep in mind though this is meant to be a social thread and for fun, please avoid using this to dev stuff unless its meant to add to that idea of a festival.
With that, as i have above, the thread will open up on the 30th.