Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Key of Shadows

Dav was pretending to be affected by the gas just so the clone could have some privacy with the deceased. To make his coughing realistic he purposely drank some water and let a drop or two go down the wrong pipe.When outside, Dav muttered to himself "Good thing I wiped my finger prints off the armor. It would be hard to find a way to make it seem like someone else dragged them out without any other fingerprints." He then briskly walked over to his speeder and started it up.

Seeing that the clones were busy, Dav hoped that the captain would keep that other person busy while he went home unnoticed.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
Kurenai stood their looking at the clone with a annoyed look on her face, "I just asked you what information you wanted to know, and why does everyone keep calling me a Jedi, I don't follow their code in any way, nor do I use the light side of the froce"? she waved the data pad in front of the clones face for emphasis. While this was happening she noted the force signature of the young boy slowly get father away, but honestly she didn't care, he could do what ever he wanted.

Looks like he didn't want to stay around these clones any longer, she would too but the possible data that the ship might contain outweighed the discomfort of hanging around. "On a side note, what type of information would this Venator have, as long as I'm here, might as well add the information to the achieves". Hopefully the clone would not flip out about this.

[member="RC-0883"] / [member="RC-1047"] /


A plan is only as good as those who see it through
RC-1047 looked at her, "Then what are you a Sith? a Jedi? Or a Dark Jedi?" The Clone asked looking at her, "[member="RC-0883"] Secure the ship and be sure no one comes in our goes out." RC-1047 said in his comm's, "Well, I can only give you so much, The rest of the Info is not for you're peering eyes to see." RC-1047 said to her.

"If you give me the Datapad I can get you the Info, You won't be able to get any without Clone Authorization, You have to have a Clone level ID of four, And a blood sample, You don't have any of those eh? So i'll get you it, I'll only give you some, You won't be able to get all of it." The Clone said.


@RC-0883 deployed a remote holocam and set it for the fastest route to the bridge. Bunker slapped on his grenade launcher attachment while the live feed came into his HUD. Careful to stop and check at every door and corner he made his way behind the small shiny sphere. After a marathon of corridors and a 100 meter accent up an empty elevator shaft he entered the command center. Bunker located a data terminal and plugged his stylus into it, hoping there was enough power to start security procedures. RC-0883 breathed a sigh of relief as the terminal screen glowed to life, his HUD filling with the Venator's backlogged data and diagnostic readouts. Bunker opened the comlink to his Captain as he started locking the cruiser down.

"Cap, I'm in. Uploading diagnostics and the ship's activity logs to your Datapad now. "

"I guess I class as a Dark Jedi, though I do not follow any code, I am just a mercenary that lerned of my connection to the force and over the hundreds of year refined my use of it, though I never had proper training, and 18 year away from the action has left me a little rusty in my skills". She did slightly wonder what life you be like joining an order, but such a choice was long in the part by now.

"I understand, would not want classified information to get leaked to the Sith or other, not so trusty people, I would not be surprised If this ship held secrets that many factions would love to get their hands on". She handed over the data pad to the clone, this was not really her area of expertise but it would be a nice addition, and would make her daughter happy, once they finally reunited.

"I wonder what happened for this ship to wide up here, and not on of the proper space junk yards, seems a little strange that a ship that look to be just out of commission and not damaged to bad is on this planet, maybe theirs a reason its here"? Perhaps this would be more interesting than she thought.

[member="RC-0883"] / [member="RC-1047"]


[member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="RC-1047"] [member="Dav Sett"]

With the cruiser locked down and all other parties otherwise preoccupied Bunker took the opportunity to catch up on the events that took place after Geonosis. He read about the Battle of Kamino, the attack on Corusant, and Order 66 but any logs from after that night were locked even from his Commando Class security override.

With the Republic gone and the Jedi Order all but eradicated, his revenge was complete. But the events of the past didn't concern him as much as the present. Freedom was a terrifying gift. What would he do now? RC-0883 distanced himself from those thoughts and focused on the tasks in front of him. Bunker brought up the ship's diagnostics once again and went about physically checking the condition of each sector.

