Armand Temi
Name: Khloe Sparrow
Faction: The Rebel Alliance
Species: Lorrdian
Rank: Agent/Soldier
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long and brown.
Skin: Pale to tan depending on her time in the sun
Force Sensitive: Yes
Expert on a swoop bike
Can communicate kinetically with other Lorrdians. Can also interpret body language to determine emotional state or intentions.
Athletic from years of racing but her sporting injuries bother her from time to time
Reckless. Khloe has a need for speed
Competitive. She will try to win the race at all costs.
Self medicating - she likes spice, pain-killers especially. She is not proud of this addiction and tries to hide it. But if Khloe disappears for awhile it's usually on a spice run.
Biography: Born to a poor family of fishermen on Lamaredd, Khloe Sparrow spent her early years practically fused to her beat-up swoop bike and working for her father taking shipments of seafood to various markets in Bartyn's Landing. During a trip to the Center Sphere District, Khloe was spotted by a swoop bike racing agent who thought she had potential. With the blessing of her family, sixteen-year-old Khloe trained and eventually became a Swoop Bike Champion, competing in all of the galaxy's most prestigious arenas. Khloe had a good run until she turned twenty and was in a crippling racing accident which broke every bone in her body, requiring years of physical therapy and leaving her unable to compete again. With her career over, she trained in various weapons (blasters, rifles, knives) and went to join a military organization to fight darkside forces around the galaxy. But with her past accident, she was deemed unfit for duty by the Galactic Republic Army. She ended up aimlessly hanging around with an anarchist group on Ryloth and they recommended she join up with The Rebel Alliance where she they would begin to use her help in training their unit of anarchists and being a jack-of-all-trades in the group.
While Khloe has savings from her time as a champion racer in order to keep the credits rolling in, she works as is a junior agent/assistant to Eugene Leopold of Wookieeleaks. She is also employeed by Spynet on a per-contract basis.
Swoop Bike: Mobquet Overracer
R.E.D.S (grappling hook launcher)
Splinter Knives
Splinter Pistol
Q Laser Microphone
Operation Grey Dawn
Dobriy Vecher