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Approved Starship KF-03 "Sowa" Stealth Recon Drone

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Restricted Missions:

Primary Source:


  • Manufacturer: Kiribian Systems Armory

  • Model: KF-03 Sowa

  • Affiliation: Closed Market

  • Production: Semi-Unique (One Squadron per writer.)

  • Material: Common materials, internal components.

  • Classification: Recon Drone

  • Length: 5m

  • Width: 25m

  • Height: 5m

  • Armament: Very Low

    2x Casper APS Module

Defenses: Moderate

  • Armor/Shielding

    Polymer/Graphene Frame and Hull

  • Standard Shielding

Ion/EMP resistance



Squadron Count: 4

Maneuverability Rating: Very High

Speed Rating: Very High

Hyperdrive Class: 0.5



Long Range Full Spectrum Comm Suite, including:

Memristor Neural Net/Droid Brain

O/S [SIZE=9pt]CRESH[/SIZE] (See Above)

Mithril Security Software (See Above)



  • Powerful Full Spectrum Comms/Sensors, even enabling it to track other [SIZE=9pt]stealthed[/SIZE] objects.

  • Advanced stealth features and low profile for detection, even by traditionally effective means of magnetic detection and Force detection.

  • A class 0.5 stealth hyperdrive.

  • No offensive capabilities.

  • Fragile frame that is highly vulnerable to attack once shields are down.

  • Use of active sensors, or certain comms increases chances of detection.

  • In space, chances of detection increase when passing through gas clouds or any field of particulates.

  • While featuring a stealth hyperdrive, the Sowa increases its chances of detection reverting too close to planets or other objects.

The KF-03 Sowa (“Owl”) is a stealthy ISR drone platform [SIZE=9pt]specially[/SIZE] designed for information gathering in denied areas. The Sowa was created in direct response to the rise of increasingly sophisticated monitoring systems to better track all objects moving through their space, making a new platform much harder to detect as it carries out its mission.


The drone has a radial design to maximize its movement within a 3D
[SIZE=9pt]space,[/SIZE] and to optimize the coverage of its advanced sensor suite to reduce blind spots. The frame and hull is almost completely comprised of non-metallic graphene and polymers to keep its electromagnetic signature to a minimum. At the core of the frame is a modified rescue pod that serves as the housing for a Ysalamiri and a nutrient pack and other amenities to ensure its survival during the extended missions the Sowa is expected to take. Of course, the Ysalamir can be preserved indefinitely by the stasis field generated by the rescue pod housing. The coverage provided by the Ysalamir’s Force nullification bubble is adequate to shield the entire frame from detection and manipulation (e.g. mecha-deru) by Force Users.


A compact but high output antimatter furnace powers the Sowa. The reactor operates under similar mechanics as the [SIZE=9pt]the Deimos[/SIZE] positron cannons for antimatter production, irritating wafers of gold with lasers in order to produce positrons which are then mixed with tritium pellets for a net positive reaction. Each Sowa comes standard with enough fuel to power it for several weeks at a time during normal operations (which includes regular hyperspace travel). Solar panels lining a ring of s-foils around the body provide supplementary power.

Its primary source of propulsion
[SIZE=9pt]is[/SIZE] an array of agrinium formed shawyer drivers evenly distributed within its frame. As these reactionless drives give off no contrails, there is no drive exhaust to be tracked. It has a second array of repulsorlifts that allows it hover or move within gravity wells.

The Sowa features a purpose built hyperdrive system optimized for stealthy operation. It begins with a specialized distortion projector optimized to baffle sensors that work on superluminal frequencies (e.g. Hyperwave Signal Interceptor, PA-94 Tachyon Sensor Array). The gravitic modulator included with the Sowa is customized to spoof the gravitonic anomalies that occur as realspace objects enter and exit hyperspace. Finally, there are emitters designed to artificially generate
[SIZE=9pt]cronau[/SIZE] waves, especially tuned to their associated hyperdrive to generate inverse waves radiation along the same planes of emission to greatly reduce the amplitude of the original waves in the process of wave interference. This results in a very weak signal harder to detect by sensors, especially at range.


The Sowa is jammed packed with a bevy of powerful sensors for its ISR mission which allows it to survey locations in high detail at a
[SIZE=9pt]maximum[/SIZE] range of 150 AU/~2.3 light years, about the size of the average star system. With its complement of long range signal interceptors, it can monitor comms outwards of 100 light years, allowing it to cover traffic over about a sector-wide area.
Matching its long sensor package is an equally powerful comm system that can reach out to its handlers at all ranges with little threat of detection. Its primary method of communication would be its [SIZE=9pt]biocomm[/SIZE] system, practically immune to eavesdropping/signal interception thanks to the inherent properties of quantum entanglement. As a backup, it also features a more conventional full spectrum comm suite, which is able to transmit data in tight bursts over subspace, realspace, sub-hyperspace, and hyperspace frequencies. Onboard encryption is provided by its own dedicated Mithril Key.

The whole craft is operated and maintained by a powerful droid brain built from a memristor-based neural network. While meant to monitored by handlers, the Sowa can operate fine in autonomous mode carrying out its ISR mission.


About the only [SIZE=9pt]thing t[/SIZE]he Sowa has that could be considered a weapon is a pair of Casper APS modules, which helps it destroy/deflect/disable incoming projectiles in the event it is detected and engaged.