Full report. Weapon systems and life support 100% operational. Major repairs required for the Main Reactor and we'll need to put back the parts the junkrat stole. But estimated time until she is space worthy is just a few days, minor repairs can be made once we embark.
Other news, I found another ARC-170 in the hanger bay it's beat up but operable.
Mind teaching me to fly Casper?"

Shika Skirata

Shika duct into the hut, a desperate attempt to lose those whom had inadvertently given her passage to a new Galaxy and expected proper payment. She had nothing she was willing to offer them and not the conviction fend them off. So instead she hid inside this abandoned junkyard with a shack in is center. Shika surveyed her surroundings and was met with a stench that brought back memories of her father's teachings. No doubt a deceased body lay in the immediate area, but she gripped her combat staff and calmed herself. Feeling the moment, she knew there was running water and a surplus of supplies, she would make camp here for the time being.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
[member="Dav Sett"]
"ill leave you two and your ship alone for the time being, call me when I'm allowed inside, I have a feeling your comrade might not take to nicely to a dark Jedi stalking the halls of his ship, and I think you have some fallen brothers to attend to, take my data pad and put on it what you think is appropriate I'm not to fused about it". Though wanting to see the inside of a Venator Kurenai respected the way both Clones view it, it was one of the few things from that past that they still had, and they had every right to keep it that way.

"If yo.... actually never mind I have something else to do at the moment, don't forget to contact me", she had briefly felt a tingle in the force, another person was nearby, not to far away, they seemed to be force sensitive as well, but filled with a scene of fear and panic. This trip was indeed getting more interesting then originally planed. Turing away from the ship and clones Kurenai walked towards the signature question to herself why a user of the light side would come to such a planet in the first place.

'lets see how they react to this', she dropped her mental barriers, allowing her own force signature to become present in the imitate area.

[member="Shika Skirata"]


  • Bunker stepped away from the Reactor, frustrated with his limited knowledge the Cruiser's Engine. He could tell you the exact amount of ordinance needed to cripple the ship, or how to disable Auto Defense systems from space, but he couldn't piece together this. Tech was always 0882's expertise. He had been working on the Venator for 24 straight hours without any communications from the Captain and was starting to contemplate navigating the spare ARC-170 through the vastness of space himself. In dire need of 'freshers and few hours rest he shook off the reckless thought and cleared his throat. RC-0883 opened his comlink attempting to reach [member="RC-1047"] once more.

Final report, Main Reactor still inoperable. Venator Security Protocol Bravo in place. Rendezvous at these coordinates-"

Bunker tapped in the location of his newly procured Homestead. it was bleak to say the best, but it had a hot shower and was easily defensible. That means more than the whole Galaxy sometimes.

"I'll have some hot caff and fresh towels ready," he said in an attempt to lighten his grim standings.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
[member="Shika Skirata"]


Shika Skirata

Shika awoke with abrupt gasp. Somebody was coming, of course somebody was coming, an abandoned junkyard was bound to draw attention. The planet's main export was scrap. She cursed herself for her poor choice of a hideout and fumbled for her staff. With the 2 meter beskar combat staff in hand Shika steadied herself, reaching out with Force.

What she felt were 2 distinctly different and entirely alien experiences. The first an ancient Dark aura that came across as an unquenchable thirst, even weirder the person knew Shika could feel them. The second was a mix between overwhelming grief and a primitive rage struggling for control. Her training told her to leave before anyone could arrive and discover her but she didn't sense any danger. She put her faith in the Force and knelt in meditation, awaiting whoever was to enter the door.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
They were not moving, not even trying to hide, the person who Kurenai had scene was either very brave or very trusting in the force, still she would need to be careful as to not startle who ever she sensed. A small hut appeared over a small mound of junk, her solider instincts also kicking in, they were defiantly in the abode, their was no doubt about it.

