That Mechanic one is AMAZING.Ket Van Derveld said:And for your Mechanic tag:
Ket Van Derveld said:[member="Mrrew"]
Couldn't get the " 's " part to fit, but I think it still looks pretty badass, if I do say so.
Hope it works for you, bro!
( Yep, that's a rancor back there )
GO POST AND HELP MAKE ME!Countess Xyhn said:[member="Ket Van Derveld"]
You are not human.... o.o
I love them. I love all of these! Some of these are amazing!
Nice to see people pick up the mantle left behind by Verd and make such wondrous tags.
Start a thread! [member="Rhoujen"] did! More the merrier I say!Anija Ordo said:If people want, I can also make some
*beep*Countess Xyhn said:Oh, and while you're at it, can we get an Impatient tag for [member="Naast'ika Laaran"]? :3