Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Artist Khonsu's House of Horrors - Avatars, Signatures, Biography Artwork, Flair and Rank Bars.

Figured it was about time for me to post up a thread where I can collect my artwork and showcase it in a more public fashion, and possibly take the occasional request every now and then - in the hopes of earning more experience and learning new things.

Anyways, please feel free to peruse my works, and any comments or constructive criticism are welcome!


[ Imgur Flair Gallery ]


Old Character Avatars.




Thread and Objective Headers.
Third Header PSD thanks to Ra Vizsla Ra Vizsla

[ Thyrsian Independence ]
Blog / News Article Templates - Thanks to the beautiful mind of Romi Jade Romi Jade


Symbol and Biography Artwork.

As a stipulation, I would humbly request that my artwork isn't taken and used without permission, or the proper credit - as artists need love and recognition.
If you ask, I'll most likely say Yes, or make you something down the road.
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  • Intent: Adding Flavour to recent Judicial narratives for Coruscant.
  • Compensation:
    • Large Sum of Credits; Incremental Increases with Additional Turn-in's.
    • Factory-approved Arms, Armour, and Gear produced by REC.
  • Cause(s):
    • Cleaning up the Crime in the Coruscant system.
  • Target Involvement:
    • Blanket Bounty on Coruscant System-based NPC's.
  • Name of Bounty:
  • Name of Contractor:
  • Exclusivity:
    • Non-Exclusive; Open and Continuous.
      • Bounty Hunter's require a Valid Alliance Peacekeeping Certificate to receive Payment and Reward(s.)
  • Reward Tier: Tier Five.
    • Sith Cultists and Cults:
      • 250 ''7 per Sith Cultist Head.
      • 175 ''7 per Credible Information or Evidence that leads to the Purge of a Sith Cult or Coven.
      • 2,750 ''7 per Purged Sith Cult or Coven.
    • Sithspawn:
      • 300 ''7 per Sithspawn Head.
      • 250 ''7 per Credible Information or Evidence that leads to the Purge of a Sith Laboratory or Spawning Pool, Etc.
      • 5,250 ''7 per Purged Sith Laboratory or Spawning Pool, Etc.
    • Order of the Sith:
      • 1,250 ''7 per Sith Acolyte Head.
      • 2,575 ''7 per Sith Warrior Head.
      • 6,150 ''7 per Sith Lord Head.
      • +1,250 ''7 per Sith Alchemist Profession.
      • +1,250 ''7 per Sith Sorcerer Profession.
  • Condition:
    • Sith Cultists:
      • Alive; if possible, as their Capture may lead to additional Arrests down the road.
      • Dead; For a Reduced Fee.
    • Sithspawn:
      • Dead; Kill on Sight. These Creatures and Beings will not be Captured, nor hesitate to Kill others.
    • Order of the Sith:
      • Dead; Kill on Sight. These Creatures and Beings will not be Captured, nor hesitate to Kill others.
  • Additional Info:
Ever since the One Sith and their Empire was ousted from Coruscant, their presence still lingers within the depths of the Underworld. Although the presiding powers that be, who once laid claim to Coruscant have come and gone, it’s newest occupants have redoubled their efforts in cleansing their Capital of Sith Corruption. However, the task at hand has proven to be too much for the Military Might of the reconstituted Galactic Alliance, alongside the overwhelmed Coruscant Security Force. There are over a Trillion Sentient Beings that dwell within the Five Thousand Levels that constitute the entire planet’s surface. Thus, the Galactic City Authority has issued a Bounty in the hopes of drawing Souls ensnared by Vengeance or Greed in the hopes of purging the Underworld of the Sith’s corruption. Naturally, there are stipulations applied with this Bounty, as the Planetary Administrators do not want its Citizens murdering one another in the Streets, without just cause or an appropriate license. As such, the Bounty is restricted to those individuals who carry an active APKC (Read: Alliance Peace-Keeping Certificate) and are willing to accept the consequences should their Hunt(s) lead to the termination of Innocent Bystanders.​
Justice shall be served by Blade and Blaster. Hunt well.​