Kurenai walked calmly towards the hut stopping at the entrance for a few second, contemplating what to say to the mysterious force user, the first thing that came to mind was 'who are you running from', or 'why is your mind full of anxiousness'. 'no to to much, ill just ask why they are here, best not to be to persistent'. Brushing the flap to the side Kurenai was greeted to the site of a young 'in her mind' woman in a meditative stance.

She wore the robes of a Jedi from what she could gather, beautiful long brown hair with a staff resting with her, they did not look like anyone that would be from this world, or its surrounding systems, this was a puzzling development. Kurenai approached slowly before sitting down in traditional Seiza style. "you are a Jedi are you not, tell me, why is one of your kind on a plant such as this"? She tried to use a kind tone, but came off stoic like usual, though her intentions were sincere.

[member="Shika Skirata"] / [member="RC-0883"]


Bunker stepped into the small junkyard that he temporarily considered his Base of Operations. Instinctually he deployed his remote holocam to scan the area. His hopes of a few hours of rest dampened as his HUD flashed, indicating two heat signatures coming from the small hut. Bunker darted to the right and climbed up a large pile of scrap. He replaced the grenade launcher attachment for his DC-17 with a Sniper Rifle mod and flicked his blaster to rifle settings. He was too tired to chance a Close Quarters Combat situation and any of his Ordinance would destroy his chance of rest. So he attempted a slightly more diplomatic approach. Setting the holocam just oustide one of the windows, Bunker was suprised to see the same Force User from before and a young human female in some kind of nobility garb.

"Explain your intrusion immediately jetiise! Before I decide to test the reflexes of the famous Jedi." the chrome sphere projected his anger quite well. RC-0883 settled his scope on the head of the nearest target, the Force User clad in black, fighting the urge to just take the shot and end this confrontation. The exhaustion of the day's work caught up with him he offered another attempt to avoid a fight. His finger never leaving the trigger.

"There is nothing of value here except a bunk and a shower. Please state your intentions or quietly remove yourself from the area," the holocam projected a much more civil voice this time.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
[member="Shika Skirata"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
High above the planet, a ship arrived out of Hyperspace, it was a functioning Venator-Class Star Destroyer named the Unbroken, the ship moved into orbit above the planet, having picked up power signals coming from another Venator down on the surface. On board, a figure in ARC Trooper armor gathered up his gear as he prepared to head down to the hangar, from there he would take a gunship down to the planet's surface. The ship itself could easily be seen in the sky if one were to look up. He climbed into the gunship and took off, the gunship left the hangar and made its way down to the surface. The gunship locked onto a commando signal, it made its way to a nearby junkyard, the familiar yet long since heard sound of an LAAT/i gunship filled the air as it landed.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
[member="Shika Skirata"]
[member="Dav Sett"]

Shika Skirata

The Chrome Hollow cam zipped away in response to the distinctive sound of the larty. At first she thought the man may have been fleeing from the intimidating ship. The other Force user was out the flap that impersonated a door before her. She entered into the strange scene the clearly exhausted Commando was standing at attention as the landing platform lower. She felt a young confident presence reach out to her before she saw another Warrior clad in Republic ARC style armor step out. It was time she set things on track.

" My name is Shika Skirata, I apologize for our intrusion. I was seeking refuge on my journey to find an ancient peacekeeping order. This woman sought me out in a time of distress. I was exiled for my pacifistic principles. I assure you that we mean you no harm."

[member="Commander Firestorm"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
Before the woman could respond they two were interrupted by the same clone commando from before, really pissed of at the two presence, she guessed the man did not like Dark Jedi after all. Kurenai waited for the woman to respond, a bit eager to here her story as well, even if the method of acquiring it felt force, as suspected the woman was on the run from someone and also an exile, but receiving a punishment for being a pacifist seemed a bit strange, was she from a warrior cutler of some sort?

"If you want to spar with me clone you just had to ask, I need the practice, or is this about your petty clone wars, I may have been alive at the time but I was a republic citizen", Unknown to the two she harbored some hate towards the Jango Fett clone, she knew about the inhibitor chip but still could not shake the thoughts of order 36 from her mind. "As for why i am here, your captain should have informed you, he allowing me to copy some information from your ship to add to my own archives".