As the Sowa possesses no real arms, it relies on its stealth features and electronic suite to protect itself from detection and targeting. Optical shields, reflect coating, ion-scramblers, etc. Perhaps the most interesting feature is its magnetic wave generator, which creates inverse magnetic waves to counteract its already small magnetic signature even more in a process similar to the operation of its [SIZE=9pt]cronau[/SIZE] emitter.

As a last resort, it can overload its reactor for self-destruction, which will completely vaporize the craft with an outward burst of positrons from the core.

Travis Caalgen

Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.
Production: (The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (Only A Handful of Characters), Limited (Only A Select Group Of NPCs/PCs), Minor (Any Character, Only Select Groups Of NPCs), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.))

Semi-unique typically means a ship is PC piloted. This is a drone so how is the limited production represented for balance? Just a squadron per PC ship or something to that effect?

What function does the Field Disruptor have?

It's meant to be one squadron per writer in any thread. I've added that detail for clarification.

The field disruptor helps it pass through shielding. I've added a strength and weakness for to account for this function.
[member="Arisa Yune"]

So at the end it can become a large homing torpedo, pass through the enemy's shields and detonate its reactor?

This simply has too many advanced systems for such a tiny drone. Either this needs to be a much larger vessel or they need stripping back significantly. We're talking half of the following:

My suggestion would be to have separate drones focused on stealth with basic passive sensors, drones focused on detection (potentially a larger object with big sensors), drones focused on interfering with enemy communications (again, likely larger to have the powerhouse to overwhelm the sensors of enemy ships).

This feels like a catch-all for everything and a bucket for special systems from chaos, SW canon and real life.

  1. Class 0.5 Military Grade Hyperdrive
  2. Cronau Emitter
  3. Crystal Grav Trap
  4. Deionizers
  5. ECHO Copycat: Sprite
  6. Electro-Optic Distributed Aperture System
  7. Energy Sinks
  8. Field Disruptor
  9. Gravitic Modulator
  10. High Resolution Magnetic Sensor
  11. Hydra Mesh Networking Program
  12. Hyperwave beacon scrambler
  13. Hyperwave Signal Interceptor
  14. Ion Scrambler
  15. Magnetic Wave Generator
  16. MC1002 Oracle-class Sensor Suite
  17. MC1003 Tetra-class Targeting Tracking System
  18. MC1004 OPAL-class Com Laser Projector
  19. MC1005 Dolfin-class Comm Array
  20. Modified Gravitic Modulator
  21. Modified Hyperwave/Sub-Hyperwave/Subwave Distortion Projector
  22. Modified Ysalamir Cage (Rescue Pod)
  23. Optical Shield
  24. PA-94 long range phased tachyon detection array
  25. Photonic Emitter
  26. Quantum Radar
  27. Reflec Coating
  28. Sensor Mask
  29. Shawyer Drives
  30. Signal Interceptor
  31. Spectral Diffuser
  32. Tractor Shrouds

Some planetary shield models are known to cause interference with some sensors and comms, so the idea here would be to have the ship slip under it for surveillance as needed. The reactor isn't powerful enough and the blast isn't focused enough to turn it into a bomb to deal any serious damage to a capital ship if that's what you're getting at. What I can do here is note that all systems shut down in advance of the reactor overload to prevent the drone being used in this manner.

My intent with the addition of ECM wasn't to try to jam a whole system, but the immediate area as a defense mechanism. I don't mind removing the jamming features as this thing is probably screwed if detected anyhow. So I'll strip out some features and make this thing a little larger. I'll probably reduce the hyperdrive speed too. I'll let you know when these edits are made.
[member="Raziel"] Alright, so I removed some features including the jammers (though I still have systems in place for reducing signatures as part of the stealth features) and the field disruptor. Increased the size of these things, so they're sitting at about the size of a gunship or light freighter, which also matches up with the size of more advanced space telescopes IRL like Hubble or James Webb, so I feel this is large enough to support the sensor suite I had written out. All this comes at the sacrifice of any real weaponry and defense.
[member="Arisa Yune"]

Of the above list, how many were removed?

Onboard decoders enable it to decrypt standard (canon) military encryption with little trouble, sometimes as quickly as a matter of minutes, but the decoders may have trouble decrypting more sophisticated schemes. (e.g. Mithril machine generated encryption.)
Please remove this statement. Especially as there is little to suggest that the proprietary system linked would be significantly more sophisticated than what any given military would use to protect its comms. This is a blank cheque to listen in to encrypted enemy communications without effort and it will not be approved.
[member="Raziel"] I removed about half the systems, mostly the ones that didn't really have anything to do with the stealth features or its role as an ISR platform. I detailed the big ones I removed in a previous response, while also increasing the size of the drone fivefold to light freighter size, or the size of a spy satellite IRL.
[member="Arisa Yune"]


Please note that we don't take longer going through lots of subsystems just to be difficult. If it was just a matter of taking more time for the judges it wouldn't be as important. However a submission is there for other members of the site to read and use so we try to ensure the capabilities of a submission are clear.

Just please review your submissions from the point of view of any other writer on the site and try to imagine coming at it cold. It should be easy for them to understand what a piece of technology or ship does in a relatively short amount of time without reviewing a heap of links to wookiepedia stubs and chaos submissions.
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