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I discovered a bit of fancy coding, and as they're presently not permitted - I wanted to save it here so that I wouldn't forget.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et ante a tellus condimentum mattis. Ut leo tortor, pulvinar et ornare sed, eleifend eget purus. Nunc vulputate, justo sodales maximus finibus, enim eros gravida ligula, sed venenatis risus justo sed quam. Donec congue vulputate accumsan. Suspendisse at facilisis sem. Integer sapien sapien, suscipit eu rutrum blandit, tristique sed justo. Vivamus consectetur, tortor at suscipit pharetra, diam risus ultrices urna, ut rhoncus odio tellus non turpis. Proin quam erat, accumsan non hendrerit eget, aliquet ut mauris. Mauris at erat magna. Nunc ac odio aliquet, aliquet turpis ac, dignissim sapien. Sed sollicitudin cursus dignissim. Phasellus mollis maximus tellus, at sodales neque vehicula efficitur.

Ut rutrum odio at fringilla eleifend. Integer augue orci, ullamcorper posuere vulputate posuere, posuere auctor justo. Donec ac tellus tincidunt, facilisis ante ut, vestibulum purus. Nullam viverra neque lorem. Mauris tortor diam, fermentum eu rhoncus vel, tincidunt id dui. Vestibulum id bibendum nibh, nec lacinia orci. In eu massa a nunc posuere blandit a et sapien.​

Duis molestie dui a massa mattis, ac lacinia justo malesuada. Curabitur egestas libero eu sapien facilisis pulvinar. Sed porttitor quam ac lobortis finibus. Fusce luctus consectetur massa quis tincidunt. Etiam at accumsan augue. Fusce et vulputate massa, quis commodo felis. Ut malesuada convallis tellus et dapibus. Aliquam varius enim at ex pretium consectetur. Vestibulum accumsan urna sit amet ipsum ullamcorper varius. Vestibulum eu ligula bibendum sapien iaculis sollicitudin.​

Nulla quis dui quam. Sed ligula magna, pharetra sit amet consectetur in, congue pulvinar orci. Nunc nibh sapien, lobortis vel odio quis, pellentesque aliquet nibh. Pellentesque eget dolor a orci placerat venenatis eu eget mi. Donec ornare mauris in eros laoreet, at tempor lacus feugiat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis consequat pulvinar justo, a efficitur lacus sagittis eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nunc aliquam lorem sed porttitor laoreet. Phasellus facilisis pharetra nisi, et porta ligula vehicula ullamcorper. In sollicitudin, sapien tempor lobortis convallis, diam mauris laoreet ante, molestie hendrerit nisi tellus a nisl. Aenean mollis justo urna, quis imperdiet risus feugiat eu. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris lobortis diam nec turpis facilisis ultrices. Sed dapibus eu erat imperdiet viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.​

Vivamus quis convallis urna. Fusce maximus tincidunt varius. Aliquam suscipit vehicula nisi eu sodales. Aliquam non metus sodales, iaculis elit posuere, varius sapien. Aenean nulla elit, lacinia sit amet ex eu, posuere consectetur urna. Nam et metus tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris efficitur ornare felis eget aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo lorem vitae auctor accumsan. Vivamus non neque odio. Maecenas non lectus turpis. Mauris scelerisque id nunc a congue. Suspendisse non congue orci. Suspendisse congue, nulla condimentum mattis interdum, orci enim commodo metus, ut consequat erat massa vitae libero.​

[FLOAT=right][ENCADRE title="= Officers of the Coruscant Guard =" title_align="center" width="435px"]
[div=z-index: 1;][TABS=3200][SLIDE_HEADER][B][FONT=Courier New]| FRONT |[/FONT][/B][/SLIDE_HEADER]
Saving my databank blog coding for future use. Nothing to see here, handwaves


:// Galactic Archives - Cultural Database //:
-> Mandalorian Culture:
-> Mandalorian Sports:
-> Hettyc'rugam - One Entry.