[member="Shika Skirata"] / [member="Commander Firestorm"] / [member="RC-0883"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
The man jumped out of the cockpit, landing on his feet, strangely he seemed to resonate with a far stronger connection to the Force than a normal clone would. He had a datapad with him and seemed to be doing a log before he put the pad in the gunship and turned to look at the others around the area. He sighed, muttering loudly, "This is going to be a long day." Telling by his voice, he was clearly a clone, he then approached the others who had seemed to have gathered in the junkyard.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Shika Skirata"] [member="RC-0883"]


A plan is only as good as those who see it through
RC-1047 slowly extracted the info off the console, He hadn't been paying attention to the mass people gathering around today, Casper had started to dislike the mass of people gathering during his time's in Shock or EOD, People would gather around him and watch them intently, It was annoying, Casper also sneaked some other file's onto the data-pad for the Dark Jedi, She was fairly nice to converse with and a bit nice looking to him.

RC-1047 slowly shuffled out of the venator nearly tripping on some of the metal that could've scraped him, As he was walking around he saw a ARC trooper, He grimaced, He disliked ARC-Trooper's very much, Casper never liked them, they always were cocky and such thinking they could handle anything.

Casper walked up to the Dark Jedi presenting the Data-pad for her, "Here you are Ma'am! One Data-pad with some Venator class info, And don't worry it's authorized under my name if anyone asks, Also please don't worry about the other Commando, It's hard for us to trust anyone these days." RC-1047 said to the Dark Jedi as he handed her the Datapad.

"RC-0883, Keep a Eye on the Arc Trooper, He's a bit out of the ordinary for me, I feel like he's on a different path we're on or a different side." RC-1047 said into his comm's link. Casper continued to look at the Dark Jedi in the back of his vision, To be honest she was fairly cu-Wait what was he saying?

[member="Commander Firestorm"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
[member="Shika Skirata"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
The ARC trooper took off his helmet, looking around, placing it under his arm. He didn't have the usual cocky and 'I can take on anything' expression, but more of a serene, yet experienced one. He walked up to the group, "Hello there, I couldn't help but notice you all seem to be in a bit of a pinch down here." The thermal detonator on the back of his belt seemed slightly off, one end of it was open, like a lightsaber hilt.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
[member="Shika Skirata"]
The other commando didn't seem to respond, not before the captain approached an handed back the data pad, "Thank you for doing this, I know it will come in use", she gave a quick once over on the data, there was a decent amount, it would do for now. "I can understand your subordinates actions, having people randomly showing up on the one thing familiar to you and possible jeprodizing it can cause people to act irrationally".

She put the data pad into on of her pockets, and proceeded to look at the incoming ARC trooper, it seemed that this still intact Venator was drawing a lot of attention, but this ARC trooper was different, she could feel the force radiating around him, combined with the Light saber looking device on his belt she could gather he was a Jedi of some sorts. 'You right about him captain, he is not a regular clone trooper, he is a Jedi", when addressing the captain she saw him give a strange look, like he was examining her in some way.

She decided to ignore it for now, but such a look reminded her of when she first met her husband, "No Jedi, we are not in a pitch, we aside from your own type", she made a gesture to [member="Shika Skirata"] as she stood behind her. "I am here for reserch and personal inquiry".

/ [member="Commander Firestorm"] / [member="RC-1047"] / [member="RC-0883"] /

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
"Very well, and you need not worry about me being a problem, I have no interest in jeopardizing your operation here, though it is interesting you're collecting data on a Clone War era vessel. My name is Alex Firestorm or as most call me Commander Firestorm, my official clone designation is ARC-5257, I was just on a routine scouting mission when my ship's scanners picked up power signatures coming from the downed Venator here, so I decided to find out what was going on and I found all of you. I have no quarrel with any of you, either." He then looked over at the Jedi, "Did something happen to you?"

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