Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kill the person above you.

Not bad! XD Just make sure the thing is heavy enogh to do damage, those plastic or light tin ones vont do!

Hm... lets go vith the classic... grabs her hair and smashs her head hard, 3 times at the edge of table

Crude but efektive :D
Lovely! Make sure you aim for back of head, the skull is thinest there. :D And try for all the blows to land on the same spot.

bashes her eye-socket in vith her elbow vith multiple strikes, driving the bone splinters in-to her brain at the temple, and killing her
Thats the thing vith fear Marina, its ones own vorst enemy. You beat your own fear, you can beat anithing. Same thing I tell the ppl I teach - vhen you fight, you look the other guy/girl in the EYES. Not the hands, not the body, not anivhere else. The eyes. They are a miror to the soul, and the goal is to break there soul first, before you break them. All the rest is training, konditioning, and muscle-memory. The moment they try to break eye-kontakt, start looking down or above or vhatever, thats half the job done alredy. Same thing if you break eye-kontakt first, thats there job half-done on you. I know the expirience from both sides of that.

Aniway, lets get back to the topic of this thread, killing :D No eye-kontakt huh, looking down at ur feet I asume - thx for making it easyer! *evil grin*

I grab the back of your head and push down as I drive my knee up-ward to your solar plexus, right under your breasts. The presure on your dijafragma increses exponentialy, after the first strike, because of the bent posture I hold you in. You lose air and just kolapse limp. Second strike ruptures it, sufokating you as your lungs fill vith blood
i kill you with severe gym OCD

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