Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Kilean Softly

Aela Cohn Aela Cohn

She bowed with that and smiled. "Alright, we'll get you measured and pick out the style." She said it and designing it would be one thing but didn't need to wear a full dress and kimono style all of the time. There was more casual style. Or something regal style for looking the part or she would go with a more standard design for it. She was bringing up a few displays of examples from her interface as the earpiece projected the holograms. "We'll get you something nice to wear, refuel your ship and who knows maybe you'll come back around here from tiem to time for business or you could check in with your favorite princess. Regal me with stories of Captain Cohn."
Junko Ike Junko Ike

To be asked back for mere stories was a new one. Aela did not go out of her way to make herself likable, so if someone took to her then they must have seen something in her oft grating ways that was redeemable or easy enough to pass off as just a simple Corellian trait. It was true about her people though, that they were often quite cocky or arrogant, and crippled by pride, so when she reported her success it was quite in line with how she or anyone else from CorSec would have done so. If her hostess liked the way she behaved, then so be it.

"I mean, if you want stories I have plenty. Depends on the kind you want though." she said, not really meek but feeling awkward that people were interested in her rather simple lifestyle. Ship's captain was not a glamourous life after all. Still, she did like talking about herself, so there was something to be said about that.
Aela Cohn Aela Cohn

"Hmmm." SHe made a point of tapping her chin for a moment. "Strangest place you have been. I know the galaxy has a lot of people and has been explored but there are always corners, places no one has been before. Backwater worlds that are secret paradises. Or places where there is the definitive food shack that can't be compared to within a hundred star systems." She said it while moving though and the palace doors opened into the larger hallways. White marble with aurodium trim detailing it. Droids working to polish the floors and walls as well as alcoves with statues and artworks. The stained windows depicting historical scenes from tales but also smaller ones that had been taken. "I always love hearing stories and sculpting for my garden.... but stories are good enough for now."
Junko Ike Junko Ike

"As far as strangest world I've been to personally, probably Dxun. Not safe at all. Wildlife there would rather eat you than look at you. Dangerous job with some kind of artifact that somebody on Coruscant wanted delivered. I picked it up there. Said it had something to do with the Force but I don't know anything about that." she said, following behind with her hands in her jacket pockets. That's where they stayed when she had nothing in them because she was very prone to fidgeting and just picking up things randomly because she had nothing in her hands. It was a strange quirk, but it was not crippling. There were just times when she would have picked up something on her ship, and realized after the fact that she had walked halfway across it with something the engineers in the engine bays probably needed.

"Nicest place I've ever been though, that's a toss up between Zeltros and Ithor. Zeltros, well, that one is obvious as to why it would be a great place to visit. Ithor though, that place was something special for sure. The Ithorians really take care of their world. So much of it is still pristine nature. It really makes you feel what you're missing on places like Coruscant when you go to those green worlds like that."Aela continued, looking all over the place. This might have been the nicest building she had ever set foot in. In her distraction she walked into a droid and stumbled back a bit. Reaching out she grabbed the droid so she didn't fall and so that the droid itself did not also take a tumble. She apologized meekly, and paid more attention following behind the hostess though, after that small gaffe.
Aela Cohn Aela Cohn

Listening she offered a nod of her head. Dxun was a place she had been only once and it wasn't exactly a vacation spot... though the jungles did have a feeling to them... you could get lost and she knew that there were mandalorians on the world from time to time which added to it. A smile at the mention of zeltros as well that was always a party and Ithorr surprised her but she offered a bow. "Thank you captain." Leading the way through into one of the rooms, covered in dozens of pieces of clothing on models who were being measured. Several in similar sizes to Junko so she didn't have to be there the entire time while her handmaidens were looking over the different materials. Junko looked at the designers who were there and offered a bow as she went through. Kimono's and dresses as well as pants, shorts and shirts. Cases of gemstones being cut and polished to adorn the various outfits. Junko stopping as she smiled. "Oyumi." She said it with a smile as the woman beamed at the attention and Junko moved. "Please please get the measurements for the captain here, she has earned something special." There were nods as Junko stood to the side. "Come captain just stand and let the scanners do their work." She said it offering a hand. "Nothing like the feeling of silks or leather."

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