When you think of Mandalorian culture, there is little credence given to any aspect of their society that isn’t involved with violence. While Mandalorians are a highly martial culture, one that idolizes the strength of one’s mind and body, there was more that existed beneath the surface. Like many other societies that populate our galaxy, the Mandalorians created a form of recreation that showcases their culture in the grandest of ways. This sport was called Hettyc’rugam in their tongue, which roughly translates into “Burning Ball.”

The concepts behind the Mandalorian game were incredibly basic, especially by galactic standards. Hettyc’rugam involved two teams, whose members numbered from two to five. Their task was to shoot a beskar ball, shrouded in a portable ray shield, through a pair of respective goalposts. The game’s peculiar name comes from the visual spectacle that occurs when the ray-shielded beskar ball rolls across the playing field. It should also be noted that games of Hettyc’rugam are often the causes for small brush-fires. Especially if the players are too concerned with the game itself rather than their surroundings.

The playing field, too, is elementary by conventional standards, as it’s a game that could be played virtually anywhere. Most commonly, however, games of Hettyc’rugam were often played on a large rectangular tract of land. Which was either rife with grass to enhance the danger and be faithful to the game’s namesake or sites of recent victories. The goalposts themselves were also of a similar, rectangular design. Little is known of the reasoning behind the choice, but throughout history, there have been comments about the playing field’s pleasing aesthetic and symmetry.

Players may utilize two types of weaponry when playing games of Hettyc’rugam. Yes, as one can imagine, it’s not a true Mandalorian sport without some form of violence woven in. Those two types of weaponry revolved around blasters or slugthrowers, each contributing to a stylistic approach to playing the game. Blasters were used to cause the ray-shielded ball to bounce erratically on the playing field, making it difficult for the opposition and your fellow teammates to target the ball. Slugthrowers offered a more direct approach, as they bypassed the ray shield and struck the ball directly.

While the impact emitted a pleasant enough sound, the slugthrowers’ use was intended to offer a form of precision to the game. Directly contrasting the usage and effects of blaster weaponry on the shielded ball.

Although the rules were simple, as they revolved around keeping the ball in play and the absence of penalties, there were times that a team was given a penalty shot against their opposition. These penalty shots consisted of a single choice. From there, two possible outcomes often resulted from a player being struck above the waist by one or more forms of weaponry being utilized in play. If and when that eventuality occurs, the affected player is given a sniper rifle - of their choice, blaster or slugthrower. The ball is then placed in the centre of the playing field.

The two possible outcomes range between the affected player either taking a shot at the ball in the hopes of scoring a goal. Or, the other option was to shoot the other player, who offended them. While the decisions between what transpired were often in the hands of the affected player, the latter outcome was uncommon compared to the first unless the offender repeatedly racked up penalties against the opposing team. Even though there were penalties and consequences that followed, Hettyc’rugam didn’t have any rules regarding any shots made to the groin.

Thus, games of Hettyc’rugam vary from one match to another. Where the playing field was as small as three metres, or as large as one could imagine. These adaptations were more than possible with the less-than-exacting standards put forth by the rules of the game. What’s more, it was also possible to play a game of Hettyc’rugam without a single player ever stepping foot in the playing field. These games were often considered as a more skill-based variant. Since they required the use of sniper rifles and keen eyesight to keep track of their ever-moving target.

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Massive props to Qell Auraeli Qell Auraeli for the amazing Div coding, and Orson Jade Orson Jade for letting me steal this.
Many thanks to
Miit'alor on Tumblr for giving us this lovely gem, and piece of headcanon that I wanted to translate onto Chaos.

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