Death by pew pew pew.
Dax Perl The Reaper of Won Shasot Character Bio Aug 29, 2016 #57 Eh better than other ways to go.. Fell into vat of acid
Z'Zharen Apprentice Character Bio Aug 29, 2016 #59 Run over and killed by Jar Jar Binks's big boomas....tell the audience what boomas are when you're revived
Run over and killed by Jar Jar Binks's big boomas....tell the audience what boomas are when you're revived
Atin Vendet Journeyman Protector Character Bio Aug 29, 2016 #60 Revived through disney reset. Death from a broken heart. [video][/video]
Revived through disney reset. Death from a broken heart. [video][/video]